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Tutorial Video - Step into Mina ZkApp Development

Created by: coldstar1993 Created time: June 2, 2024 1:51 PM Tags: Mina, zkApp

This tutorial will lead you step by step to go into Mina network and ZkApp Development. The video tutorials cover 4 series:

  1. Starter Series(入门系列): basic knowledge for new joiners to learn about Mina & zkApp

  2. Advanced Series(进阶系列): step deeper into zkApp development

  3. Practices Series(实践系列): share more good practices during zkApp development

  4. Framework Series(框架系列): share frameworks to accelerate zkApp development

《Starter Series》

<Video1> Learn about Zero Knowledge Proof

  1. start from "Ali and the Cave" story

  2. Color-Blind experiment

  3. Intro on general zk proof systems

    1. what’s arithmetic circuits
    2. zkSnark/zkStark/Halo/BulletProofs
    3. cooresponding blockchains, like
      1. Zcash/Ironfish/Loopring on Groth16_zksnark
      2. Mina/Aztec/zkSync/Anoma on Plonk_zksnark
      3. Aleo on Halo
      4. StarkNet/Polygon on STARK
      5. Grin on BulletProofs
  4. Intro on zkSNARK family members & their features

  5. Intro on Plonk

    1. recursion zkSnark
    2. general-purpose zkp
    3. simplified trusted setup
    4. small proof size

<Video2> What & Why & How of Mina chain

  1. Scalability&Privacy issue of current blockchain industry

  2. Why&How Mina solves these issue

    1. Data Compression: Recursive zkp & Succinct(22kb)
    2. Computation compression: offchain execution & onchain verification
    3. Ouroboros Samasika POS Consensus
    4. Programmable Privacy
  3. How to be ‘The Universal ZK Layer for Web3’

    1. zkApps Smart Contracts based on O1js
    2. What’s Httpz & #ProofOfEverything
    3. Future expectations - How to interoperate with other blockchains(eth/evm chains,etc.)
      1. With Aligned Layer

<Video3> First Look at Mina

  1. installation & usage of Auro wallet

  2. chain explorers & other community resources

  3. delegate MINA and receive staking rewards

  4. high-level intro on main components of Mina network

    1. daemon nodes & archive nodes & snark workers
    2. how these roles cooperate together
    3. lifecycle of a Payment

<Video4> Intro on Mina Ecology & Community

  1. intro on o1js DSL

    1. background of O1Labs & MF & Mina Protocol
    2. kimchi-pickles proof system from Plonk
    3. comparison to Circom+Snarkjs & Leo & Noir
    4. go into o1js repo structure
  2. resources & activities for community builders

    1. Wechat & discord & tw & tg
    2. O1lab-blog / MIPs / MF-blog
    3. Navigator Programs & zkIgnite Cohort & Core Grants

<Video5> Go deeper into o1js

  1. what’s arithmetic circuits

    1. common flows: compile -> witness calc -> proof-gen -> verify
    2. Prover Functions & Verification Keys
    3. Trusted Setup & why no need in o1js
  2. Basic Concepts

    1. Data types & Utils
      1. Primitive types & Custom data types**(Struct)**
      2. reason on why cannot use js data type within a circuit
      3. Poseidon.hash & Signature & Encryption & PrivateKey & PublicKey…
    2. Conditionals
      1. Provable
      2. !!! Traditional conditional statements VS conditional statements within Circuit
    3. Functions
    1. ZkProgram Overview

      1. talk about Recursion
      2. design a simple zkProgram
      3. What’s happenning under zkProgram.compile()

<Video5> First Look at zkApps

  1. comparison to Solidity-contract

    1. design two simple contracts with same functions in solidity & o1js and compare them
    2. !!! thinking pattern of Onchain-Exec-Pattern & Offchain-Exec-Pattern
    3. other differences like gas&fee, onchain storage, etc.
  2. how zkApp works

    1. prover & verifier
    2. private/public inputs & onchain states of a contract
    3. onchain states & offchain states
    4. ** !!! ** smart contract is the composition of zkProgram(pure ciruit) + precondition + onchain states
      • what are the underlying public-inputs and private-inputs?
      • how precondition works based on onchain states?
      • proofAuth at AccountUpdate is the result from zkProgram(pure ciruit)

<Video6> ZkApps Getting Started I

  1. Install or update the zkApp CLI
  2. Create a project
  3. Add testing code
  4. Add functionality

<Video7> ZkApps Getting Started II

  1. Create an Unit test

  2. What’s LocalBlockchain

    1. test accounts
    2. proofEnabled: true/false
  3. Test locally

<Video8> ZkApps Getting Started III

  1. What’s Lightnet

  2. Setup Lightnet

  3. Test with Lightnet

<Video9> ZkApps Getting Started IV

  1. DevNet & Faucet & MinaScan Explorer

  2. Test with a live network

<Video10> ZkApps Getting Started V

  1. Write a sample zkApp UI by Vite+Vue3

  2. Enabling COOP and COEP headers

  3. Connecting your zkApp with a user's wallet

<Video11> Write a Smart Contract by hand

  1. Intro on base class: SmartContract

  2. Regular account & zkApp account

  3. On-chain state & Reading state & Assertions & Debugging

  4. Public and private inputs

  5. design a simple sample contract

    1. What’s happenning under contrat.compile()
      1. What the @method decorator do
  6. deploy to Devnet & trigger a @method

    1. tx.prove()/sign()/send()/wait()

<Video12> Inspect a Transaction

  1. transaction strutures

    1. { feePayer, accountUpdates: [...], memo }
    2. MIP:
  2. AccoutUpdates & Account update tree structures

    1. structure:
      1. publicKey & tokenId
      2. states updates & balance changes
      3. preconditions & Auth
    2. Account update tree & Forest
    3. pre-order traversal
    4. Visualize the AccountUpdates
  3. What’s happenning under tx.prove/sign()

《Advanced Series》

<Video13> On-Chain Values

  1. onchain states

  2. Precondition - Network/Account

  3. Setting account fields

  4. Accessing accounts other than the zkApp's account

<Video14> Permissions

  1. Types of Permissions & Types of Authorization

  2. default-permissions

  3. upgradeability-of-smart-contracts

    1. why we need TransactionVersion
    2. example-impossible-to-upgrade
    3. example-upgradeable-with-a-proof
  4. design a sample contract

<Video15> Events

  1. intro about Archive Nodes & archive graph endpoint

  2. design event and try getEvents&fetchEvents

  3. design a sample contract

<Video16> Actions & Reducer

  1. What&Why of Action(SequencedEvent) and related #issue #pr example reference:

  2. Mechenism of 5 onchain ActionState

  3. this.reducer.reduce() & Actions.updateSequenceState()

  4. how Actions works for concurrent state updates (simple rollup)

  5. design actions and try getActions&fetchActions

  6. design a sample contract

  7. best practices to fetchActions

<Video17> Time-Locked Accounts

  1. vesting mechenism

  2. design a sample contract

<Video18> Custom Tokens

  1. ProofAuth & SignatureAuth

  2. Design a sample for ProofAuth

  3. Inspect into TokenContract source code & basic usage

<Video18.5> review and deploy Mina Fungile Token Standard

  1. repo:
  2. MIP:

<Video19> Off-Chain Storage

  1. talk about Merkle Tree family

    1. Basic features & membership witness & non-membership witness
    2. AppendOnly Merkle Tree & Sparse Merkle Tree & Updatable Merkle Tree
    3. Merkle Mountain Range
  2. inspect classes : MerkleTree&MerkleWitness, MerkleMap&MerkleMapWitness

  3. classes: OffchainState & OffchainStateCommitments…

  4. Intro about o1js-merkle & design usage samples

《Practices Series》

<Video20> Cached Proving Key

  1. talk about: #pr1187: caching prover and verifier keys in Node.js

  2. reduce circuit compiling time cost → improve performances

<Video21> Side-Loaded VK

  1. what’s Generic Recursive Proving Primitives

  2. talk about: #RFC-0002 & #pr1606

  3. Dynamic Proof to reduce circuit dependencies&memory resources cost → improve performances

<Video22> Gadgets

  1. bitwise-operations samples & usage

  2. foreign-fields samples & usage

<Video23> ECDSA & SHA-256

  1. ECDSA & Schnorr

  2. SHA256 & Poseidon

  3. how to verify Bitcoin block headers using zero-knowledge proofs with o1js

<Video24> Some good Practices for zkApp

  1. about fetchActions & fetchEvents

  2. about how to merge actions by hand within zkProgram rather than reducer

  3. about tx.send&wait

  4. about interoperate with auro wallet on UI

  5. about contract permissions design

  6. about token contract & token account usage

  7. about how to store more data onchain: packing&store

  8. about dynamic import o1js to improve ui loading

  9. about nodejs params config

  10. about debug circuits

  11. about inspect/analyse failed tx

  12. …TODO…

<Video25> Security issue during zkApp contracts

  1. normal design flaws

  2. …TODO…

<Video26> Setup Daemon node & Archive Nodes for your zkApps

  1. Redundancy & keep nodes stable

  2. Monitoring

  3. Archive Tooling

《Frameworks Series》

<Video27> Protocol development framework

  1. Application specific rollups & General-Purpose rollups

  2. Protocol Arch

    1. Runtime
    2. Protocol
    3. Sequencer
  3. …TODO…

<Video28> Zeko

  1. …TODO…

<Video29> Integrate DA Layer -- Celestia

  1. what's DA & Modular?
  2. working mechenism of Celestia
  3. DA issue of zkApp(Appchain)
  4. how your zkApp integrate with Celestia?

<Video30> Integrate With Aligned Layer


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