diff --git a/concepticondata/conceptlists.tsv b/concepticondata/conceptlists.tsv index b1b6a0a5..b0f01133 100644 --- a/concepticondata/conceptlists.tsv +++ b/concepticondata/conceptlists.tsv @@ -463,3 +463,4 @@ Rogic-2013-346 Rogić, Maja and Jerončić, Ana and Bošnjak, Marija and Sedlar, Liu-2011-435 Liu, Youyi and Meiling, Hao and Li, Ping and Shu, Hua 2011 435 naming test, basic English Chinese https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0016505.s001 Liu2011 This is a dataset with timed norms for 435 object pictures in Mandarin Chinese. These data include naming latency, name agreement, concept agreement, word length, and age of acquisition (AoA) based on children's naming and adult ratings, and several other adult ratings of concept familiarity, subjective word frequency, image agreement, image variability, and visual complexity. The picture stimuli were taken from multiple sources marked by numbers from 1 to 5: Cycowicz et al. (1997) - 1, Bonin et al. (2003) - 2, the PNT (Roach et al., 1996) - 3, Zhang & Yang (2003) -4, and other -5. Ramanujan-2019-158 Ramanujan, Keerthi and Weekes, Brendan S. 2019 158 naming test, basic English Hindi https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728918001177 Ramanujan2019 This is a dataset with Hindi norms for 158 object pictures from [Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980)](:bib:Snodgrass1980) with stimuli selected from the color version of the dataset by Rossion&Pourtois (2004). From the original 260, those items were excluded that were e.g. culturally unfamiliar or that were uncommon in the Hindi visual context. The remaining data was normed on nameability, naming latency, name agreement, image agreement, familiarity and visual complexity, average latency, age of acquisition, word length in syllables, phonemes and alpha syllables and lastly, word frequency. Dunabeitia-2022-500 Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni and Baciero, Ana and Antoniou, Kyriakos and Antoniou, Mark and Ataman, Esra and Baus, Cristina and Ben-Shachar, Michal and Çağlar, Ozan Can and Chromý, Jan and Comesaña, Montserrat and Filip, Maroš and Filipović Đurđević, Dušica and Gillon Dowens, Margaret and Hatzidaki, Anna and Januška, Jiří and Jusoh, Zuraini and Kanj, Rama and Kim, Say Young and Kırkıcı, Bilal and Leminen, Alina and Lohndal, Terje and Yap, Ngee Thai and Renvall, Hanna and Rothman, Jason and Royle, Phaedra and Santesteban, Mikel and Sevilla, Yamila and Slioussar, Natalia and Vaughan-Evans, Awel and Wodniecka, Zofia and Wulff, Stefanie and Pliatsikas, Christos 2022 500 naming test, basic English American English, Australian English, Basque, Western Flemish, British English, Catalan, Cypriot Greek, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Lebanese Arabic, Malay, Malaysian English, Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Quebec French, Rioplatense Spanish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Welsh, global https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Untitled_Item/19328939 Dunabeitia2022 This is a continuation of the [Dunabeitia et al. (2018)](:bib:Dunabeitia2018)dataset, now with 32 languages (American English, Australian English, Basque, Western Flemish, British English, Catalan, Cypriot Greek, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Lebanese Arabic, Malay, Malaysian English, Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Quebec French, Rioplatense Spanish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Welsh) in total and with familiarity ratings for 500 chosen picture stimuli of the original 750. The pictures were standardized for name agreement and visual complexity as well. +DellaRossa-2010-417 Della Rosa, Pasquale A. and Catricà, Eleonora and Vigliocco, Gabriella and Cappa, Stefano F. 2010 417 ratings English Italian https://doi.org/10.3758/BRM.42.4.1042 DellaRossa2010 This list of 417 Italian nouns was rated concerning mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness. Ratings were given by 250 Italian native speakers. 1042-1048 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv b/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19ee3526 --- /dev/null +++ b/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +ID NUMBER ITALIAN ENGLISH CONCEPTICON_ID CONCEPTICON_GLOSS ITALIAN_CONCRETENESS_MEAN ITALIAN_IMAGEABILITY_MEAN ITALIAN_FAMILIARITY_MEAN ITALIAN_AoA_MEAN ITALIAN_CONTEXT_AVAILABILITY_MEAN ITALIAN_ABSTRACTNESS_MEAN ITALIAN_MoA_MEAN +DellaRossa-2010-417-1 1 Abbandono abandonment 297 300 397 374 413 455 505 +DellaRossa-2010-417-2 2 Accelerazione acceleration 344 342 468 445 409 415 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-3 3 Accordo deal 262 300 468 388 368 459 547 +DellaRossa-2010-417-4 4 Affermazione affirmation 274 265 516 424 376 375 425 +DellaRossa-2010-417-5 5 Affetto affection 3834 LOVE (AFFECTION) 284 465 584 294 550 488 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-6 6 Agitazione perturbation 413 311 541 320 497 441 364 +DellaRossa-2010-417-7 7 Agonia agony 1783 PAIN 294 332 305 480 444 476 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-8 8 Amarezza bitterness 212 283 374 538 238 515 550 +DellaRossa-2010-417-9 9 Amicizia friendship 3954 FRIENDSHIP 323 412 635 252 595 424 344 +DellaRossa-2010-417-10 10 Amore love 923 LOVE 297 474 673 390 575 433 397 +DellaRossa-2010-417-11 11 Analfabetismo illiteracy 326 250 427 440 408 445 629 +DellaRossa-2010-417-12 12 Analogia analogy 206 327 418 539 313 517 620 +DellaRossa-2010-417-13 13 Annuncio announcement 477 443 432 431 491 285 472 +DellaRossa-2010-417-14 14 Ansia distress 323 360 618 494 465 471 475 +DellaRossa-2010-417-15 15 Approvazione approval 259 296 485 424 431 510 526 +DellaRossa-2010-417-16 16 Area area 2980 AREA 344 400 500 395 433 395 491 +DellaRossa-2010-417-17 17 Aspetto aspect 389 368 579 352 421 294 425 +DellaRossa-2010-417-18 18 Assoluzione absolution 194 226 267 500 425 557 629 +DellaRossa-2010-417-19 19 Avarizia greed 221 244 385 412 425 495 632 +DellaRossa-2010-417-20 20 Bellezza beauty 370 479 621 271 563 400 395 +DellaRossa-2010-417-21 21 Calma calmness 258 CALM 259 380 585 327 456 515 516 +DellaRossa-2010-417-22 22 Carico burden 1679 LOAD 468 435 444 396 460 282 406 +DellaRossa-2010-417-23 23 Carriera career 326 291 553 473 471 419 425 +DellaRossa-2010-417-24 24 Circostanza circumstance 273 228 412 479 331 485 642 +DellaRossa-2010-417-25 25 Civiltà civilization 319 226 400 438 321 494 578 +DellaRossa-2010-417-26 26 Colpa guilt 134 FAULT 248 287 574 319 448 508 510 +DellaRossa-2010-417-27 27 Competizione competition 282 324 494 418 494 440 547 +DellaRossa-2010-417-28 28 Concetto concept 3966 CONCEPT 168 224 509 426 315 635 544 +DellaRossa-2010-417-29 29 Conflitto conflict 304 348 416 444 432 424 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-30 30 Congettura guess 163 129 337 548 218 581 513 +DellaRossa-2010-417-31 31 Coscienza conscience 136 209 538 479 400 576 525 +DellaRossa-2010-417-32 32 Crescita growth 338 397 580 370 458 390 462 +DellaRossa-2010-417-33 33 Crimine crime 1066 CRIME 409 394 540 405 479 310 521 +DellaRossa-2010-417-34 34 Crisi crisis 285 257 463 469 368 491 541 +DellaRossa-2010-417-35 35 Critica criticism 227 297 544 457 445 518 506 +DellaRossa-2010-417-36 36 Cultura culture 265 230 584 419 432 491 577 +DellaRossa-2010-417-37 37 Curiosità curiosity 253 288 563 312 441 525 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-38 38 Debolezza weakness 300 380 530 350 374 475 430 +DellaRossa-2010-417-39 39 Definizione definition 241 271 512 396 360 535 525 +DellaRossa-2010-417-40 40 Denigrazione disparagement 267 216 295 563 276 512 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-41 41 Depressione depression 3877 DEPRESSION 338 284 555 500 476 459 560 +DellaRossa-2010-417-42 42 Derivazione derivation 168 150 347 536 235 609 569 +DellaRossa-2010-417-43 43 Descrizione description 307 287 556 372 352 400 570 +DellaRossa-2010-417-44 44 Destino fate 1688 FATE 188 196 476 465 350 635 663 +DellaRossa-2010-417-45 45 Difesa defence 285 283 489 381 365 488 528 +DellaRossa-2010-417-46 46 Differenza difference 290 393 594 288 426 517 410 +DellaRossa-2010-417-47 47 Dimenticanza oblivion 238 250 433 400 342 467 518 +DellaRossa-2010-417-48 48 Disaccordo disagreement 281 407 482 400 383 467 520 +DellaRossa-2010-417-49 49 Disagio unpleasantness 237 321 532 424 453 525 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-50 50 Discussione discussion 379 492 600 335 569 340 463 +DellaRossa-2010-417-51 51 Disonestà dishonesty 288 250 409 411 447 494 484 +DellaRossa-2010-417-52 52 Disperazione despair 311 428 505 389 501 459 427 +DellaRossa-2010-417-53 53 Disprezzo scorn 212 300 384 488 356 544 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-54 54 Distruzione destruction 400 513 485 363 517 379 440 +DellaRossa-2010-417-55 55 Dolore grief 1668 GRIEF 442 441 622 258 597 344 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-56 56 Dovere duty 3471 OBLIGATION (DUTY) 267 211 564 315 418 565 464 +DellaRossa-2010-417-57 57 Eccitazione excitement 3846 EXCITEMENT 338 300 518 385 471 459 429 +DellaRossa-2010-417-58 58 Educazione education 237 332 595 300 485 494 413 +DellaRossa-2010-417-59 59 Emergenza emergency 315 348 500 400 474 456 509 +DellaRossa-2010-417-60 60 Enigma enigma 291 285 441 471 390 562 519 +DellaRossa-2010-417-61 61 Entusiasmo enthusiasm 303 380 561 388 469 515 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-62 62 Errore blunder 359 338 597 250 495 400 313 +DellaRossa-2010-417-63 63 Esasperazione exasperation 223 304 395 494 303 574 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-64 64 Esitazione hesitation 218 282 380 430 342 495 565 +DellaRossa-2010-417-65 65 Esplorazione exploration 335 304 452 379 456 390 447 +DellaRossa-2010-417-66 66 Fallimento failure 344 263 455 420 400 450 520 +DellaRossa-2010-417-67 67 Fantasma ghost 1175 GHOST 285 596 400 235 538 310 416 +DellaRossa-2010-417-68 68 Fascino charm 1271 DELIGHT 246 430 495 475 476 535 550 +DellaRossa-2010-417-69 69 Felicità happiness 2941 HAPPINESS 236 415 629 275 510 524 331 +DellaRossa-2010-417-70 70 Fervore fervour 209 224 341 555 345 559 556 +DellaRossa-2010-417-71 71 Fiducia confidence 232 230 587 370 436 502 495 +DellaRossa-2010-417-72 72 Filosofia philosophy 179 206 547 521 318 519 438 +DellaRossa-2010-417-73 73 Follia madness 319 380 538 447 522 475 515 +DellaRossa-2010-417-74 74 Forza force 2526 POWER 416 388 563 258 471 413 400 +DellaRossa-2010-417-75 75 Fremito thrill 335 312 273 516 304 390 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-76 76 Frenesia frenzy 250 300 353 600 347 518 581 +DellaRossa-2010-417-77 77 Funzione function 273 274 414 420 341 465 592 +DellaRossa-2010-417-78 78 Furia fury 256 379 360 430 354 405 526 +DellaRossa-2010-417-79 79 Furto theft 455 456 518 333 575 282 444 +DellaRossa-2010-417-80 80 Futuro future 2427 FUTURE 200 235 611 375 297 629 563 +DellaRossa-2010-417-81 81 Gentilezza kindness 3468 KINDNESS 300 409 579 279 506 494 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-82 82 Gioia joy 2524 JOY 313 420 574 278 504 467 460 +DellaRossa-2010-417-83 83 Giudizio judgement 1067 JUDGMENT 250 279 533 415 358 567 559 +DellaRossa-2010-417-84 84 Giuramento oath 1712 OATH 309 344 393 400 417 400 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-85 85 Giustificazione justification 279 260 488 362 450 480 621 +DellaRossa-2010-417-86 86 Giustizia justice 245 306 568 388 470 535 400 +DellaRossa-2010-417-87 87 Ideale ideal 158 209 532 455 324 563 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-88 88 Illusione illusion 205 226 537 427 338 594 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-89 89 Immortalità immortality 132 200 387 430 325 630 650 +DellaRossa-2010-417-90 90 Impazienza impatience 306 287 479 400 448 500 515 +DellaRossa-2010-417-91 91 Importanza importance 256 205 586 310 312 559 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-92 92 Imprecazione curse 8 CURSE 447 385 407 465 379 262 494 +DellaRossa-2010-417-93 93 Impulso impulse 300 300 437 452 338 506 463 +DellaRossa-2010-417-94 94 Impunità impunity 190 213 276 550 243 558 610 +DellaRossa-2010-417-95 95 Incantesimo spell 284 300 447 245 385 506 563 +DellaRossa-2010-417-96 96 Incertezza uncertainty 229 292 436 415 450 470 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-97 97 Incongruenza incongruity/inconsistency 197 220 385 541 278 567 585 +DellaRossa-2010-417-98 98 Incredulità incredulity 211 303 426 430 406 563 425 +DellaRossa-2010-417-99 99 Indifferenza unconcern 294 242 468 445 418 506 524 +DellaRossa-2010-417-100 100 Indipendenza independence 235 288 593 475 438 529 553 +DellaRossa-2010-417-101 101 Indiscrezione indiscretion 188 191 395 556 303 562 616 +DellaRossa-2010-417-102 102 Indolenza indolence 226 300 274 583 245 542 615 +DellaRossa-2010-417-103 103 Inefficenza inefficiency 245 274 418 521 345 515 563 +DellaRossa-2010-417-104 104 Inesperienza inexperience 232 220 427 458 355 550 556 +DellaRossa-2010-417-105 105 Infallibilità infallibility 138 200 273 485 250 586 635 +DellaRossa-2010-417-106 106 Infanzia childhood 321 456 640 425 521 305 479 +DellaRossa-2010-417-107 107 Infelicità unhappiness 281 353 509 385 450 479 428 +DellaRossa-2010-417-108 108 Infinito infinity 139 293 485 453 296 629 630 +DellaRossa-2010-417-109 109 Informazione information 335 296 547 394 456 432 563 +DellaRossa-2010-417-110 110 Inganno deceit 13 DECEIT 263 238 494 358 382 500 450 +DellaRossa-2010-417-111 111 Inizio beginning 1557 BEGINNING 268 332 579 283 455 441 431 +DellaRossa-2010-417-112 112 Innocenza innocence 214 297 465 452 395 556 506 +DellaRossa-2010-417-113 113 Inquietudine uneasiness 218 306 406 533 375 562 456 +DellaRossa-2010-417-114 114 Insistenza insistence 313 287 497 372 352 433 490 +DellaRossa-2010-417-115 115 Insolenza insolence 204 222 289 567 218 548 603 +DellaRossa-2010-417-116 116 Instinto instinct 242 307 529 445 383 483 495 +DellaRossa-2010-417-117 117 Insufficienza insufficiency 265 230 416 363 388 526 503 +DellaRossa-2010-417-118 118 Intemperanza intemperance 179 191 253 550 215 569 525 +DellaRossa-2010-417-119 119 Invenzione invention 353 379 487 340 371 362 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-120 120 Invidia envy 40 ENVY 274 276 521 376 462 538 413 +DellaRossa-2010-417-121 121 Ira wrath 296 391 395 400 382 474 491 +DellaRossa-2010-417-122 122 Ironia irony 209 291 558 488 410 512 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-123 123 Irrequietezza unrest 290 340 494 453 404 471 535 +DellaRossa-2010-417-124 124 Irritazione irritation 296 370 437 431 441 503 478 +DellaRossa-2010-417-125 125 Lealtà loyalty 196 217 426 494 309 585 591 +DellaRossa-2010-417-126 126 Legge law 1062 LAW 327 368 579 412 494 425 595 +DellaRossa-2010-417-127 127 Libertà liberty 300 289 591 340 441 585 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-128 128 Logica logic 2429 LOGIC 220 195 536 435 362 559 580 +DellaRossa-2010-417-129 129 Maturità maturity 350 239 523 470 462 547 540 +DellaRossa-2010-417-130 130 Mediocrità mediocrity 195 212 356 525 315 562 588 +DellaRossa-2010-417-131 131 Merito merit 232 235 489 352 382 556 450 +DellaRossa-2010-417-132 132 Minaccia threat 368 353 491 371 430 482 381 +DellaRossa-2010-417-133 133 Mistero mystery 200 216 452 394 363 565 574 +DellaRossa-2010-417-134 134 Morale moral 181 267 526 494 274 542 645 +DellaRossa-2010-417-135 135 Motivo motive 223 235 559 370 350 547 456 +DellaRossa-2010-417-136 136 Noia boredom 274 403 632 327 553 494 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-137 137 Numero number 1356 NUMBER 459 620 652 226 575 375 332 +DellaRossa-2010-417-138 138 Odio detestation 224 326 480 370 383 470 521 +DellaRossa-2010-417-139 139 Onore honour 164 241 429 488 395 615 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-140 140 Originalità originality 288 268 523 415 368 568 548 +DellaRossa-2010-417-141 141 Orrore horror 305 356 491 400 475 450 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-142 142 Ottimismo optimism 244 258 559 460 385 529 463 +DellaRossa-2010-417-143 143 Ozio idleness 268 384 445 450 494 480 568 +DellaRossa-2010-417-144 144 Pace peace 1338 PEACE 221 308 567 303 469 465 537 +DellaRossa-2010-417-145 145 Panico panic 1000 ANXIETY 288 388 507 450 404 400 512 +DellaRossa-2010-417-146 146 Paradiso paradise 171 412 560 305 483 605 647 +DellaRossa-2010-417-147 147 Passione passion 312 452 547 525 576 474 481 +DellaRossa-2010-417-148 148 Paura scare 781 FEAR (FRIGHT) 338 379 550 190 515 447 308 +DellaRossa-2010-417-149 149 Pazienza patience 319 279 568 330 476 476 420 +DellaRossa-2010-417-150 150 Peccato pity 1141 PITY 188 268 440 390 358 490 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-151 151 Pericolo danger 1810 DANGER 323 361 511 231 506 394 397 +DellaRossa-2010-417-152 152 Piacere pleasure 3916 PLEASURE 342 412 605 309 491 469 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-153 153 Preferenza preference 300 274 473 325 321 506 492 +DellaRossa-2010-417-154 154 Preghiera prayer 375 379 495 270 550 418 268 +DellaRossa-2010-417-155 155 Preparazione preparation 284 267 559 366 400 483 515 +DellaRossa-2010-417-156 156 Pretesto pretence 212 187 363 544 200 565 628 +DellaRossa-2010-417-157 157 Principio principle 159 215 467 485 279 560 618 +DellaRossa-2010-417-158 158 Protesta protest 358 435 521 388 494 394 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-159 159 Protezione protection 287 373 521 316 409 425 465 +DellaRossa-2010-417-160 160 Punizione punishment 390 PUNISHMENT 436 394 524 235 540 368 269 +DellaRossa-2010-417-161 161 Ragione reason 2968 REASON 245 212 585 396 390 547 480 +DellaRossa-2010-417-162 162 Reazione reaction 291 309 509 422 425 421 431 +DellaRossa-2010-417-163 163 Reputazione reputation 215 213 411 569 282 594 619 +DellaRossa-2010-417-164 164 Resistenza resistance 291 306 474 443 430 482 469 +DellaRossa-2010-417-165 165 Responsabilità responsibility 3471 OBLIGATION (DUTY) 262 232 576 418 438 550 611 +DellaRossa-2010-417-166 166 Riduzione abatement 268 196 330 453 263 500 626 +DellaRossa-2010-417-167 167 Rimedio remedy 1372 MEDICINE 284 241 516 367 353 463 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-168 168 Risentimento resentment 219 227 394 494 296 496 515 +DellaRossa-2010-417-169 169 Risultato result 3969 RESULT 377 306 600 342 415 394 381 +DellaRossa-2010-417-170 170 Saggezza wisdom 185 224 500 475 392 510 591 +DellaRossa-2010-417-171 171 Salvezza salvation 255 400 474 413 400 471 595 +DellaRossa-2010-417-172 172 Schema scheme 405 447 579 379 426 319 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-173 173 Scherzo trick 424 432 653 270 500 305 321 +DellaRossa-2010-417-174 174 Scoperta discovery 294 335 473 350 363 452 482 +DellaRossa-2010-417-175 175 Scopo aim 242 307 588 397 400 496 535 +DellaRossa-2010-417-176 176 Seduzione seduction 273 374 453 606 497 521 578 +DellaRossa-2010-417-177 177 Sentimento sentiment 235 268 620 420 496 457 491 +DellaRossa-2010-417-178 178 Separazione separation 313 347 536 385 494 421 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-179 179 Sfida challenge 342 367 506 334 448 417 495 +DellaRossa-2010-417-180 180 Sforzo attempt 411 429 611 321 518 375 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-181 181 Sicurezza safety 221 329 580 389 450 470 532 +DellaRossa-2010-417-182 182 Silenzio silence 3458 SILENCE 414 462 612 192 480 362 280 +DellaRossa-2010-417-183 183 Simpatia symphaty/liking 285 378 568 250 456 538 419 +DellaRossa-2010-417-184 184 Soddisfazione satisfaction 253 312 540 416 454 440 515 +DellaRossa-2010-417-185 185 Sogno dream 2374 DREAM 313 428 627 235 544 506 328 +DellaRossa-2010-417-186 186 Sollievo relief 297 362 527 437 358 405 532 +DellaRossa-2010-417-187 187 Soluzione solution 344 332 568 330 403 453 480 +DellaRossa-2010-417-188 188 Sorpresa surprise 3848 SURPRISE (FEELING) 332 421 582 246 515 456 319 +DellaRossa-2010-417-189 189 Sospetto suspicion 3197 SUSPICION 224 304 424 435 419 535 563 +DellaRossa-2010-417-190 190 Stile style 258 326 511 500 359 506 581 +DellaRossa-2010-417-191 191 Stupore wonder 3851 AWE 339 440 515 366 422 496 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-192 192 Suggestione suggestion 153 168 395 482 282 563 513 +DellaRossa-2010-417-193 193 Talento talent 242 278 474 469 412 518 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-194 194 Tendenza tendency 169 184 455 530 294 591 604 +DellaRossa-2010-417-195 195 Terrore terror 297 408 421 326 488 455 463 +DellaRossa-2010-417-196 196 Tolleranza sufferance/tolerance 224 204 458 462 413 540 621 +DellaRossa-2010-417-197 197 Tormento torment 252 380 432 468 404 513 535 +DellaRossa-2010-417-198 198 Torto harm 2947 DAMAGE (INJURY) 235 244 433 388 419 535 574 +DellaRossa-2010-417-199 199 Tradimento betrayal 363 300 464 415 485 418 432 +DellaRossa-2010-417-200 200 Tranquillità ease 329 460 588 344 487 458 470 +DellaRossa-2010-417-201 201 Tristezza woe 2553 MISERY 241 380 618 238 544 450 400 +DellaRossa-2010-417-202 202 Umore mood 271 284 615 403 381 490 600 +DellaRossa-2010-417-203 203 Unanimità unanimity 241 308 306 512 369 545 632 +DellaRossa-2010-417-204 204 Vendetta revenge 274 307 471 431 404 450 525 +DellaRossa-2010-417-205 205 Vergogna shame 1776 SHAME 268 320 541 288 378 508 520 +DellaRossa-2010-417-206 206 Virtù virtue 231 189 355 470 300 562 632 +DellaRossa-2010-417-207 207 Vittoria victory 783 VICTORY 300 470 521 288 597 444 431 +DellaRossa-2010-417-208 208 Abitante inhabitant 600 468 558 300 494 244 388 +DellaRossa-2010-417-209 209 Aereo aeroplane 1597 AIRPLANE 686 665 626 192 650 112 313 +DellaRossa-2010-417-210 210 Alba dawn 729 DAWN 576 600 567 310 608 195 285 +DellaRossa-2010-417-211 211 Albicocca apricot 3730 APRICOT 695 668 668 179 640 100 213 +DellaRossa-2010-417-212 212 Alghe algae 669 657 422 269 641 121 225 +DellaRossa-2010-417-213 213 Alveare beehive 88 BEEHIVE 679 674 421 267 609 150 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-214 214 Animale animal 619 ANIMAL 606 620 626 172 617 175 165 +DellaRossa-2010-417-215 215 Arancia orange 2627 ORANGE (FRUIT) 673 700 637 156 676 103 128 +DellaRossa-2010-417-216 216 Argento silver 759 SILVER 656 563 518 305 541 174 268 +DellaRossa-2010-417-217 217 Arma weapon 951 WEAPONS 652 647 476 319 626 167 205 +DellaRossa-2010-417-218 218 Asino donkey 1862 DONKEY 665 691 521 188 635 118 216 +DellaRossa-2010-417-219 219 Asparago asparagus 2605 ASPARAGUS 694 700 526 378 635 138 180 +DellaRossa-2010-417-220 220 Atleta athlete 637 676 553 315 609 169 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-221 221 Automobile car 1111 CAR 685 696 679 181 694 112 147 +DellaRossa-2010-417-222 222 Autostrada highway 684 697 626 288 656 131 338 +DellaRossa-2010-417-223 223 Avvocato lawyer 626 647 559 447 600 158 425 +DellaRossa-2010-417-224 224 Bacio kiss 3454 KISS (NOUN) 621 628 685 171 644 170 221 +DellaRossa-2010-417-225 225 Banana banana 868 BANANA 700 697 695 158 662 113 250 +DellaRossa-2010-417-226 226 Banchiere banker 615 560 406 403 556 155 379 +DellaRossa-2010-417-227 227 Bandiera flag 2623 FLAG 685 672 558 238 644 110 158 +DellaRossa-2010-417-228 228 Barba beard 678 BEARD 685 684 576 191 631 110 189 +DellaRossa-2010-417-229 229 Bicchiere glass 669 696 695 150 694 106 128 +DellaRossa-2010-417-230 230 Bicicletta bicycle 747 BICYCLE 700 697 653 176 662 106 325 +DellaRossa-2010-417-231 231 Bistecca steak 689 697 684 197 671 113 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-232 232 Bottiglia bottle 1321 BOTTLE 697 700 700 185 654 105 138 +DellaRossa-2010-417-233 233 Braccio arm 1673 ARM 697 679 680 200 646 105 135 +DellaRossa-2010-417-234 234 Brezza breeze 3982 BREEZE 529 547 447 419 565 279 280 +DellaRossa-2010-417-235 235 Cacciatore hunter 1053 HUNTER 655 647 494 229 611 129 325 +DellaRossa-2010-417-236 236 Calzino sock 1522 SOCK 691 680 618 185 669 105 121 +DellaRossa-2010-417-237 237 Cammello camel 1871 CAMEL 695 676 537 224 626 131 488 +DellaRossa-2010-417-238 238 Campeggio camp 1105 CAMP 604 657 500 325 638 197 341 +DellaRossa-2010-417-239 239 Cane dog 2009 DOG 700 700 647 163 687 117 115 +DellaRossa-2010-417-240 240 Canoa canoe 1970 CANOE 679 688 440 335 600 114 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-241 241 Canzone song 1096 SONG 544 464 670 179 631 216 200 +DellaRossa-2010-417-242 242 Cappello hat 771 HAT 669 687 579 169 668 115 156 +DellaRossa-2010-417-243 243 Carciofo artichoke 3997 ARTICHOKE 691 676 579 282 656 105 142 +DellaRossa-2010-417-244 244 Carota carrot 3085 CARROT 700 671 668 179 650 100 194 +DellaRossa-2010-417-245 245 Casco helmet 1680 HELMET 688 680 591 288 644 110 226 +DellaRossa-2010-417-246 246 Cavallo horse 615 HORSE 679 692 585 182 675 100 163 +DellaRossa-2010-417-247 247 Caverna cavern 623 678 405 231 641 141 374 +DellaRossa-2010-417-248 248 Cellula cell 555 476 461 471 488 165 595 +DellaRossa-2010-417-249 249 Cemento cement 677 632 538 300 625 106 356 +DellaRossa-2010-417-250 250 Cenere ash 646 ASH 681 679 441 260 538 138 236 +DellaRossa-2010-417-251 251 Cera wax 674 588 500 282 547 144 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-252 252 Chiesa church 1349 CHURCH 636 650 638 225 655 150 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-253 253 Ciliegie cherry 2765 CHERRY 700 671 656 192 660 103 194 +DellaRossa-2010-417-254 254 Cipolla onion 2366 ONION 697 697 627 240 633 100 156 +DellaRossa-2010-417-255 255 Circo circus 616 660 453 228 626 179 205 +DellaRossa-2010-417-256 256 Collina hill 614 HILL 674 665 595 261 621 150 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-257 257 Coltello knife 1352 KNIFE 697 700 680 230 675 110 138 +DellaRossa-2010-417-258 258 Commerciante merchant 1082 MERCHANT 650 574 559 346 630 147 363 +DellaRossa-2010-417-259 259 Conchiglia shell 598 SHELL 697 694 527 240 642 100 144 +DellaRossa-2010-417-260 260 Conte earl 558 573 371 356 504 196 435 +DellaRossa-2010-417-261 261 Corallo coral 3179 CORAL ROCK 650 638 441 358 570 144 369 +DellaRossa-2010-417-262 262 Corona crown 1943 CROWN (OF HEAD) 668 647 488 242 585 153 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-263 263 Cravatta tie 3711 TIE (NOUN) 694 688 552 250 675 105 200 +DellaRossa-2010-417-264 264 Cristallo crystal 661 584 439 374 581 165 332 +DellaRossa-2010-417-265 265 Cucchiaio spoon 1378 SPOON 689 694 679 148 682 106 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-266 266 Cugino cousin 3822 MALE COUSIN 638 584 555 215 621 156 240 +DellaRossa-2010-417-267 267 Cuoco cook 2315 COOK (PERSON) 665 676 587 280 617 114 226 +DellaRossa-2010-417-268 268 Cuore heart 1223 HEART 625 668 623 230 626 212 356 +DellaRossa-2010-417-269 269 Denaro money 1559 MONEY 624 668 621 276 631 145 247 +DellaRossa-2010-417-270 270 Diamante diamond 3878 DIAMOND 650 637 505 340 612 126 356 +DellaRossa-2010-417-271 271 Divano couch 3099 SOFA 694 676 679 174 700 100 153 +DellaRossa-2010-417-272 272 Elefante elephant 1290 ELEPHANT 669 695 482 210 618 100 296 +DellaRossa-2010-417-273 273 Elicottero helicopter 2580 HELICOPTER 675 689 468 220 585 106 268 +DellaRossa-2010-417-274 274 Equipaggio crew 519 521 350 365 521 215 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-275 275 Erba grass 606 GRASS 695 691 663 167 656 113 313 +DellaRossa-2010-417-276 276 Esercito army 1561 ARMY 621 618 507 325 608 157 394 +DellaRossa-2010-417-277 277 Falce sickle 341 SICKLE 662 632 387 365 575 129 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-278 278 Famiglia family 194 FAMILY 541 629 682 192 680 212 206 +DellaRossa-2010-417-279 279 Ferita wound 1109 WOUND 625 642 500 230 618 171 168 +DellaRossa-2010-417-280 280 Ferro iron 621 IRON 661 633 573 278 587 154 175 +DellaRossa-2010-417-281 281 Fiamma flame 889 FLAME 652 687 541 266 652 175 135 +DellaRossa-2010-417-282 282 Flotta fleet 600 644 442 330 582 163 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-283 283 Folla crowd 2023 CROWD 581 674 558 319 647 221 297 +DellaRossa-2010-417-284 284 Fontana fountain 2144 SPRING OR WELL 685 676 561 209 613 105 147 +DellaRossa-2010-417-285 285 Forbici scissors 356 SHEARS 697 700 644 222 661 146 130 +DellaRossa-2010-417-286 286 Forchetta fork 1302 FORK 695 697 689 158 674 106 313 +DellaRossa-2010-417-287 287 Formaggio cheese 1569 CHEESE 677 700 637 150 682 112 144 +DellaRossa-2010-417-288 288 Foschia mist 249 FOG 556 548 436 406 506 220 342 +DellaRossa-2010-417-289 289 Fragola strawberry 3138 STRAWBERRY 700 700 659 170 632 100 136 +DellaRossa-2010-417-290 290 Fratello brother 1262 BROTHER 641 641 647 200 600 124 159 +DellaRossa-2010-417-291 291 Fumo smoke 778 SMOKE (EXHAUST) 613 647 586 245 618 182 252 +DellaRossa-2010-417-292 292 Fungo mushroom 641 MUSHROOM 700 658 527 205 606 109 208 +DellaRossa-2010-417-293 293 Gallina chicken 1318 CHICKEN 687 700 591 178 661 125 140 +DellaRossa-2010-417-294 294 Gallo cock 1511 ROOSTER 700 695 486 215 600 112 212 +DellaRossa-2010-417-295 295 Ghiaccio ice 617 ICE 679 679 580 225 608 119 171 +DellaRossa-2010-417-296 296 Giacca jacket 2770 JACKET 695 674 653 208 670 100 206 +DellaRossa-2010-417-297 297 Giardino garden 586 GARDEN 695 656 665 175 645 121 238 +DellaRossa-2010-417-298 298 Giraffa giraffe 3089 GIRAFFE 681 674 463 181 644 106 306 +DellaRossa-2010-417-299 299 Guerriero warrior 3608 WARRIOR 563 616 395 270 518 203 436 +DellaRossa-2010-417-300 300 Gufo owl 735 OWL 685 676 480 265 625 124 244 +DellaRossa-2010-417-301 301 Infermiera nurse 1104 NURSE 630 640 579 285 631 125 317 +DellaRossa-2010-417-302 302 Ingegnere engineer 621 544 530 456 556 137 400 +DellaRossa-2010-417-303 303 Insalata salad 685 687 684 200 676 109 147 +DellaRossa-2010-417-304 304 Insegnante teacher 1038 TEACHER 624 648 642 256 663 145 211 +DellaRossa-2010-417-305 305 Insetto insect 620 INSECT 684 671 621 203 647 119 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-306 306 Inverno winter 1471 WINTER 542 603 658 221 612 313 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-307 307 Investigatore detective 588 595 400 330 506 212 464 +DellaRossa-2010-417-309 309 Ladro thief 1160 THIEF 605 629 571 263 650 121 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-310 310 Lago lake 624 LAKE 676 679 553 240 633 119 215 +DellaRossa-2010-417-311 311 Lampada lamp 625 LAMP 700 700 665 197 674 117 145 +DellaRossa-2010-417-312 312 Latte milk 635 MILK 695 662 674 138 675 103 181 +DellaRossa-2010-417-313 313 Lavoratore worker 2977 WORKER 618 538 587 315 621 162 374 +DellaRossa-2010-417-314 314 Leone lion 1386 LION 681 687 553 178 648 133 155 +DellaRossa-2010-417-315 315 Letto bed 1663 BED 697 693 676 166 683 113 110 +DellaRossa-2010-417-316 316 Libreria bookcase 688 685 660 275 638 110 197 +DellaRossa-2010-417-317 317 Limone lemon 3091 LEMON 695 691 653 176 668 106 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-318 318 Madre mother 1216 MOTHER 668 688 700 136 685 156 275 +DellaRossa-2010-417-319 319 Maiale pig 1337 PIG 700 697 593 215 642 100 185 +DellaRossa-2010-417-320 320 Malattia disease 1986 DISEASE 497 487 618 219 609 263 270 +DellaRossa-2010-417-321 321 Marea tide 891 TIDE 535 561 416 413 579 221 419 +DellaRossa-2010-417-322 322 Martello hammer 1481 HAMMER 700 697 595 209 653 106 275 +DellaRossa-2010-417-323 323 Matita pencil 2578 PENCIL 694 684 679 194 694 100 121 +DellaRossa-2010-417-324 324 Matrimonio wedding 3182 MARRIAGE OR WEDDING 489 621 616 248 632 313 375 +DellaRossa-2010-417-325 325 Mela apple 1320 APPLE 694 676 670 156 694 100 121 +DellaRossa-2010-417-326 326 Melanzana eggplant 1146 AUBERGINE 700 695 545 275 600 100 208 +DellaRossa-2010-417-327 327 Mendicante beggar 1934 BEGGAR 637 629 405 333 574 163 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-328 328 Minerale mineral 627 538 447 396 505 174 388 +DellaRossa-2010-417-329 329 Mucca cow 1007 COW 691 662 618 163 680 100 206 +DellaRossa-2010-417-330 330 Muscolo muscle 1004 MUSCLE 623 635 616 344 588 156 319 +DellaRossa-2010-417-331 331 Musica music 642 MUSIC 473 459 676 188 630 291 200 +DellaRossa-2010-417-332 332 Naso nose 1221 NOSE 688 680 658 141 688 100 116 +DellaRossa-2010-417-333 333 Negozio shop 752 STORE 668 648 658 221 656 125 163 +DellaRossa-2010-417-334 334 Noce walnut 2042 WALNUT 694 668 591 235 638 105 147 +DellaRossa-2010-417-335 335 Nomade nomad 588 548 339 418 544 190 416 +DellaRossa-2010-417-336 336 Nonno grandfather 1383 GRANDFATHER 674 685 689 118 647 125 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-337 337 Notte night 1233 NIGHT 571 660 688 163 665 221 130 +DellaRossa-2010-417-338 338 Oca goose 1187 GOOSE 685 700 468 150 659 106 197 +DellaRossa-2010-417-339 339 Oceano ocean 645 OCEAN 594 642 555 295 594 165 396 +DellaRossa-2010-417-340 340 Ombrello umbrella 3105 UMBRELLA 677 700 647 175 688 103 128 +DellaRossa-2010-417-341 341 Orologio clock 1323 CLOCK 688 647 659 210 624 118 144 +DellaRossa-2010-417-342 342 Orso bear 1820 BEAR 659 700 487 225 642 110 265 +DellaRossa-2010-417-343 343 Ospedale hospital 616 HOSPITAL 658 693 656 241 696 167 270 +DellaRossa-2010-417-344 344 Ospite guest 1782 GUEST 550 497 594 322 580 221 338 +DellaRossa-2010-417-345 345 Palma palm 679 688 487 311 650 110 244 +DellaRossa-2010-417-346 346 Palude swamp 1145 SWAMP 645 613 332 341 578 175 310 +DellaRossa-2010-417-347 347 Pantaloni trousers 809 TROUSERS 658 696 684 144 682 115 125 +DellaRossa-2010-417-348 348 Pappagallo parrot 882 PARROT 686 668 541 196 620 100 244 +DellaRossa-2010-417-349 349 Passeggero passenger 625 574 536 305 594 185 372 +DellaRossa-2010-417-350 350 Pecora sheep 1331 SHEEP 695 694 595 173 626 113 413 +DellaRossa-2010-417-351 351 Pelle skin 763 SKIN 668 656 667 235 638 129 159 +DellaRossa-2010-417-352 352 Pennello brush 3094 PAINTBRUSH 691 665 547 229 635 106 256 +DellaRossa-2010-417-353 353 Peperone pepper 700 697 647 218 647 106 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-354 354 Pera pear 922 PEAR 694 684 627 153 694 100 132 +DellaRossa-2010-417-355 355 Perla pearl 3325 PEARL 687 680 497 331 613 129 225 +DellaRossa-2010-417-356 356 Persone people 789 PEOPLE 611 644 663 173 615 200 300 +DellaRossa-2010-417-357 357 Pescatore fisherman 1858 FISHERMAN 661 673 509 244 626 142 215 +DellaRossa-2010-417-358 358 Pianeta planet 563 663 482 300 547 241 444 +DellaRossa-2010-417-359 359 Pianta plant 653 PLANT (VEGETATION) 681 687 635 181 657 125 160 +DellaRossa-2010-417-360 360 Piccione pigeon 1853 DOVE 691 662 618 192 655 103 225 +DellaRossa-2010-417-361 361 Pistola gun 1566 GUN 671 694 543 265 613 114 279 +DellaRossa-2010-417-362 362 Poltrona armchair 669 687 605 213 676 106 138 +DellaRossa-2010-417-363 363 Polvere dust 2 DUST 668 615 626 254 575 174 269 +DellaRossa-2010-417-364 364 Pomodoro tomato 986 TOMATO 700 689 645 195 674 100 144 +DellaRossa-2010-417-365 365 Prete priest 852 PRIEST 700 647 632 233 660 138 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-366 366 Prigioniero prisoner 1072 PRISONER 563 589 400 280 576 197 464 +DellaRossa-2010-417-367 367 Primavera spring 1537 SPRINGTIME 475 526 577 230 532 315 296 +DellaRossa-2010-417-368 368 Principe prince 2554 PRINCE (RULER) 571 633 476 219 578 175 355 +DellaRossa-2010-417-369 369 Psicologo psychologist 591 541 687 515 679 233 552 +DellaRossa-2010-417-370 370 Quercia oak 644 OAK 674 644 485 291 644 110 189 +DellaRossa-2010-417-371 371 Regina queen 1306 QUEEN 603 653 509 200 600 167 350 +DellaRossa-2010-417-372 372 Romanzo novel 584 633 591 397 600 192 420 +DellaRossa-2010-417-373 373 Sabbia sand 671 SAND 682 647 588 167 650 118 200 +DellaRossa-2010-417-374 374 Sale salt 1274 SALT 673 670 674 188 674 109 188 +DellaRossa-2010-417-375 375 Sarto tailor 881 TAILOR 674 650 479 306 615 156 388 +DellaRossa-2010-417-376 376 Scarpa shoe 1381 SHOE 700 695 659 170 650 100 128 +DellaRossa-2010-417-377 377 Scatola box 1465 BOX 684 697 674 145 641 113 325 +DellaRossa-2010-417-378 378 Schiavo slave 812 SLAVE 596 613 395 356 524 244 478 +DellaRossa-2010-417-379 379 Scintilla spark 518 SPARK 600 597 453 278 515 194 381 +DellaRossa-2010-417-380 380 Scopa broom 245 BROOM 700 676 653 192 675 100 225 +DellaRossa-2010-417-381 381 Scrivania desk 700 697 680 280 667 110 168 +DellaRossa-2010-417-382 382 Scuola school 673 SCHOOL 597 680 685 219 670 196 235 +DellaRossa-2010-417-383 383 Sedia chair 1476 CHAIR 673 700 674 150 682 106 119 +DellaRossa-2010-417-384 384 Segretaria secretary 654 648 558 400 647 141 331 +DellaRossa-2010-417-385 385 Servo servant 255 SERVANT 550 542 350 310 479 215 500 +DellaRossa-2010-417-386 386 Soldato soldier 1941 SOLDIER 642 673 518 306 648 150 225 +DellaRossa-2010-417-387 387 Sole sun 1343 SUN 623 683 668 150 682 141 169 +DellaRossa-2010-417-388 388 Sorriso smile 1451 SMILE 600 685 637 152 644 206 338 +DellaRossa-2010-417-389 389 Specchio mirror 1171 MIRROR 650 678 616 194 662 115 156 +DellaRossa-2010-417-390 390 Stanza room 1450 ROOM 674 667 679 194 674 146 145 +DellaRossa-2010-417-391 391 Statua statue 1002 STATUE 691 685 540 290 579 105 241 +DellaRossa-2010-417-392 392 Stazione station 668 680 642 268 675 135 211 +DellaRossa-2010-417-393 393 Stella star 1430 STAR 619 667 600 184 657 196 180 +DellaRossa-2010-417-394 394 Stivale boot 585 BOOT 692 691 563 213 632 103 175 +DellaRossa-2010-417-395 395 Strega witch 824 WITCH 500 637 432 225 538 274 456 +DellaRossa-2010-417-396 396 Studente student 753 PUPIL (STUDENT) 658 643 684 300 682 179 281 +DellaRossa-2010-417-397 397 Sveglia alarm clock 682 688 680 290 654 105 174 +DellaRossa-2010-417-398 398 Tavolo table 1775 TABLE 697 697 700 195 667 105 150 +DellaRossa-2010-417-399 399 Telegrafo telegraph 614 556 321 438 455 153 531 +DellaRossa-2010-417-400 400 Temporale storm 858 STORM 621 644 664 191 625 140 158 +DellaRossa-2010-417-401 401 Teschio skull 1605 SKULL 581 684 364 300 503 153 372 +DellaRossa-2010-417-402 402 Tomba tomb 1773 GRAVE 631 674 389 300 682 129 306 +DellaRossa-2010-417-403 403 Topo mouse 1491 MOUSE 665 696 605 163 629 112 203 +DellaRossa-2010-417-404 404 Torre tower 1671 TOWER 656 674 423 245 579 129 228 +DellaRossa-2010-417-405 405 Torta cake 2408 CAKE 700 697 647 185 654 100 141 +DellaRossa-2010-417-406 406 Trapano drill 3423 DRILL 685 687 495 269 644 106 203 +DellaRossa-2010-417-407 407 Trattore tractor 685 672 482 209 669 105 216 +DellaRossa-2010-417-408 408 Turista tourist 621 671 632 294 650 181 288 +DellaRossa-2010-417-409 409 Uniforme uniform 637 609 432 330 576 181 388 +DellaRossa-2010-417-410 410 Università university 2435 UNIVERSITY 574 693 691 468 696 217 420 +DellaRossa-2010-417-411 411 Uova egg 744 EGG 700 700 660 215 675 105 135 +DellaRossa-2010-417-412 412 Uva grapes 920 GRAPE 700 671 645 179 630 118 213 +DellaRossa-2010-417-413 413 Vedova widow 1756 WIDOW 558 578 421 425 571 191 416 +DellaRossa-2010-417-414 414 Veleno poison 655 POISON 550 438 400 295 396 210 476 +DellaRossa-2010-417-415 415 Zebra zebra 3675 ZEBRA 664 674 509 221 640 106 238 +DellaRossa-2010-417-416 416 Zucca pumpkin 864 PUMPKIN 700 695 459 255 588 106 200 +DellaRossa-2010-417-417 417 Zucchero sugar 862 SUGAR 700 658 668 180 659 115 140 diff --git a/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv-metadata.json b/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv-metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b8aac63 --- /dev/null +++ b/concepticondata/conceptlists/DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv-metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +{ + "@context": [ + "http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw", + { + "@language": "en" + } + ], + "dialect": { + "encoding": "utf-8-sig", + "delimiter": "\t", + "skipBlankRows": true + }, + "tables": [ + { + "tableSchema": { + "columns": [ + { + "datatype": { + "base": "string", + "format": "[a-zA-Z]+\\-[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]+[a-z]?\\-[0-9]+[a-z]?$" + }, + "name": "ID" + }, + { + "datatype": { + "base": "string", + "format": "[0-9\\.]+([a-z\\\u2013]+)?$" + }, + "name": "NUMBER" + }, + { + "datatype": { + "base": "integer", + "minimum": "1" + }, + "name": "CONCEPTICON_ID" + }, + { + "datatype": "string", + "name": "CONCEPTICON_GLOSS" + }, + { + "datatype": "string", + "name": "ENGLISH" + }, + { + "datatype": "string", + "name": "ITALIAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_CONCRETENESS_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_IMAGEABILITY_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_FAMILIARITY_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_AoA_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_CONTEXT_AVAILABILITY_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_ABSTRACTNESS_MEAN" + }, + { + "datatype": "integer", + "name": "ITALIAN_MoA_MEAN" + } + ], + "primaryKey": [ + "ID" + ] + }, + "url": "DellaRossa-2010-417.tsv" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/concepticondata/references/references.bib b/concepticondata/references/references.bib index 74b346ac..f629a518 100644 --- a/concepticondata/references/references.bib +++ b/concepticondata/references/references.bib @@ -4848,3 +4848,13 @@ @Article{Gruehn2008 Year = {2008}, Doi = {10.3758/BRM.40.4.1088} } + +@Article{DellaRossa2010, + Title = {Beyond the abstract—concrete dichotomy: Mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness norms for a set of 417 Italian words}, + Author = {Della Rosa, Pasquale A. and Catrical{\`a}, Eleonora and Vigliocco, Gabriella and Cappa, Stefano F.}, + Journal = {Behavior research methods}, + Volume = {42}, + Pages = {1042--1048}, + Year = {2010}, + Doi = {https://doi.org/10.3758/BRM.42.4.1042} +} \ No newline at end of file