You can get a query builder to help you to creates sparql queries. To get one, you have to call it from to resource manager like this :
$qb = $container->get('rm')->getQueryBuilder();
You can also get a query builder preconfigured for a specific repository like this :
$qb = $container->get('rm')->getRepository('foaf:Person')->getQueryBuilder();
You can use this query builder to make select, construct, describe, ask, delete, insert and delete-insert queries.
You can use the query builder like the doctrine query builder. The difference is that some functions change.
Some examples :
use Conjecto\Nemrod\QueryBuilder;
$qb->construct('?uri a foaf:Person')
->addConstruct('?uri vcard:hasAddress ?o')
->where('?uri a foaf:Person')
->andWhere('?uri vcard:hasAddress ?o')
->bind("<uri>", '?uri');
->where('?uri a foaf:Person')
->andWhere('?uri rdf:type ?type')
->bind("<uri>", '?uri');
$qb->ask('?uri a foaf:Person')
->bind("<uri>", '?uri');
You can also use the repository to get resources.
When your query builder is ready, juste call
$result = $qb->getQuery()->execute();
You can use hydratators to hydrate results. You can hydrate the result as a array or a easyrdf collection.
To do this, specify the hydrate parameter like follow:
use Conjecto\Nemrod\QueryBuilder\Query;