diff --git a/ckanext/privatedatasets/fanstatic/privatedatasets_autocomplete.js b/ckanext/privatedatasets/fanstatic/privatedatasets_autocomplete.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62eb87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/privatedatasets/fanstatic/privatedatasets_autocomplete.js
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+/* An auto-complete module for select and input elements that can pull in
+ * a list of terms from an API endpoint (provided using data-module-source).
+ *
+ * source - A url pointing to an API autocomplete endpoint.
+ * interval - The interval between requests in milliseconds (default: 300).
+ * items - The max number of items to display (default: 10)
+ * tags - Boolean attribute if true will create a tag input.
+ * key - A string of the key you want to be the form value to end up on
+ * from the ajax returned results
+ * label - A string of the label you want to appear within the dropdown for
+ * returned results
+ * tokensep - A string that contains characters which will be interpreted
+ * as separators for tags when typed or pasted (default ",").
+ * Examples
+ *
+ * //
+ *
+ */
+this.ckan.module('privatedatasets_autocomplete', function (jQuery) {
+ return {
+ /* Options for the module */
+ options: {
+ tags: false,
+ key: false,
+ label: false,
+ items: 10,
+ source: null,
+ tokensep: ',',
+ interval: 300,
+ dropdownClass: '',
+ containerClass: ''
+ },
+ /* Sets up the module, binding methods, creating elements etc. Called
+ * internally by ckan.module.initialize();
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
+ initialize: function () {
+ jQuery.proxyAll(this, /_on/, /format/);
+ this.setupAutoComplete();
+ },
+ /* Sets up the auto complete plugin.
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
+ setupAutoComplete: function () {
+ var settings = {
+ width: 'resolve',
+ formatResult: this.formatResult,
+ formatNoMatches: this.formatNoMatches,
+ formatInputTooShort: this.formatInputTooShort,
+ dropdownCssClass: this.options.dropdownClass,
+ containerCssClass: this.options.containerClass,
+ tokenSeparators: this.options.tokensep.split('')
+ };
+ // Different keys are required depending on whether the select is
+ // tags or generic completion.
+ if (!this.el.is('select')) {
+ if (this.options.tags) {
+ settings.tags = this._onQuery;
+ } else {
+ settings.query = this._onQuery;
+ settings.createSearchChoice = this.formatTerm;
+ }
+ settings.initSelection = this.formatInitialValue;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ var ieversion=new Number(RegExp.$1);
+ if (ieversion<=7) {return}
+ }
+ }
+ var select2 = this.el.select2(settings).data('select2');
+ if (this.options.tags && select2 && select2.search) {
+ // find the "fake" input created by select2 and add the keypress event.
+ // This is not part of the plugins API and so may break at any time.
+ select2.search.on('keydown', this._onKeydown);
+ }
+ // This prevents Internet Explorer from causing a window.onbeforeunload
+ // even from firing unnecessarily
+ $('.select2-choice', select2.container).on('click', function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ this._select2 = select2;
+ },
+ /* Looks up the completions for the current search term and passes them
+ * into the provided callback function.
+ *
+ * The results are formatted for use in the select2 autocomplete plugin.
+ *
+ * string - The term to search for.
+ * fn - A callback function.
+ *
+ * Examples
+ *
+ * module.getCompletions('cake', function (results) {
+ * results === {results: []}
+ * });
+ *
+ * Returns a jqXHR promise.
+ */
+ getCompletions: function (string, fn) {
+ var parts = this.options.source.split('?');
+ var end = parts.pop();
+ var source = parts.join('?') + encodeURIComponent(string) + end;
+ var client = this.sandbox.client;
+ var options = {
+ format: function(data) {
+ var completion_options = jQuery.extend(options, {objects: true});
+ return {
+ results: client.parseCompletions(data, completion_options)
+ }
+ },
+ key: this.options.key,
+ label: this.options.label
+ };
+ return client.getCompletions(source, options, fn);
+ },
+ /* Looks up the completions for the provided text but also provides a few
+ * optimisations. If there is no search term it will automatically set
+ * an empty array. Ajax requests will also be debounced to ensure that
+ * the server is not overloaded.
+ *
+ * string - The term to search for.
+ * fn - A callback function.
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
+ lookup: function (string, fn) {
+ var module = this;
+ // Cache the last searched term otherwise we'll end up searching for
+ // old data.
+ this._lastTerm = string;
+ // Kills previous timeout
+ clearTimeout(this._debounced);
+ // OK, wipe the dropdown before we start ajaxing the completions
+ fn({results:[]});
+ if (string) {
+ // Set a timer to prevent the search lookup occurring too often.
+ this._debounced = setTimeout(function () {
+ var term = module._lastTerm;
+ // Cancel the previous request if it hasn't yet completed.
+ if (module._last && typeof module._last.abort == 'function') {
+ module._last.abort();
+ }
+ module._last = module.getCompletions(term, fn);
+ }, this.options.interval);
+ // This forces the ajax throbber to appear, because we've called the
+ // callback already and that hides the throbber
+ $('.select2-search input', this._select2.dropdown).addClass('select2-active');
+ }
+ },
+ /* Formatter for the select2 plugin that returns a string for use in the
+ * results list with the current term emboldened.
+ *
+ * state - The current object that is being rendered.
+ * container - The element the content will be added to (added in 3.0)
+ * query - The query object (added in select2 3.0).
+ *
+ *
+ * Returns a text string.
+ */
+ formatResult: function (state, container, query) {
+ var term = this._lastTerm || null; // same as query.term
+ if (container) {
+ // Append the select id to the element for styling.
+ container.attr('data-value', state.id);
+ }
+ // if the current string is the actual query, just format that
+ if (state.text === term && state.id === term){
+ var ret = state.text;
+ }
+ // if we're formatting a suggestion, concatenate the full name and
+ // username of the suggestion
+ else {
+ var ret = state.text + " (" + state.id + ")";
+ }
+ return ret.split(term).join(term && term.bold());
+ },
+ /* Formatter for the select2 plugin that returns a string used when
+ * the filter has no matches.
+ *
+ * Returns a text string.
+ */
+ formatNoMatches: function (term) {
+ return !term ? this._('Start typing…') : this._('No matches found');
+ },
+ /* Formatter used by the select2 plugin that returns a string when the
+ * input is too short.
+ *
+ * Returns a string.
+ */
+ formatInputTooShort: function (term, min) {
+ return this.ngettext(
+ 'Input is too short, must be at least one character',
+ 'Input is too short, must be at least %(num)d characters',
+ min
+ );
+ },
+ /* Takes a string and converts it into an object used by the select2 plugin.
+ *
+ * term - The term to convert.
+ *
+ * Returns an object for use in select2.
+ */
+ formatTerm: function (term) {
+ term = jQuery.trim(term || '');
+ // Need to replace comma with a unicode character to trick the plugin
+ // as it won't split this into multiple items.
+ return {id: term.replace(/,/g, '\u002C'), text: term};
+ },
+ /* Callback function that parses the initial field value.
+ *
+ * element - The initialized input element wrapped in jQuery.
+ * callback - A callback to run once the formatting is complete.
+ *
+ * Returns a term object or an array depending on the type.
+ */
+ formatInitialValue: function (element, callback) {
+ var value = jQuery.trim(element.val() || '');
+ var formatted;
+ if (this.options.tags) {
+ formatted = jQuery.map(value.split(","), this.formatTerm);
+ } else {
+ formatted = this.formatTerm(value);
+ }
+ // Select2 v3.0 supports a callback for async calls.
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback(formatted);
+ }
+ return formatted;
+ },
+ /* Callback triggered when the select2 plugin needs to make a request.
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
+ _onQuery: function (options) {
+ if (options) {
+ this.lookup(options.term, options.callback);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Called when a key is pressed. If the key is a comma we block it and
+ * then simulate pressing return.
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
+ _onKeydown: function (event) {
+ if (typeof event.key !== 'undefined' ? event.key === ',' : event.which === 188) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var e = jQuery.Event("keydown", { which: 13 });
+ jQuery(event.target).trigger(e);
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/ckanext/privatedatasets/templates_2.8/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html b/ckanext/privatedatasets/templates_2.8/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html
index b240f46..d34b172 100644
--- a/ckanext/privatedatasets/templates_2.8/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html
+++ b/ckanext/privatedatasets/templates_2.8/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
{% trans %}
- Private datasets can only be accessed by certain users, while public datasets can be accessed by anyone.
+ Private datasets can only be accessed by certain users, while public datasets can be accessed by anyone.
{% endtrans %}
@@ -82,10 +82,12 @@
{% endif %}
- {% set users_attrs = {'data-module': 'autocomplete', 'data-module-tags': '', 'data-module-source': '/api/2/util/user/autocomplete?q=?'} %}
+ {% resource 'privatedatasets/privatedatasets_autocomplete.js' %}
+ {% set users_attrs = {'data-module': 'privatedatasets_autocomplete', 'data-module-tags': '', 'data-module-label': 'fullname', 'data-module-source': '/api/2/util/user/autocomplete?q=?'} %}
{{ form.input('allowed_users_str', label=_('Allowed Users'), id='field-allowed_users_str', placeholder=_('Allowed Users'), value=h.get_allowed_users_str(data.allowed_users), error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-full'], attrs=users_attrs) }}
{% if editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_edit() or not editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_create() %}
{{ form.input('acquire_url', label=_('Acquire URL'), id='field-acquire_url', placeholder=_('http://example.com/acquire/'), value=data.acquire_url, error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-medium']) }}
{% else %}