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Shadowsocks Kodi logo

Run Shadowsocks on Kodi!

Get Started

You can download the latest version from Github Releases

  1. Install the addon on your kodi.
  2. Configure your Shadowsocks.
  3. Restart services to take effect.

Then set the SOCKS5 proxy in your Kodi System Settings.

Settings -> System -> Internet access

  • Use proxy server -> true
  • Proxy type -> SOCKS5 (or SOCKS5 with remmote DNS resolving)
  • Server -> the_value_you_set (default
  • Port -> the_value_you_set (default 1080)

I had a few hazy memories, the Proxy type SOCKS5 maybe not work on some previous version of Kodi or LibreELEC (but I test it works at LibreELEC 9.2.1 now). If you have this problem, please try to upgrade your Kodi or convert the SOCKS5 proxy to a HTTP proxy use some softwares such as polipo.

Check up

You can login your kodi with ssh and display the ports usage.

As shown below, we can see our Shadowsocks services running at PID 653.

LibreELEC:~ # netstat -lntp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      653/kodi.bin

You can test whether your services work as your expected use curl.

LibreELEC:~ # curl -x socks5://


Shadowsocks kodi