Attendance and participation: Attend all group meetings and actively participate in discussions and decision-making.
Communication: Keep open lines of communication with group members and respond promptly to messages and emails.
Responsibility: Take ownership of specific tasks and meet all deadlines as agreed upon by the group.
Collaboration: Work together to achieve the project goals and support each other in areas of weakness.
Respect: Show respect for all group members and their ideas, refrain from discrimination or harassment of any kind.
Confidentiality: Keep all group-related information confidential and not share it with unauthorized parties.
Appropriate use of resources: Use university resources responsibly, including equipment and software.
Acknowledgment of contributions: Acknowledge and give credit to all group members for their contributions to the project.
If a team member is found to be in breach of the code of conduct, the following steps should be taken:
- The team member should be informed of the breach and given a chance to explain their actions to the rest of the group.
- If the team member's actions are deemed to be in breach of the code of conduct, the team member should be given a warning.
- The rest of the group will meet and deliberate over which punishment the team member found in breach will have to complete.
- Repeatedly breaching the code of conduct will result in a meating with the module delivery team about further disciplinary action.