DotNetXtensions is a general purpose toolbox of helpful .NET functions, extensions methods, and types. See corresponding nugets.
(Just a brief sampling of documentation for just a few of the projects follows for the moment)
The core project, which is mostly made of extension methods on common .NET types, while trying to avoid any too specialized use cases.
See XString for example, with its many helpful string extension methods, such as the following (note that the default behavior for these kind of core extension methods is that they are null tolerant):
// if str.Length >= 12, return str, else take a substring of first 12 chars. This helps becausestring.Substring
of course throws an exception if your maxLength is overstr.Length
. Without these you would need a couple extra lines every timestr.NullIfEmpty()
// Return null if the string is already empty ("")str.TrimIfNeeded()
// highly performant, returns same string if didn't need trimmed, no unnecessary allocs!!str.NullIfEmptyTrimmed()
(combines TrimIfNeeded and NullIfEmpty)str.StartsWithIgnoreWhite()
// string.StartsWith that ignores initial whitespace
Contains both encryption and compression members, providing quick and easy extension methods on strings and byte arrays. For instance str.GetSHA()
and str.GetSHAString()
(with hex string result), str.CompressToBase64()
(DeflateStream compression), and types like:
See for instance XHttp.GetAsync
which returns a HttpResponseInfo
. This allows one to easily make 304 NotModified requests, as well as to easily get back ETags and so forth (see parameter HttpNotModifiedProperties settings
General purpose Json functions built on Newtonsoft.Json.
Sometimes it is desirable to reference just one or more .cs code files to, for instance, use in a utility project, without necessarily wanting or needing to make a full nuget dependency, nor to expose those members, especially extension methods, beyond the internal use-case. This can be facilitated in that many of the extension method classes have a DNXPrivate
compilation symbol. By including DNXPrivate
as a compilation symbol in the host library, you can keep the referenced code files internal only.