diff --git a/pytact/data_reader.pyx b/pytact/data_reader.pyx
index c5067d0..a14df37 100644
--- a/pytact/data_reader.pyx
+++ b/pytact/data_reader.pyx
@@ -1360,6 +1360,10 @@ cdef class OnlineDefinitionsReader:
return Definition._group_by_clusters(self.definitions(full))
+ def node_by_id(self, nodeid: NodeId) -> Node:
+ """Lookup a node inside of this reader by it's local node-id. This is a low-level function."""
+ return Node.init(self.graph_index.nodes.size() - 1, nodeid, &self.graph_index)
def online_definitions_initialize(OnlineDefinitionsReader stack,
GlobalContextAddition_Reader init) -> Generator[OnlineDefinitionsReader, None, None]:
diff --git a/pytact/fake_python_server.py b/pytact/fake_python_server.py
index 95cdf85..9f768df 100644
--- a/pytact/fake_python_server.py
+++ b/pytact/fake_python_server.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
TacticPredictionGraph, TacticPredictionsGraph,
TacticPredictionText, TacticPredictionsText,
GlobalContextMessage, CheckAlignmentMessage, CheckAlignmentResponse)
+from pytact.visualisation_webserver import wrap_visualization
async def text_prediction_loop(context : GlobalContextMessage):
tactics = [ 'idtac "is it working?"', 'idtac "yes it is working!"', 'auto' ]
@@ -69,8 +70,11 @@ async def graph_prediction_loop(context : GlobalContextMessage, level):
raise Exception(f"Capnp protocol error {msg}")
async def run_session(args, record_file, capnp_stream):
messages_generator = capnp_message_generator(capnp_stream, args.rpc, record_file)
+ if args.with_visualization:
+ messages_generator = await wrap_visualization(messages_generator)
if args.mode == 'text':
print('Python server running in text mode')
await text_prediction_loop(messages_generator)
@@ -102,6 +106,8 @@ async def server():
'replayed through "pytact-fake-coq"')
parser.add_argument('--rpc', action='store_true', default = False,
help='Communicate through Cap\'n Proto RPC.')
+ parser.add_argument('--with-visualization', action='store_true', default = False,
+ help='Launch a visualization webserver')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.record_file is not None:
diff --git a/pytact/graph_visualize_browse.py b/pytact/graph_visualize_browse.py
index 8a4cd4a..6174f71 100644
--- a/pytact/graph_visualize_browse.py
+++ b/pytact/graph_visualize_browse.py
@@ -62,9 +62,14 @@ class GraphVisualizationData:
graphid2path: List[Path] = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
- self.trans_deps = transitive_closure({d.filename: list(d.dependencies)
- for d in self.data.values()})
- self.graphid2path = [d.filename for d in sorted(self.data.values(), key=lambda d: d.graph)]
+ if len(self.data.values()) == 0: return
+ if hasattr(list(self.data.values())[0], "dependencies"):
+ self.trans_deps = transitive_closure({d.filename: list(d.dependencies)
+ for d in self.data.values()})
+ self.graphid2path = [d.filename for d in sorted(self.data.values(), key=lambda d: d.graph)]
+ else:
+ self.trans_deps = { p : set() for p in self.data.keys()}
+ self.graphid2path = list(self.data.keys())
class GraphVisualizationOutput:
@@ -127,6 +132,12 @@ def render_proof_state_text(ps: ProofState):
' + ps.conclusion_text +
Raw: ' + ps.text)
+def mn(dataset):
+ if hasattr(dataset, "module_name"):
+ return dataset.module_name
+ else:
+ return ""
class GraphVisualizator:
def __init__(self, data: GraphVisualizationData, url_maker: UrlMaker, settings: Settings = Settings()):
self.data = data.data
@@ -191,7 +202,7 @@ def global_context(self, fname: Path):
dataset = self.data[fname]
representative = dataset.representative
- module_name = dataset.module_name
+ module_name = mn(dataset)
def render_def(dot2, d: Definition):
label = make_label(module_name, d.name)
@@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ def render_def(dot2, d: Definition):
dot.edge(id, id2,
arrowtail="odot", dir="both", constraint="false", style="dashed")
- for cluster in dataset.clustered_definitions():
+ for cluster in dataset.clustered_definitions(full=False):
start = str(cluster[0].node)
ltail = None
@@ -349,7 +360,7 @@ def definition(self, fname: Path, definition: int):
proof = [("Proof", self.url_maker.proof(fname, definition))]
ext_location = (
location +
- [(make_label(self.data[fname].module_name, label),
+ [(make_label(mn(self.data[fname]), label),
self.url_maker.definition(fname, definition))] +
return GraphVisualizationOutput(dot.source, ext_location, len(location), text)
@@ -405,7 +416,7 @@ def proof(self, fname: Path, definition: int):
dot.edge(before_id, qedid)
location = (self.path2location(fname) +
- [(make_label(self.data[fname].module_name, d.name),
+ [(make_label(mn(self.data[fname]), d.name),
self.url_maker.definition(fname, definition)),
("Proof", self.url_maker.proof(fname, definition))])
return GraphVisualizationOutput(dot.source, location, len(location) - 1)
@@ -508,7 +519,7 @@ def nlm(node: Node):
dot2.edge('artificial-root', id)
location = (self.path2location(fname) +
- [(make_label(self.data[fname].module_name, d.name),
+ [(make_label(mn(self.data[fname]), d.name),
self.url_maker.definition(fname, definition)),
("Proof", self.url_maker.proof(fname, definition)),
(f"Step {stepi} outcome {outcomei}",
diff --git a/pytact/visualisation_webserver.py b/pytact/visualisation_webserver.py
index 1755a21..61fe73c 100644
--- a/pytact/visualisation_webserver.py
+++ b/pytact/visualisation_webserver.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
except ImportError:
import importlib.resources as ilr
-from pytact.data_reader import data_reader
+from pytact.data_reader import data_reader, GlobalContextMessage, ProofState, CheckAlignmentMessage
from pytact.graph_visualize_browse import (
GraphVisualizationData, GraphVisualizator, UrlMaker, Settings, GraphVisualizationOutput)
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ def create_app(dataset_path: Path) -> Sanic:
context_manager = ExitStack()
template_path = ilr.files('pytact') / 'templates/'
app.config.TEMPLATING_PATH_TO_TEMPLATES = context_manager.enter_context(ilr.as_file(template_path))
- app.ctx.gvd = GraphVisualizationData(context_manager.enter_context(data_reader(dataset_path)))
+ if isinstance(dataset_path, Path):
+ app.ctx.gvd = GraphVisualizationData(context_manager.enter_context(data_reader(dataset_path)))
+ else:
+ app.ctx.gvd = dataset_path
async def teardown(app):
@@ -110,6 +113,48 @@ async def root_folder(request, query: Settings):
return app
+async def wrap_visualization(context : GlobalContextMessage) -> GlobalContextMessage:
+ app = create_app(GraphVisualizationData(dict()))
+ server = await app.create_server(
+ port=8000, host="", return_asyncio_server=True
+ )
+ await server.startup()
+ await server.start_serving()
+ async def wrapper(context, stack):
+ data = { Path(f"Slice{i}.bin") : d for i, d in enumerate(stack)}
+ app.ctx.gvd = GraphVisualizationData(data)
+ prediction_requests = context.prediction_requests
+ async for msg in prediction_requests:
+ # Redirect any exceptions to Coq. Additionally, deal with CancellationError
+ # thrown when a request from Coq is cancelled
+ async with context.redirect_exceptions(Exception):
+ if isinstance(msg, ProofState):
+ resp = yield msg
+ yield
+ await prediction_requests.asend(resp)
+ elif isinstance(msg, CheckAlignmentMessage):
+ resp = yield msg
+ yield
+ await prediction_requests.asend(resp)
+ elif isinstance(msg, GlobalContextMessage):
+ yield GlobalContextMessage(msg.definitions,
+ msg.tactics,
+ msg.log_annotation,
+ wrapper(msg, stack + [msg.definitions]),
+ msg.redirect_exceptions)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Capnp protocol error {msg}")
+ return GlobalContextMessage(context.definitions,
+ context.tactics,
+ context.log_annotation,
+ wrapper(context, []),
+ context.redirect_exceptions)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
diff --git a/src/neural_learner.ml b/src/neural_learner.ml
index 001084a..6c712f7 100644
--- a/src/neural_learner.ml
+++ b/src/neural_learner.ml
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ let rpc_option = declare_bool_option ~name:"RPC" ~default:false
open Stdint
module TacticMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int64 let compare = Stdint.Int64.compare end)
-let last_model = Summary.ref ~name:"neural-learner-lastmodel" TacticMap.empty
type location = int
module Hashable = struct
type t = location
@@ -234,7 +232,7 @@ type context_stack =
{ stack : context_state list
; stack_size : int }
-let update_context_stack id tacs env { stack_size; stack } =
+let update_context_stack id tacs env_extra env { stack_size; stack } =
let state, old_constants, old_inducives, old_section = match stack with
| [] ->
let (empty_state, ()), _ = CICGraphMonad.run_empty (CICGraphMonad.return ())
@@ -280,7 +278,6 @@ let update_context_stack id tacs env { stack_size; stack } =
let open Monad.Make(CICGraphMonad) in
let open GB in
- let env_extra = Id.Map.empty, Cmap.empty in
let updater =
let* () = Cset.fold (fun c acc ->
acc >> let+ _ = gen_const env env_extra c in ()) new_constants (return ()) in
@@ -337,13 +334,13 @@ let sync_context_stack add_global_context =
let id = ref 0 in
let remote_state = ref [] in
let remote_stack_size = ref 0 in
- fun ?(keep_cache=true) tacs env ->
+ fun ?(keep_cache=true) tacs env_extra env ->
if debug_option () then
Feedback.msg_notice Pp.(
str "old remote stack : " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "-") int !remote_state ++ fnl () ++
str "old local stack : " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "-")
(fun { id; _ } -> int id) !context_stack.stack);
- let state, ({ stack_size; stack } as cache) = update_context_stack !id tacs env !context_stack in
+ let state, ({ stack_size; stack } as cache) = update_context_stack !id tacs env_extra env !context_stack in
if keep_cache then
context_stack := cache;
if debug_option () then
@@ -414,12 +411,13 @@ let connect_socket my_socket =
type connection =
{ capnp_connection : capnp_connection
- ; sync_context_stack : ?keep_cache:bool -> (glob_tactic_expr * location) TacticMap.t -> Environ.env ->
+ ; sync_context_stack : ?keep_cache:bool -> (glob_tactic_expr * location) TacticMap.t ->
+ env_extra -> Environ.env ->
CICGraphMonad.state * int }
type communicator =
{ add_global_context : (Api.Builder.GlobalContextAddition.t -> unit) -> unit
- ; sync_context_stack : ?keep_cache:bool -> (glob_tactic_expr * location) TacticMap.t -> Environ.env ->
+ ; sync_context_stack : ?keep_cache:bool -> (glob_tactic_expr * location) TacticMap.t -> env_extra -> Environ.env ->
CICGraphMonad.state * int
; request_prediction : (Api.Builder.PredictionRequest.t -> unit) ->
(Graph_api.ro, Api.Reader.Prediction.t, Api.Reader.array_t) Capnp.Array.t
@@ -597,71 +595,15 @@ let get_communicator =
| Some comm -> comm
-let check_neural_alignment () =
- let { sync_context_stack; check_alignment; _ } = get_communicator () in
- let module Request = Api.Builder.PredictionProtocol.Request in
- let module Response = Api.Reader.PredictionProtocol.Response in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let tacs = !last_model in
- let state, stack_size = sync_context_stack ~keep_cache:false tacs env in
- let request = Request.init_root () in
- Request.check_alignment_set request;
- let unaligned_tacs, unaligned_defs = check_alignment () in
- let find_global_argument = find_global_argument state in
- let unaligned_tacs = Capnp.Array.map_list ~f:(fun t -> fst @@ find_tactic tacs t) unaligned_tacs in
- let unaligned_defs = Capnp.Array.map_list ~f:(fun node ->
- let sid = stack_size - 1 - Api.Reader.Node.dep_index_get node in
- let nid = Api.Reader.Node.node_index_get_int_exn node in
- find_global_argument (sid, nid)) unaligned_defs in
- let tacs_msg = if CList.is_empty unaligned_tacs then Pp.mt () else
- Pp.(fnl () ++ str "Unaligned tactics: " ++ fnl () ++
- prlist_with_sep fnl (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env) unaligned_tacs) in
- let defs_msg =
- let open Tactic_one_variable in
- if CList.is_empty unaligned_defs then Pp.mt () else
- Pp.(fnl () ++ str "Unaligned definitions: " ++ fnl () ++
- prlist_with_sep fnl
- (function
- | TVar id -> Id.print id
- | TRef r -> Libnames.pr_path @@ Nametab.path_of_global r
- | TOther -> Pp.mt ())
- unaligned_defs) in
- let def_count = Id.Map.cardinal state.section_nodes +
- Cmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.constants +
- Indmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.inductives +
- Constrmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.constructors +
- ProjMap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.projections in
- Feedback.msg_notice Pp.(
- str "There are " ++ int (List.length unaligned_tacs) ++ str "/" ++
- int (TacticMap.cardinal tacs) ++ str " unaligned tactics and " ++
- int (List.length unaligned_defs) ++ str "/" ++
- int def_count ++ str " unaligned definitions." ++
- tacs_msg ++ defs_msg
- )
-let push_cache () =
- if textmode_option () then () (* No caching needed for the text model at the moment *) else
- let { sync_context_stack; _ } = get_communicator () in
- (* We don't send the list of tactics, hence the empty list. Tactics are only sent right before
- prediction requests are made. *)
- let _, stack_size = sync_context_stack TacticMap.empty (Global.env ()) in
- if debug_option () then
- Feedback.msg_notice Pp.(str "Cache stack size: " ++ int stack_size)
-(* TODO: Hack: Options have the property that they are being read by Coq's stm (multiple times) on every
- vernac command. Hence, we can use it to execute arbitrary code. We use to automatically cache. *)
-let autocache_option =
- let cache = ref false in
- Goptions.{ optdepr = false
- ; optname = "Tactician Neural Autocache"
- ; optkey = ["Tactician"; "Neural"; "Autocache"]
- ; optread = (fun () -> (if !cache then push_cache () else ()); !cache)
- ; optwrite = (fun v -> cache := v) }
-let () = Goptions.declare_bool_option autocache_option
+let check_neural_alignment_ref = ref (fun () -> ())
+let check_neural_alignment () = !check_neural_alignment_ref ()
+let push_cache_ref = ref (fun () -> ())
+let push_cache () = !push_cache_ref ()
module NeuralLearner : TacticianOnlineLearnerType = functor (TS : TacticianStructures) -> struct
module LH = Learner_helper.L(TS)
open TS
+ open Graph_generator_learner.ConvertStructures(TS)
let predict_text request_text_prediction env ps =
let module Tactic = Api.Reader.Tactic in
@@ -767,10 +709,13 @@ module NeuralLearner : TacticianOnlineLearnerType = functor (TS : TacticianStruc
type model =
- { tactics : (glob_tactic_expr * int) TacticMap.t }
+ { tactics : (glob_tactic_expr * int) TacticMap.t
+ ; proofs : (((proof_state * tactic_result) list * tactic option) list * data_status * KerName.t) list }
+ let last_model = Summary.ref ~name:"neural-learner-lastmodel" { tactics = TacticMap.empty; proofs = [] }
let empty () =
- { tactics = TacticMap.empty }
+ { tactics = TacticMap.empty; proofs = [] }
let add_tactic_info env map tac =
let tac = Tactic_normalize.tactic_normalize @@ Tactic_normalize.tactic_strict tac in
@@ -782,22 +727,64 @@ module NeuralLearner : TacticianOnlineLearnerType = functor (TS : TacticianStruc
(Tactic_hash.tactic_hash env base_tactic) (base_tactic, params) map
- let learn { tactics } _origin _outcomes tac =
- match tac with
- | None -> { tactics }
+ let learn { tactics; proofs } (kn, path, status) outcomes tac =
+ let tactics = match tac with
+ | None -> tactics
| Some tac ->
let tac = tactic_repr tac in
let tactics = add_tactic_info (Global.env ()) tactics tac in
- last_model := tactics;
- { tactics }
- let predict { tactics } =
+ tactics in
+ let proofs =
+ let proof_states = List.map (fun x ->
+ x.before, x.result) outcomes in
+ match proofs with
+ | (ls, pstatus, pkn)::data when KerName.equal kn pkn ->
+ ((proof_states, tac)::ls, pstatus, pkn)::data
+ | _ -> ([proof_states, tac], status, kn)::proofs in
+ let db = { tactics; proofs } in
+ last_model := db;
+ db
+ let env_extra proofs =
+ let globrefs = Environ.Globals.view (Global.env ()).env_globals in
+ let section_vars = Id.Set.of_list @@
+ List.map Context.Named.Declaration.get_id @@ Environ.named_context @@ Global.env () in
+ let constants = globrefs.constants in
+ (* We are only interested in canonical constants *)
+ let constants = Cmap_env.fold (fun c _ m ->
+ let c = Constant.make1 @@ Constant.canonical c in
+ Cset.add c m) constants Cset.empty in
+ let proof_states = List.map (fun (prf, status, c) -> List.rev prf, status, c) @@ List.rev proofs in
+ let env_extra_const = Cset.fold (fun c m ->
+ let path = Constant.canonical c in
+ let proof = List.find_opt (fun (p, _, path2) -> KerName.equal path path2) proof_states in
+ let proof = Option.map (fun (p, _, _) -> p) proof in
+ let proof = Option.map (List.map (fun (pss, tac) ->
+ List.map (fun (before, result) -> mk_outcome before result) pss,
+ Option.map tactic_repr tac)) proof in
+ Option.fold_left (fun m proof -> Cmap.add c proof m) m proof
+ ) constants Cmap.empty in
+ let env_extra_var = Id.Set.fold (fun id m ->
+ let proof = List.find_opt (fun (_, _, path) -> Id.equal id @@ Label.to_id @@ KerName.label path) proof_states in
+ let proof = Option.map (fun (p, _, _) -> p) proof in
+ let proof = Option.map (List.map (fun (pss, tac) ->
+ List.map (fun (before, result) -> mk_outcome before result) pss,
+ Option.map tactic_repr tac)) proof in
+ Option.fold_left (fun m proof -> Id.Map.add id proof m) m proof
+ ) section_vars Id.Map.empty in
+ env_extra_var, env_extra_const
+ let predict { tactics; proofs } =
let { add_global_context; sync_context_stack
; request_prediction; request_text_prediction; _ } = get_communicator () in
let env = Global.env () in
if not @@ textmode_option () then
+ let env_extra = env_extra proofs in
let state, stack_size =
- sync_context_stack ~keep_cache:false tactics env in
+ sync_context_stack ~keep_cache:false tactics env_extra env in
let find_global_argument = find_global_argument state in
fun f ->
if f = [] then IStream.empty else
@@ -815,6 +802,74 @@ module NeuralLearner : TacticianOnlineLearnerType = functor (TS : TacticianStruc
IStream.of_list preds
let evaluate db _ _ = 0., db
+ let check_neural_alignment () =
+ let { sync_context_stack; check_alignment; _ } = get_communicator () in
+ let module Request = Api.Builder.PredictionProtocol.Request in
+ let module Response = Api.Reader.PredictionProtocol.Response in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let { tactics; proofs } = !last_model in
+ let env_extra = env_extra (!last_model).proofs in
+ let state, stack_size = sync_context_stack ~keep_cache:false tactics env_extra env in
+ let request = Request.init_root () in
+ Request.check_alignment_set request;
+ let unaligned_tacs, unaligned_defs = check_alignment () in
+ let find_global_argument = find_global_argument state in
+ let unaligned_tacs = Capnp.Array.map_list ~f:(fun t -> fst @@ find_tactic tactics t) unaligned_tacs in
+ let unaligned_defs = Capnp.Array.map_list ~f:(fun node ->
+ let sid = stack_size - 1 - Api.Reader.Node.dep_index_get node in
+ let nid = Api.Reader.Node.node_index_get_int_exn node in
+ find_global_argument (sid, nid)) unaligned_defs in
+ let tacs_msg = if CList.is_empty unaligned_tacs then Pp.mt () else
+ Pp.(fnl () ++ str "Unaligned tactics: " ++ fnl () ++
+ prlist_with_sep fnl (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env) unaligned_tacs) in
+ let defs_msg =
+ let open Tactic_one_variable in
+ if CList.is_empty unaligned_defs then Pp.mt () else
+ Pp.(fnl () ++ str "Unaligned definitions: " ++ fnl () ++
+ prlist_with_sep fnl
+ (function
+ | TVar id -> Id.print id
+ | TRef r -> Libnames.pr_path @@ Nametab.path_of_global r
+ | TOther -> Pp.mt ())
+ unaligned_defs) in
+ let def_count = Id.Map.cardinal state.section_nodes +
+ Cmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.constants +
+ Indmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.inductives +
+ Constrmap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.constructors +
+ ProjMap.cardinal state.definition_nodes.projections in
+ Feedback.msg_notice Pp.(
+ str "There are " ++ int (List.length unaligned_tacs) ++ str "/" ++
+ int (TacticMap.cardinal tactics) ++ str " unaligned tactics and " ++
+ int (List.length unaligned_defs) ++ str "/" ++
+ int def_count ++ str " unaligned definitions." ++
+ tacs_msg ++ defs_msg
+ )
+ let push_cache () =
+ if textmode_option () then () (* No caching needed for the text model at the moment *) else
+ let { sync_context_stack; _ } = get_communicator () in
+ (* We don't send the list of tactics, hence the empty list. Tactics are only sent right before
+ prediction requests are made. *)
+ let env_extra = env_extra (!last_model).proofs in
+ let _, stack_size = sync_context_stack TacticMap.empty env_extra (Global.env ()) in
+ if debug_option () then
+ Feedback.msg_notice Pp.(str "Cache stack size: " ++ int stack_size)
+ let () = check_neural_alignment_ref := check_neural_alignment
+ let () = push_cache_ref := push_cache
+ (* TODO: Hack: Options have the property that they are being read by Coq's stm (multiple times) on every
+ vernac command. Hence, we can use it to execute arbitrary code. We use to automatically cache. *)
+ let autocache_option =
+ let cache = ref false in
+ Goptions.{ optdepr = false
+ ; optname = "Tactician Neural Autocache"
+ ; optkey = ["Tactician"; "Neural"; "Autocache"]
+ ; optread = (fun () -> (if !cache then push_cache () else ()); !cache)
+ ; optwrite = (fun v -> cache := v) }
+ let () = Goptions.declare_bool_option autocache_option
let () = register_online_learner "Neural Learner" (module NeuralLearner)