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File metadata and controls

98 lines (59 loc) · 3.52 KB


Using Ruby on Rails for the project
  Project built with Rails 6.1.1

Include at least one has_many relationship (x has_many y; e.g. User has_many 
  Example: User has many Purchases

Include at least one belongs_to relationship (x belongs_to y; e.g. Post 
belongs_to User)
  Example: Purchase belongs to Category

Include at least two has_many through relationships (x has_many y through z; e.g. 
Recipe has_many Items through Ingredients)
  Examples: User has many Categories through Purchases
            Category has many Users through Purchases

Include at least one many-to-many relationship (x has_many y through z, y 
has_many x through z; e.g. Recipe has_many Items through Ingredients, Item 
has_many Recipes through Ingredients)
  Example: User has many Categories through Purchases
    Category has many Users through Purchases

The "through" part of the has_many through includes at least one user submittable 
attribute, that is to say, some attribute other than its foreign keys that can be 
submitted by the app's user (attribute_name e.g. ingredients.quantity)
  Purchases, a join table for Users/Categories, has many attributes, including: location, total, date, and note

Include reasonable validations for simple model objects (list of model objects 
with validations e.g. User, Recipe, Ingredient, Item)

      Email, first name, last name, and income are required
      Emails must be unique
      Password is required except when using Oauth; user must be authenticated using Bcrypt to login except via Oauth
      Oauth users are validated at the controller level to avoid duplicating a non-oauth user with the same information

      Require a name
      Require a total
      Require a date
      Total must be a number greater than zero (custom validator)
      Require a name

Include a class level ActiveRecord scope method (model object & class method name 
and URL to see the working feature e.g. User.most_recipes URL: /users/

  Exmaple: Category.current_month_purchases returns purchases filtered by current month -- located at '/dashboard'

Include signup (how e.g. Devise)

  Signup form (at '/signup' ) creates and saves a new user

Include login (how e.g. Devise)

  After successful Bcrypt authentication, session[:user_id] is set to the logging-in user's primary key

Include logout (how e.g. Devise)

  Logout route clears session hash

Include third party signup/login (how e.g. Devise/OmniAuth)

  Users have the ability to sign in via Google using omniauth-google-oauth2 gem

Include nested resource show or index (URL e.g. users/2/recipes)

  Purchases are nested by user. '/user/:id/purchases' maps to a nested index of all user's purchases

Include nested resource "new" form (URL e.g. recipes/1/ingredients/new)

  '/user/:id/purchases/new' displays a form that creates a new purchase with a user_id attribute set to the current user's id

Include form display of validation errors (form URL e.g. /recipes/new)

  Errors form partial displays validation errors upon unsuccessful creation/editing of user or purchase


✓✓✓ The application is pretty DRY

✓✓✓ Limited logic in controllers

✓✓✓ Views use helper methods if appropriate

✓✓✓ Views use partials if appropriate