- bug-fix: calc_candidate_regions() produced error if a chromosome contained only for a single site a score
- omp libraries are included first in multi-thread C-code in order to comply to new release of Clang-13
- bug-fix: memory error in function calc_sfs_tests()
- corrections and extensions of the vignettes
- added inset between chromosomes in function manhattanplot()
- added option to highlight specific markers in plot.haplohh()
- function subset() can filter markers on maximum number of alleles
- option to set maximal haplotype extension (in base pairs) in function scan_hh_full()
- added function haplohh2sweepfinder() that extracts allele frequencies which can serve as input for the programs SweepFinder or SweeD
- added function calc_sfs_tests() to calculate Tajima's D and Fay & Wu's H, allowing for data with missing values
- added option to parse vcf files using package 'data.table' in order to avoid reliance on package 'vcfR'
- option to use stepwise continuous EHH(S) curves for integration and plotting
- refactored C-code for calculation of furcation trees
- bug fix for false rendering of missing values in furcations of unphased data
- bug fix: removed reliance of examples and tests on suggested packages
- updated section on calc_ehh() in main vignette
- added functions calc_pairwise_haplen() and scan_hh_full()
- functions ies2xpehh() and ines2rsb():
- bug fix for unphased data and markers with no homozygous individuals
- function manhattanplot():
- added option to plot absolute values
- added option to highlight individual markers
- function manhattanplot() and distribplot(qqplot=TRUE):
- added option to rasterize plot (reduce number of plotted data points)
- function calc_ehh(), calc_furcation() and plot.haplen():
- changed default order of alleles from their frequency to internal coding
- all plot functions:
- allow user to set plot margins
- allow user to overwrite some plot parameters such as "xlab" and "ylab"
- new plot function for (small) haplohh-objects
- minor optimization of parallelization
- additional comments about unphased data in the main vignette
- bug-fix: memory allocation in C
- Major refactoring of underlying C code and its interface to R
- The package can now handle multi-allelic markers
- Enabled data input from vcf files and the simulation program 'ms'
- Calculation and visualization functions have been separated
- Added support for handling unphased haplotypes and unpolarized markers
- Output in form of matrices has been replaced by data frames
- Simplified column names in data output (use only capital letters and underscores)
- Improved visualization of furcation trees
- Added visualization of shared haplotype lengths
- Added simple function to delineate candidate regions of selection
- Added options to yield virtually identical results with program hapbin
- Made all plots more customizable
- Added new vignette with in-depth discussion of example files
- Disagreement between code and vignette about uni-lateral p-value for Rsb/XP-EHH has been cleared
- Corrected implementation of maxgap in combination with discard_integration_at_border=FALSE
- Added parameter scalegap
- Included section about gaps in vignette, added details in comparison with hapbin, corrected rendering
- Corrected paper title in CITATIONS
- Bug corrected in the ihh2ihsplot (it lead to a crash when the freqbin argument was set to 0)
- Inactivation of graphical display in multiple windows (i.e., plot.new calls) in the calc_ehh, calc_ehhs, ihsplot, rsbplot, xpehhplot and distribplot functions
- Minor corrections in the manual pages
- Option maxgap modified (functions return NA value if not satisfied)
- Example data sets removed from the rehh package and included in the newly developed rehh.data package. The function make.example.files() was modified accordingly.
- Option maxgap added to the calc_ehh, calc_ehhs and scan_hh functions
- Major modification of the algorithm to explore haplotype variability (more than one order of magnitude faster), including parallelization
- Major modification of the data2haplohh function to improve reading efficiency and allele recoding. In addition, a new input data file format (haplotype.in.columns) is now available
- Computation of xp-EHH
- A vignette that details how to use the package is now included in the package
- Several other minor modifications in other functions
- Removing smartlegend() calls (deprecated in new version of gplot) in calc_ehh.R and fistribplot.R
- Minor modification of the CITATION file
- Minor modification of the distribplot.R file (call to plot.density was disabled)
Minor modification of the rehh-package.Rd file
Printing of the advance of each site out of the total SNPs scanned when using scan_hh() function was disabled to save time and simplify screen output (particularly relevant for large data sets).
Minor bugs corrected in the ehh_utils.c and r_scan_hh.c codes. These bugs had no effect on the results.