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File metadata and controls

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Database Structure

    organizations ||..o{ organizations_relatives : stakeholders
    organizations {
        unsignedBigInt id PK
        uuid uuid UK
        varchar(150) name
        varchar(50) alias
        varchar email UK
        varchar(20) phone
        varchar(200) summary
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    organizations_relatives ||--|| organizations : stakeholder
    organizations_relatives ||--|| people : stakeholder
    organizations_relatives {
        unsignedBigInt id PK
        unsignedBigInt organization_id FK
        morph stakeholder
        varchar(100) code UK
        boolean is_primary
        unsignedSmallInt type
        unsignedSmallInt status
        unsignedSmallInt personnel_status
        date start_date
        date finish_date

    people {
        unsignedBigInt id PK
        uuid uuid UK
        unsignedBigInt user_id FK
        varchar(150) name
        varchar(20) prefix
        varchar(20) suffix
        varchar(50) alias
        char(16) nik UK
        varchar email UK
        varchar(20) phone
        date birth_date
        char(4) birth_place_code
        char(1) gender
        varchar(200) summary
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    people ||..o{ people_relatives : relatives
    people_relatives ||--|| people : relative
    people_relatives {
        unsignedBigInt person_id FK
        unsignedBigInt relative_id FK
        unsignedSmallInt status

    addresses }o..|| organizations : addresses
    addresses }o..|| people : addresses
    addresses {
        unsignedBigInt id PK
        morph addressable
        unsignedSmallInt type
        varchar line
        char(3) rt
        char(3) rw
        char(10) village_code
        char(6) district_code
        char(4) regency_code
        char(2) province_code
        char(5) postal_code
        varchar(200) summary
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    users ||..|| people : credential
    users {
        unsignedBigInt id PK
        varchar(150) name
        varchar email
        varchar password

    files ||--o{ files : revisions
    files {
        uuid id PK
        unsignedBigInt revision_id FK
        varchar title
        varchar name
        varchar path
        varchar disk
        varchar(200) summary
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    organizations }o..|| file_attached : files
    people }o..|| file_attached : files
    file_attached ||--|| files : attachments
    file_attached {
        unsignedBigInt file_upload_id FK
        morph attachable
        unsignedSmallInt type


Either a companies or an individuals are tent to shares some similarities, which is they must have a way for externals to communicate with them. The most common ways are by email or phone. In that regard, another similarity is they must have a name, but there's case that differenciate how we describe the way we call them. A organizations are commonly use term legal_name and alias_name, while an individuals are commonly using full_name and nick_name. Either of them serve the same purposes.

Despite those similarities they must have some differences, including :

  • An individual does have gender, while a company doesn't
  • An individual might have a credential so they can logging in to the system, while a company shouldn't
    Entity <|-- Organization
    Entity <|-- Person
    Person "1" ..> "1" User : credential

    class Entity {
        string name
        null|string alias
        string email
        null|string phone
        null|string summary
    class Organization~Entity~ {
        int id
        uuid uuid
    class Person~Entity~ {
        int id
        uuid uuid
        null|int user_id
        string gender
        credential() User
    class User {
        int id
        string name
        string email
        profile() Person


A business must have some sort of relationship to the externals, either to another business or individuals regardless of its size. The most common term to describe it is stakeholder.

A stakeholder is a person or group with an interest in an enterprise - What Are Stakeholders: Definition, Types, and Examples

In this implementation we try to cover 5 most basic and common business relationship, which are :

  • Owner

    A company or individual stackholder who own the business.

  • Subsidiary

    A company that act as subsidiary or child business.

  • Employee

    A individual that act as employee of the business.

  • Customer

    A company or individual that act as purchase goods from the business.

  • Supplier

    A company or individual that provides raw materials for the business so they can produce their goods.

  • Vendor

    A company or individual who provides pre-made or even ready-made goods for the business so they can proceed the raw materials into goods.

The term "stakeholders" itself is actually covers a lot more than that. But at this stage we can't afford to comply those types of relationship, simply because that's beyond of our cababilities to handle them at the moment.

     OrganizationRelative --> Organization : stakeholders
     OrganizationRelative --> Person : stakeholders
     Organization --> OrganizationRelative : businessRelatives

    class Organization~Entity~ {
        int id
        owners() Entity[]
        subsidiaries() Entity[]
        customers() Entity[]
        suppliers() Entity[]
        vendors() Entity[]
    class Person~Entity~ {
        int id
    class OrganizationRelative {
        int id
        boolean is_internal
        string code
        int type
        int status
        stakeholder() Entity


Field Attribute Key Description
id unsignedBigInt, incrementing primary
uuid uuid unique
name varchar(150) Must contain legal name of the business, e.g : PT. Creasi Tekno Solusi
alias varchar(50), nullable Must contain alias name from its legal name of the business, e.g : Creasico
email varchar, nullable unique The business primary email address, e.g :
phone varchar(20), nullable The business primary phone number
summary varchar(200), nullable

Model Attributes

  • timestamps
  • softDeletes

organizations_relatives (morphPivot)

Field Attribute Key Description
id unsignedBigInt, incrementing primary
organization_id unsignedBigInt foreign
stakeholder morphs, nullable
code varchar(100), nullable unique Unique identifier of business relationship
type unsignedSmallInt, nullable
status unsignedSmallInt, nullable
start_date date, nullable
finish_date date, nullable

Relation Properties

  • organization_id : reference organizations


Essentially the employments mechanism can be done using organizations_relatives, but since it has certain entities that differs compared to the other stakeholders we should pivot it into different table. Another reason is it could be easier to manage the spesific relation when using dedicated table.

     Employments --> Person : employments
     Organization --> Employments : employments

    class Organization {
        int id
        employees() Person[]
    class Person {
        int id
        company() null|Organization
        employers() Organization[]
    class Employments {
        int id

employments (morphPivot)

Field Attribute Key Description
id unsignedBigInt, incrementing primary
organization_id unsignedBigInt foreign
stakeholder morphs, nullable
is_primary boolean In some circumstance, a business might have multiple business_relative with the same type in this case they should be able to decide which one is mark as primary relative. default: false
code varchar(100), nullable unique Unique identifier of business relationship
type unsignedSmallInt, nullable
status unsignedSmallInt, nullable
personnel_status unsignedSmallInt, nullable At this stage, this fields will only be available for employment relative, which is business to personnel that has type of employee
start_date date, nullable
finish_date date, nullable

Relation Properties

  • employer_id : reference organizations
  • employee_id : reference people

Employment Statuses

  • Unemployeed
  • Fulltime
  • Parttime
  • Probation
  • Internship
  • Freelance


Field type and status shouldn't be detachable so we can maintain historical changes of the personnel in the company.

Person and Profile

Every individuals should have their own identity, it also can helps a business to identify better of their individuals. But there's a circumstance that a business doesn't really care about that, all they need is just a way to communicate with the individuals, and that's it.

Meanwhile, a business might want to be able to also communicate with their personnel's relatieves. That case mostly used by a company to it employees in regards when there's an unexpected happens and the company decided to communicate it to their employee's relatives

    Person ..> PersonRelative : relative
    PersonRelative --> Person : personnel

    class Person {
        int id
        profile() null|Profile
    class PersonRelative {
        int person_id
        int relative_id
        int status


Field Attribute Key Description
id unsignedBigInt, incrementing primary
uuid uuid unique
user_id unsignedBigInt, nullable foreign
name varchar(150)
prefix varchar(10), nullable
suffix varchar(10), nullable
alias varchar(50), nullable
nik char(16), nullable
email varchar, nullable unique
phone varchar(20), nullable
birth_date date, nullable
birth_place_code char(4), nullable foreign
gender char(1)
summary varchar(200), nullable

Model Attributes

  • timestamps
  • softDeletes

Relation Properties

  • user_id : reference users

people_relatives (morphPivot)

Field Attribute Key Description
person_id unsignedBigInt foreign
relative_id unsignedBigInt foreign
status unsignedSmallInt, nullable

Relation Properties

  • person_id : reference people
  • relative_id : reference people

Person Relative Statuses

  • Child
  • Spouse
  • Sibling
  • SiblingsChild
  • Parent
  • ParentsSibling
  • Grandparent
  • Grandchild
  • Cousin

Model Attributes

  • timestamps
  • softDeletes

Relation Properties

  • birth_place_code : reference regencies

Person Educations

  • Uneducated
  • SD
  • SMP
  • SMA
  • D1
  • D2
  • D3
  • S1
  • S2
  • S3

Person Religions

  • Other
  • Islam
  • Christian
  • Catholic
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Confucianism


Another similarity either individual and business is they have address, even in some cases they might has multiple addresses. For instance that an individual might have multiple addresses when they're live in different location than their identity (NIK). In that case a business might want to have that information where its live also the location from its identity (NIK).

It also possible that either business or individual put their address information for different purposes, e.g shipment address and billing address. Your mileage might vary.

    Organization "1" ..> "*" Address : addresses
    Person "1" ..> "*" Address : addresses

    class Address {
        int id
        addressable() Entity
    class Organization~Entity~ {
        int id
        addresses() Address[]
    class Person~Entity~ {
        int id
        addresses() Address[]


Field Attribute Key Description
id unsignedBigInt, incrementing primary
addressable morphs, nullable
type unsignedSmallInt, nullable
line varchar
rt char(3), nullable
rw char(3), nullable
village_code char(10), nullable foreign
district_code char(6), nullable foreign
regency_code char(4), nullable foreign
province_code char(2), nullable foreign
postal_code char(5), nullable
summary varchar(200), nullable

Model Attributes

  • timestamps
  • softDeletes

Relation Properties

  • village_code : reference villages
  • district_code : reference districts
  • regency_code : reference regencies
  • province_code : reference provinces

Address Types Currently there's only 2 types of address, which is :

  • Legal : Meaning that the address data is what defined in their legal document,
  • Resident : Meaning that the address data is actually the place where their live,

But it can be extended by the config creasi.base.address.types value, that said we have flexibility to define the address type per-project-basis.

Uploaded Files

Last but not least, either company or individual might also be able to have certain files or documents to runs the business. This functionality can serve any kind of purposes and its might be vary depending of the business. For instance, as simple as both might want to upload their photo e.g an profile avatar or company logo. Meanwhile there's business that want to serve their invoice, quotation or any other document.

It also possible to store an .xlsx or .csv file that would be used for data imports, so the import process can be done in the background and once the process is finished, the system can remove the stored files and keep it neat and clean as the business goes.

    Organization "1" ..> "*" FileAttached : files
    Person "1" ..> "*" FileAttached : files
    File "1" ..> "*" File : revisions
    FileAttached <--> File : attachment

    class File {
        int id
        string revision_id
        string title
        string name
        string path
        string disk
        null|string summary
        revisions() File[]
    class FileAttached {
        int id
        morph attachable
        int type
        attachable() Entity
    class Organization~Entity~ {
        int id
        files() File[]
    class Person~Entity~ {
        int id
        files() File[]


Field Attribute Key Description
id uuid primary
revision_id uuid, nullable foreign Indicates that this row is actually a revision of parent id
title varchar, nullable
name varchar
path varchar, nullable
disk varchar, nullable
summary varchar(200), nullable

Model Attributes

  • timestamps
  • softDeletes

Relation Properties

  • revision_id : reference files

file_attached (morphPivot)

Field Attribute Key Description
file_upload_id uuid foreign
attachable morphs, nullable
type insignedSmallInt

Relation Properties

  • file_upload_id : reference files

File Attached Types

  • Other
  • Document
  • Image
  • Avatar