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401 lines (328 loc) · 35.4 KB

File metadata and controls

401 lines (328 loc) · 35.4 KB
copyright lastupdated keywords subcollection
2020, 2021
known issues

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:external: target="_blank" .external} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:pre: .pre} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:download: .download} {:hide-dashboard: .hide-dashboard} {:apikey: data-credential-placeholder='apikey'} {:url: data-credential-placeholder='url'} {:curl: .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:ruby: .ph data-hd-programlang='ruby'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:go: .ph data-hd-programlang='go'}

Known issues

{: #known-issues}

See Release notes for the list of {{}} release notes. {: shortdesc}

Known issues are listed by the release in which they were identified.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.2.1, 26 February 2021 release:

{: #26feb2021ki}

  • If you are preparing your {{}} clusters for an in-place upgrade of your instance from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1, occasionally, the cpd-cli adm command fails, showing the following error message: Error from server (UnsupportedMediaType): error when applying patch. If you receive this error message, enter oc delete scc cpd-zensys-scc cpd-user-scc cpd-noperm-scc edb-operator-scc admin-discovery-scc to delete the related resources, and re-enter the cpd-cli adm command.

  • If you are upgrading your {{}} instance from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1, occasionally, the cpd-cli upgrade command completes before rolling updates complete. For information about verifying that your upgrade completed successfully, see Verifying that your upgrade completed successfully.

  • In {{}}, the Content Mining project only supports one collection per project. If you create more than one Content Mining collection, you might experience errors. If you experience errors, delete additional Content Mining collections so that each Content Mining project has only one associated collection.

  • If you add an {{}} machine learning enrichment to a collection, the ingestion process might run very slowly but will eventually complete. If ingestion processes slowly, you might see the following error message in Warnings and errors:

    [WKSML_MODEL_NAME]: Document analysis timed out

    For additional timeout details, you can check your {{}} machine learning logs, which might look similar to the following:

      "message": "Analysis failed due to: 
              at c.i.n.b.SIREAnnotator.process(_:454)
              ... ",
      "level": "SEVERE",

    Documents that time out during processing are indexed without {{}} enrichment results.

  • Model-train images are not updated after upgrading from Discovery 2.2.0 to 2.2.1. To work around this issue, delete the deployments that the model-train operator creates, and wait for the operator to recreate the deployments. Enter the following command to delete the deployments:

    oc delete deploy -l ''

    {: pre}

    After you run this command, the model-train operator creates new deployments.

  • If you upgrade {{}} from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1, you might receive the following error message:

    [ERROR] [2021-03-04 05:12:44-0657] Exiting due to error (Storage class is immutable. Module ibm-watson-gateway-operator x86_64 from Assembly portworx-shared-gp3 was installed with ibm-watson-gateway-operator x86_64, but new install/upgrade command is requesting portworx-db-gp3-sc. If you installed the assembly with a different storage class, please upgrade it individually.). Please check /ibm/cpd-cli-workspace/logs/CPD-2021-03-04T05-12-04.log for details
    [ERROR] 2021-03-04T05:12:44.659615Z Execution error:  exit status 1

    This error message is generated because the storage class that was used for installation is different than the one that was used during the upgrade. This discrepancy results from a different add-on installing the dependency operators because the storage class dependency operators of the different add-on were recorded as the ones that were used for installation. To work around this issue, you must upgrade the following subassemblies individually:

    • Upgrade the Watson gateway operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly ibm-watson-gateway-operator \
      --arch Cluster_architecture \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

    • Upgrade Minio operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly ibm-minio-operator \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

    • Upgrade RabbitMQ operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly ibm-rabbitmq-operator \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

    • Upgrade etcd operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly ibm-etcd-operator \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

    • Upgrade model train classic operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly modeltrain-classic \
      --arch Cluster_architecture \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

    • Upgrade Elasticsearch operator:

      ./cpd-cli upgrade \
      --repo ./repo.yaml \
      --assembly ibm-cloudpakopen-elasticsearch-operator \
      --namespace <Project> \
      --transfer-image-to <Registry_location> \
      --cluster-pull-prefix <Registry_from_cluster> \
      --ask-pull-registry-credentials \

      {: pre}

      where <Project> is the namespace where your {{}} 2.2.0 instance is installed, where <Registry_location> is the location of the images that you pushed to the registry server, and where <Registry_from_cluster> is the location from which pods on the cluster can pull images.

Also, see the issues in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.2, 8 December 2020 release:

{: #8dec2020ki}

  • When a small csv file (generally a csv with 99 lines or fewer) is uploaded, the header and/or first row may not be ingested correctly. If this happens, in the tooling, navigate to the CSV Settings tab and update the settings. After reprocessing, navigate to the Manage fields tab and update the field types if needed.

  • If you have set up your collections using a custom crawler built with the Cloud Pak for Data custom connector, and then remove the custom crawler deployment, the Processing Settings page will not display the crawler configuration. This is because the underlying crawler is not available. To work around this issue, confirm that the custom crawler is deployed when there are collections using it.

  • When using a Cloud Pak for Data custom connector with Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.2, the script scripts/ used to deploy and remove the deployment of the custom crawler fails. To work around this issue, replace line 37 podname="gateway" with podname="wd-discovery-gateway" in scripts/, and then rerun the deploy command.

  • When you create a custom enrichment in the tooling, you must choose a field the enrichment should be applied to and click Apply. If no field is selected, then the Apply and reprocess button will be disabled for enrichments changes until the new enrichment has a field.

  • If you apply the Contracts enrichment or the Table Understanding enrichment to a collection, you might receive the following error message when that collection is ingesting documents: The number of nested documents has exceeded the allowed limit of [X]. Contact the IBM Support Center{: external} to adjust the limit.

  • When text is enriched with a custom dictionary, the output of entities.type should be the full facet path for the Dictionary enrichment. However, in this release, the full facet path will not be displayed. To work around this, reprocess the collection. For example, if the facet path is sample1.sample2, it will look like this before reprocessing:

      "result" : {
        "enriched_text" : [ {
          "entities" : [ {
            "text" : "capital",
            "type" : "sample2",
         "model_name" : "Dictionary:.sample1.sample2"}

    {: codeblock}

    And this after:

      "result" : {
        "enriched_text" : [ {
          "entities" : [ {
            "text" : "capital",
            "type" : "sample1.sample2",
          "model_name" : "Dictionary:.sample1.sample2"}

    {: codeblock}

  • When a csv file is uploaded with the converter settings set to auto_detection=true, the CSV settings tab in the tooling will display the incorrect settings. If you update the settings on the CSV settings tab, auto_detection will no longer be set to true.

  • In Office documents ('.doc', '.docx', '.odf', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.ods', '.ppt', '.pptx', '.odp') converted using a Smart Document Understanding (SDU) custom model, the publicationdate may not display in extracted_metadata field in the JSON response. It will instead appear in the html field of the JSON response. The publicationdate in the html field will be the date the document was ingested and not the document's original publication date.

  • The Analyze API uses an in-memory cache to hold the enrichment models associated with the collection used to run the documents. If the collection contains many large enrichments or multiple of these collections are used at the same time, the cache may run out of memory. When this happens, the Analyze API returns null results (see example) and the stateless api rest proxy will display this message in its log: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: stateless.Analysis/analyze: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.

      "result": null,
      "notices": null

    {: codeblock}

    To workaround this issue:

    1. Review the enrichments used in the collection and remove those that are not necessary for your application. In particular, remove the Parts of Speech enrichment.
    2. Reduce the number of collections used concurrently with the Analyze API.
    3. Increase the cache memory:
      • Increase the memory limit of container model-runtime in deployment core-discovery-stateless-api-model-runtime to 10 GB or more
      • Edit the environment variable CAPACITY_MB in deployment core-discovery-stateless-api-model-runtime, set it to 10240 or more

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

IBM Cloud only Known issues identified in the IBM Cloud Premium release, 10 November 2020

{: #10nov2020ki}

  • IBM Cloud only The Box connector does not run on Safari.
  • IBM Cloud only If the metadata property is converted to an array in the index, the document cannot be deleted using the Delete labeled data method in the API reference{: external}

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.1.4, 2 September 2020 release:

{: #2sept2020ki}

  • When configuring a Web crawl using FORM authentication, if you specify a URL without a trailing slash, for example:, the web crawl will only crawl the login page. To workaround this issue, add a trailing slash to the URL, for example:
  • The Guided Tours do not run on Firefox. For the list of other supported browsers, see Browser support.
  • Ingesting documents into a collection that uses a custom Advanced Rules model enrichment built in Watson Knowledge Studio may fail if multiple extractors in the model internally use the same names for one or more output views.
  • If you delete a large number of documents, then immediately ingest a large number of documents, it may take longer for all the documents to become available.
  • The Classifier enrichment does not work when FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.2] A conversion error may occur when the Include in index field on the Manage fields tab in the tooling is changed. The document will not be indexed if this error occurs. To work around the issue:
    1. oc edit sts core-discovery-converter

    2. Edit between containers and - name: INGESTION_POD_NAME as follows:

           - command:
             - bash
             - -c
             - |
               FILE=/opt/ibm/wex/zing/bin/ &&
               sed -i "/choreo_2.11-9.1.1.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/disco-doc-conversion-commons_2.11-1.0.4.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/jackson-module-scala_2.11-2.10.4.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/macro-compat_2.11-1.1.1.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/pureconfig-core_2.11-0.12.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/pureconfig-generic-base_2.11-0.12.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/pureconfig-generic_2.11-0.12.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/pureconfig-macros_2.11-0.12.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/pureconfig_2.11-0.12.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/scala-guice_2.11-4.1.1.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/scala-logging_2.11-3.7.2.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/scalactic_2.11-3.0.5.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/scalaj-http_2.11-2.3.0.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/service-commons_2.11-22.1.0.jar/d" $FILE &&
               sed -i "/shapeless_2.11-2.3.3.jar/d" $FILE &&
               /opt/ibm/wex/zing/bin/ /opt/ibm/wex/zing/bin/
             - name: INGESTION_POD_NAME

      {: codeblock} Added lines from - command: to /opt/ibm/wex/zing/bin/ /opt/ibm/wex/zing/bin/ and removed - before env:

    3. Save the changes. It will restart the converter pod.

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

IBM Cloud only Known issues identified in the IBM Cloud Premium General Availability (GA) release, 16 July 2020:

{: #16jul2020ki}

  • IBM Cloud only When connecting to an {{}} source with the {{}} tooling, you will only see the first 75 COS buckets for a given credential. (This data source is only available in {{}}.)

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.1.3, 19 June 2020 release:

{: #19jun2020ki}

  • Entity Subtypes in {{}} Machine Learning models are not supported in {{}} 2.1.3 or later. For instructions on converting existing models, contact the Support center{: external}.
  • You cannot upload CSV files that include a space in the file name (for example: file 1.csv) to a Content Mining project. Rename the file to work around the issue.
  • When performing Project level relevancy training, if you have multiple collections, and two or more of those collections contains a duplicate document_id, then project level relevancy training will fail. Example of duplicate document_ids: Collection A contains a document with the id of 1234, and Collection B also contains a document with the id of 1234.
  • Only the first facet using a field with the prefix extracted_metadata is saved correctly after creation. Others with that prefix will appear but after a screen refresh will be gone. This only happens once per project, so the workaround is to refresh and add the facet again.
  • Cloud Pak for Data only During installation on {{}}, some Kubernetes Jobs may incorrectly report their status as OOMKilled, causing the install to timeout. To resolve this, once a Job returns OOMKilled verify the logs of the Pod associated with that Job. There should be no obvious error messages in the logs and the resources are reported in the logs as created. Manually verify these resources exist in the namespace and then delete the Job. This will cause the install to continue.
  • Some documents may show two html fields when applying an enrichment. Both html fields shown are the same and operate as such.
  • When creating a data source in Firefox, you may not see the entire list of options, including the More processing settings settings. To work around the issue, zoom out, increase the browser height, or use another supported browser.
  • When customizing the display of search results, the changes made sometimes do not save after clicking the Apply button. To work around this issue, refresh the browser and try to make the changes again.
  • When setting up a data source or web crawler for your collection, if you enter an incorrect configuration, then try to update it on the Processing settings page, the data source update or crawl may not start when you click the Apply changes and reprocess button. You can confirm this issue by opening the Activity page for your collection to see if processing has started. If you see that processing has not started for your data source, click the Recrawl button, then the Apply changes and reprocess button. If you see that processing has not started for your web crawl, click the Stop button, then the Recrawl button.
  • Cloud Pak for Data only When running Helm tests on the core deployment using helm test core, the core-discovery-api-post-install-test will return a FAILED status. This is due to a bug within the test pod's image. The test result can be ignored as the failure is not related to anything within the deployment.
  • By default, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is set to off when you create any Project type with the tooling. However, if you create a Project using the API, OCR is set to on. To work around this issue, open the Tooling and change the Project setting to off.
  • When Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is set to on for a Collection AND no trained Smart Document Understanding (SDU) model is applied, PNG, TIFF, and JPG files will not be processed for text recognition. Images embedded in PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents will not be processed - only the non-image portion of these documents will be processed for text recognition. To work around this issue, import or train an SDU model and reprocess the collection. This will allow text to be extracted from the images.
  • After you create a Search Skill in Watson Assistant and are directed to the Watson {{}} tooling, the screen is blank. This happens because the URL is missing the {{}} instance ID. To work around this issue:
    1. From the {{}} web client menu, choose My Instances. For example:
    2. Select the Discovery instance you are using and click Launch Tool.
    3. Once the tooling is loaded, the URL should have the following structure:
    4. Copy the entire path, excluding /projects. For example:
    5. Go back to the browser tab that is displaying the blank Discovery screen. That URL structure will look like this:
    6. Replace with the URL you copied previously, so the new URL should look like this:
    7. Press enter to open updated URL. You should now be on the Watson {{}} Manage collections page.

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.1.2, 31 Mar 2020 release:

{: #31mar2020ki}

  • When using passage retrieval with Korean, Polish, Japanese, Slovak or Chinese you may encounter much slower response times in this version. To resolve this, either disable passage retrieval, or upload a custom stopword list with words that are common in your documents (for example, prepositions and pronouns). See Defining stopwords for example stopword lists in several languages. Also see Stopwords ISO{: external}) on GitHub.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.3] In versions 2.1.2, 2.1.1, and 2.1.0, PNG, TIFF, and JPG individual image files are not scanned, and no text is extracted from those files. PNG, TIFF, and JPEG images embedded in PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files are also not scanned, and no text is extracted from those image files.
  • Smart Document Understanding does not support .doc, .docx, .odf, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, and .odp conversion when FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled.
  • In a Content Mining application, any document flags set will disappear if the index is rebuilt for that collection.
  • Beginning with the 2.1.2 release, uploading and managing relevancy training data using the v1 APIs will not train a relevancy training model. The v1 APIs have been superseded by the Projects relevancy training v2 APIs{: external}. If your training data needs to be preserved, it can be listed using the v1 API, then added to a project with the v2 API.
  • Multiple Regular expressions enrichments cannot be applied to a collection at the same time.
  • Cloud Pak for Data only There were two small changes to the installation instructions README included with the download of {{}}. For the updated version of the README, see the Discovery Helm chart{: external}.
    • A change to the description of the --cluster-pull-prefix PREFIX argument.
    • The language extension pack name has been updated from ibm-watson-discovery-pack1-2.1.2.tar.xz. to ibm-wat-dis-pack1-prod-2.1.2.tar.xz.

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.1.1, 24 Jan 2020 release:

{: #24jan2020ki}

  • When creating a dictionary, suggested dictionary terms are normalized to lower case by default (for example, Watson Assistant will be normalized to watson assistant). To ensure matching on upper case terms, they should be explicitly included as part of the Other terms list or as the Base term.

  • When backing up and restoring data, training data does not restore successfully. If the documents in your collection were added by crawl using a connector or web crawl, your training data can be separately retrieved for backup from an existing project and uploaded to a new restored project. For more information, see List training queries{: external} and Create training queries{: external}) in the API reference.

  • When crawling SharePoint Online or SharePoint OnPrem documents, JSON documents may not be indexed correctly and the title returned may be errored. This is because SharePoint web services use the ows_FileRef property to retrieve JSON files, which will return an error page. To fix this issue, contact your SharePoint Administrator and Microsoft Support.

  • Cloud Pak for Data only If you migrate a collection created in version 2.0.1 to either version 2.1.0 or 2.1.1, that collection will not have a Project type assigned and the collection will not be available to be queried. To assign a Project type, open the Projects page by selecting My Projects. Name your project and choose one of the Project types: Document Retrieval, Conversational Search, Content Mining, or Custom.

  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.2] When installing {{}} on OpenShift, the ranker-rest service might intermittently fail to startup, due to an incompatible jar in the classpath. To fix the issue:

    1. Open the ranker-rest editor with this command: kubectl edit deployment {release-name}-{watson-discovery}-ranker-rest

    2. In the editor, search for the ranker-rest image (for example: {docker-registry}/{namespace}/discovery-ranker-rest-service:20200113-150050-2-d1527c2)

    3. Add the following command below {docker-registry}/{namespace}/discovery-ranker-rest-service:20200113-150050-2-d1527c2:

      command: ["/tini"]
      args: ["-s", "-v", "--", "java", "-Dkaryon.ssl=true", "-Dkaryon.port=9081", "-Dkaryon.ssl.port=9090", "-Dkaryon.ssl.certificate=/opt/bluegoat/karyon/ssl/karyon-cert.pem", "-Dkaryon.ssl.privatekey=/opt/bluegoat/karyon/ssl/karyon-private-key.pem", "", "", "-Dlog4j.debug=false", "-Dlitelinks.threadcontexts=log4j_mdc", "-Dwatson.ssl.truststore.path=/opt/bluegoat/karyon/ssl/litelinks-truststore.jks", "-Dwatson.ssl.truststore.password=watson15qa", "-Dlitelinks.delay_client_close=false", "-Drxnetty.http.maxcontentlength=314572800", "-cp", "lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar:*:lib/*", ""]

      {: pre}

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.1.0, 27 Nov 2019 release:

{: #29nov2019ki}

  • When you apply an enrichment to a collection, the enrichment language must match the collection language, or it will fail. The tooling displays all the collections, regardless of language.
  • On the Manage Fields tab, you can edit system-generated fields. The following fields should not be edited by changing the field type or turning off indexing: document_id, extracted_metadata, metadata.
  • When you delete a Collection and select the option Don't delete underlying data, any incomplete document ingestion crawls will continue running in the background, which will impact the new crawl start times, until the existing crawls are completed.
  • Cloud Pak for Data only Discovery can fail to start up correctly due to components getting into a lock state. Manual database intervention may be needed to clear the lock. For more information on identifying and resolving this issue, see Clearing a lock state.
  • If you upload a document with the Upload Data function, delete that document, and then try to upload either the same document or another document with the same document ID,the upload will fail and the message Error during creating a document will be displayed.
  • Documents that produce an html field when processed can not be used with relevancy training. html is produced for documents processed with Smart Document Understanding or Content Intelligence. The html field must be removed before relevancy training can complete successfully.
  • If the Parts of Speech enrichment is not turned on: Dynamic facets will not be created, Dictionary suggestions cannot be used, Content Miner "extracted facets" will not generate.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.1] Discovery for Content Intelligence and Table Understanding enrichments are configured out of the box to be applied on a field named html. When a user uploads a JSON document without a top-level field named html, these enrichments will not yield results in the index. To run the enrichments on this kind of JSON documents, users must re-configure the enrichments to run on an existing field (or fields) in the JSON document.
  • When viewing the Content Miner deploy page, sometimes the full application URL is not displayed for copying. To fix, refresh the page.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.2] Deprovisioning a {{}} Instance will not delete the underlying data. Delete the collections and documents manually.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.3] On the Improvement tools panel, the enrichment Sentiment of phrases is listed, but is not currently available.
  • In Content Mining projects, the dates fields may not be parsed properly for display in facets.
  • The Dynamic facets toggle should not appear in Content Mining projects.
  • A minimum of 50-100 documents should be ingested to see valid dynamic facets generated.
  • If you click Stop to stop a crawler and the converter processes slowly or has errors, you might see a status of the crawler running.
  • The total size limit of all non-HTML fields in uploaded and crawled documents is 1MB, which is equivalent to 1,048,576 bytes, and the total size limit of all HTML fields in these documents is 5MB. If you exceed either limit, you receive an error message stating The document has fields/HTML fields that exceed the 1 MB/5 MB limit., and the document is not ingested. For assistance on increasing either size limit, contact the IBM Support Center{: external}.

Also see the issues identified in all previous releases.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data 2.0.1, 30 August 2019 release:

{: #30aug2019ki}

  • After you create a Machine Learning enrichment using a {{}} model, two identically named enrichments may display on the Enrich fields page. This will not affect the enrichments, but it is best to use only one of them to select and apply the enrichment to one or more fields.
  • [Update: fixed in version 2.1.2] When you upload documents to a collection with existing documents, a Documents uploaded! message displays on the Activity page, but no further processing status displays until the number of documents increases.
  • If a web crawl appears to be stuck processing at a fixed number of documents, and the message displayed on the Logs page is The ingestion job <jobid> is terminated incorrectly, contact IBM support for assistance restarting the crawl.
  • If one or more of your collections is trained, the training data from one of those collection may display on the Train page of an untrained collection. Refresh the page to clear that training data.
  • The following types of documents will not be processed if they do not have the proper file extension: .docx, .pptx, .xlsx.

Also see the issues identified in the previous release.

Cloud Pak for Data only Known issues identified in the Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data General Availability (GA) release, 28 June 2019:

{: #known-issues-ga}

  • If you are working in the {{}} tooling, and your {{}} session expires, you will receive a blank page. To return to the tooling, refresh the browser and log back in.
  • All JSON files ingested into {{}} should include the .json file extension.
  • When querying on the collection_id of a trained collection, the training_status.notices value may occasionally display as 0 instead of the correct value.
  • Not all query limitations are enforced in this release. See query limitations for the complete list of banned fields.
  • In JSON source documents, you should not duplicate the following system-generated fields: document_id, parent_document_id, filename, and title. This will cause the duplicate fields to nest within arrays and break certain features, such as ranker training.
  • Do not include a top-level metadata property in your JSON documents. If you upload a JSON document that already contains a top-level metadata property, then the metadata property of the indexed document will be converted to an array in the index.
  • Do not use metadata for column names in your csv files. If you upload a csv file that uses metadata for the column names in the header, then the metadata property of the indexed document will be converted to an array in the index.
  • CSV files must use commas (,) or semicolons (;) as delimiters; other delimiters are not supported. If your CSV file includes values containing either commas or semicolons, you should surround those values in double quotation marks so they are not separated. If header rows are present, the values within them are processed in the same manner as values in all other rows. The last row of CSV files will not be processed if not followed by a CRLF (carriage return).
  • Currently, unique collection names are not enforced. Using duplicate collection names is not recommended and should be avoided.