conda create -n simplemseed python=3.9
conda activate simplemseed
python3 -m pip install --upgrade hatch
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pytest
hatch clean && hatch build
pip3 install dist/simplemseed-*-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall
for testing, use code in current directory so updates on edit:
pip install -v -e .
Hints on publish:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade hatch
hatch clean && hatch build
pytest && pylint src/simplemseed | grep -v snake_case | grep -v docstring | grep -v line-too-long
pip install requests
cd examples ; ./ ; cd ..
# update release/version in docs/source/
# sphinx and
# pip install sphinx-autodoc2
cd docs ; make clean && make html && open build/html/index.html ; cd ..
git status
git tag -a -m "version to 0.4.1" v0.4.1
git push
hatch publish