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Each new player starts the Chronicle with 30 Experience Points (XP) to spend on Traits, a Path, and/or Abilities. This total and any additional XP gained through the course of the Chronicle will be carried over in the event of a player choosing to make a new character after an existing one perishes or is retired.


A character possesses five core traits that form the basis for derived traits like Health and Mana, and determine which abilities they can acquire. These traits are Power, Finesse, Fortitude, Will and Wits. Each character starts with a score of 1 in each trait, and 2 additional points to distribute amongst them as they see fit. The derived traits are calculated as follows: Health is the character’s Fortitude plus 2, and if they are a Spellcaster, they also possess Mana, which is equal to 2 times their Will.

Any additional points beyond this cost 5 XP. The maximum each of these traits can go to is 4. Additional trait points may be purchased over the course of the Chronicle.


The paths are optional classes of characters with a collection of trait bonuses and discounted abilities appropriate to their theme. A Fighter for instance is able to use almost any weapon or piece of armour they wish, and a Druid is adept at foraging and creating elixirs.

They cost 20 XP each, can only be purchased at Character Creation, and only one can be purchased for each character. Optional skill selections are distinguished by being divided by a ‘/’, and a player may select one of the two for their character. Though any character may possess an ability from a path without meeting the prerequisites, to use any such abilities, the character still need to possess the necessary trait levels as specified by the ability and any prerequisite abilities.


A warrior, trained in the military arts since youth and at the front line of any conflict. +1 Power & +1 Fortitude x2 Weapon Abilities Resilient x1 Weapon Ability / Shield Adept Adept Armour Fitness / 2-Handed Weapon Control Stalwart / Weapon Focus


One practised in the art of spellcasting, and knowledgeable about the arcane world.

  • +1 Will & +1 Wits
  • Novice Spellcaster
  • Adept Spellcaster
  • Mana Reservoir / Warmage
  • College Mage / Spellslinger
  • Scholar / Novice Forager
  • Countermagic / Ritualist


A consummate communicator; perhaps a diplomat, storyteller, or musician.

  • +1 Wits & +1 Finesse
  • Novice Merchant
  • Small Weapon Adept
  • Hidden Blade
  • Stealth / Social Network
  • Novice Pickpocketing / Scholar
  • Backstab / Danger Sense


A warrior who also has some grasp of the art of spellcasting.

  • +1 Power & +1 Will
  • x1 Weapon Ability
  • Novice Spellcaster
  • Spellslinger
  • x1 Weapon Ability / Weapon Channelling
  • Armour Fitness Adept / High Mage
  • Keen Intellect / Resilient


A skilled crafter, particularly with weapons and armor.

  • +1 Finesse & +1 Fortitude
  • Craftsman
  • Armourer / Scrounger
  • Artisan / Trapper
  • Novice Merchant / Scholar
  • Prospector / Novice Spellcaster
  • Puzzler / Novice Alchemist


A guardian of the wilds, versed in survival and magic.

  • +1 Fortitude & +1 Will
  • Novice Alchemist
  • Novice Forager
  • Resilient / Scholar
  • Novice Spellcaster / Adept Forager
  • Novice Hunter / Spellslinger
  • Adept Physician / Hardy


A scout, skilled at tracking, hunting, and fighting.

  • +1 Power & +1 Wits
  • x1 Weapon Ability
  • Novice Hunter
  • Novice Archery / Hamstring
  • Hunting Adept / Craftsman
  • Stealth / Scout
  • Easy Heal / Scrounger


A resourceful jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none.

  • +1 Wits & +1 Fortitude
  • 20 XP to spend on Abilities
  • Discount on any Novice level abilities (-1 XP cost)
  • Penalty on any Expert level abilities (+2 XP cost)


These are skills and advantages that characters may possess that enhance what they can do. Each ability has its own XP cost, and the acquisition of new abilities occurs during the Downtime.

All characters by default start with the abilities of Weaponry, Novice Armour Fitness, Novice Shield, Novice Physician, and Literate for free. Like Path abilities, if the character does not possess the necessary prerequisites, they still possess the ability, but cannot use it until they meet the prerequisites.


Experience Points (XP) - Used to build a character and add additional abilities to their repertoire, XP is allocated to the participant rather than a specific character. It is earned by players and crew in equal measure, and will persist over the course of the Chronicle. On top of the 30 XP a participant starts the Chronicle with, additional XP can be gained through possession of select Flaws, and through ongoing attendance at Chronicle events.
A participant will gain 5 XP per Chapter Game and 2 XP for participating in one or more day games within a Chapter.

Gnosis Points (GP) - Representing knowledge of the arcane and knowledge of the world, GP can be used to acquire spells, alchemical formulae, and other special knowledge. It is also used to imbue enchanted artefacts. All characters by default start with their Wits x 5 in GP, and gain their Wits x2 in GP each Chapter.

Equipment Points (EP) - Representing generic material in the game environment, EP can be obtained primarily through looting. EP can be traded for currency in-game, or used in the downtime for equipment or the construction of faction structures.

Currency (ss) - A character will start the game with 1,000 sunshards (ss) of currency to spend on particular pieces of equipment and special items, and will earn at least 100ss each Chapter. For more details on currency and equipment, please read the Equipment chapter of this guide.

Updates to characters are handled during the downtime through the shared Google character document, or by sending an updated character document via email that is the complete text with any changes since the last version highlighted (if added) or struck-out (if removed).


Between each Chapter game there are 2 downtime phases. In each of these phases a player participant has the option of carrying out up to 3 actions to hopefully improve the position of their faction and their own character. For those that do not choose to submit such actions, the default action is Labouring at the location of the Faction Base.

Exploration - The character explores a section of the island in an active manner, hoping to find foes, treasure or mysteries.

Patrolling - The character defends a section of the island in a passive manner, guarding it against hostile intent and strengthening the faction.

Labouring - The character puts their skills to use harvesting and/or processing resources for the benefit of their faction.

Each part of the island will have a risk level that may change over the course of the Chronicle. Carrying out an action in a part of the island will mean that a random roll is made by the Gamemaster team to determine the outcome of the action. To determine success or failure, the traits and abilities possessed by each character provide a hidden cumulative Combat Prowess, Arcane Prowess and Skillful Prowess. These scores are compared to the outcome of the roll, and success, failure or an effective tie will each deliver different outcomes.

The outcome of an action will be conveyed to a player in a simple format that indicates the nature of the encounter, and the benefits or drawbacks that came out of it. The specific nature of the encounter will be up to the player to determine, and should be taken as an opportunity for personal story development.

Note that in situations where multiple characters from the same faction carry out an action in the same part of the island, Prowess bonuses will be added to the players’ scores, improving each other player’s outcomes.


Each of the player factions will have an overall Faction Commander who is expected to lead their forces in their expedition. This role is one that is not tied to XP, and will need to be maintained by roleplaying. With the exception of the Hounds, each Faction Commander has the ability during the Downtime to carry out special actions using the NPC resources of their faction.

Each of the four functions below can be held on to or delegated by the Faction Commander to other players.

Warmaster - The Faction Commander or delegate can deploy NPC troops to locations to Guard, Assault, or Capture territory. Player characters carrying out actions in parts of the island to which troops are sent will have a significant effect on the performance of the troops.

Spymaster - The Faction Commander or delegate gains additional information on events within their faction and on the island during the Downtime.

Governor - The Faction Commander or delegate can devote Faction Resources to the development of the Faction Stronghold or territories.

Paymaster - The Faction Commander or delegate is in charge of the Faction Treasury. This includes arranging and paying Faction members to complete tasks, sourcing income, arranging and issuing loans to Faction businesses, and if the Faction does so, paying Faction members a weekly stipend.

More information on Faction Command and the various abilities can be found later in this document in the Downtime section.