Here is the guide for building the project (feel free to contribute for working commands on other systems)
- Build frontend
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
- Create the rice-box.go file
- Install rice.go binary
cd backend/api/controllers
rice embed-go
- Run go build commands (only for windows amd, darwin arm/amd)
env GOOS="windows" GOARCH="amd64" CGO_ENABLED="1" CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor" go build -o ../build/sheetable-x.y-windows.exe
env GOOS="darwin" GOARCH="amd64" CGO_ENABLED="1" CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor" go build -o ../build/sheetable-x.y-darwin-amd64
env GOOS="darwin" GOARCH="arm64" CGO_ENABLED="1" CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor" go build -o ../build/sheetable-x.y-darwin-arm64