- Intro w/ IPR
- Introductions
- Work Items
- David Waite
- Jeremie Miller
- Brent Zundel
- Daniel Buchner
- Andreas Freitag
- Andrew Whitehead
- Kristina Yasuda
- Mike Jones
- Srinath Setty
- Juan Caballero
- Brian Richter
- Mike Lodder
- Not all participants had signed the charter, but the process was well underway.
- Individuals introduced theselves
- We discussed possible work items:
- BBS+ - extending them with SNARKs
- Revocation - what are the use case requirements?
- ZK-Authorization Policies
- JSON Web Proofs (JWPs) - ZKP-capable JWTs
- Blind Signatures/Blind Encryption
- Had a discussion about being a work item owner and what that might entail, e.g.,
- leading the effort to produce some body of work
- organizing meetings specific to that work item
- managing GitHub or other resources dedicated to the work item
- Serving as an editor for the work item output
- reporting back to the WG on progress
- talked briefly about how best to use meeting time