These tools are developed and tested in isolated Python environment. To create an empty environment using virtualenv run (from the root project directoty):
virtualenv .venv
Python dependencies can installed with hash checking by running:
pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt
To update requirements.txt with hash generation use:
pip freeze >
pip-compile --generate-hashes --allow-unsafe
To generate a test key for signing upgrade file use:
openssl ecparam -name secp256k1 -genkey -noout -out mykey.pem
To encrypt a newly generated private key use:
openssl ec -aes256 -in mykey.pem -out mykey_enc.pem
Or, better, use a single command to avoid writing plaintext key to disk:
openssl ecparam -name secp256k1 -genkey | openssl ec -aes256 -out mykey.pem
To inspect generated key use:
openssl pkey -in mykey.pem -text
To generate and sign an upgrade file use the provided tool:
. It creates a signed container with binary images of the Bootloader or of the Main Firmware or both.
Contents of a produced upgrade file determine which keys are authorized to sign this upgrade. If an upgrade file contains the Bootloader, only the Vendor keys can be used to sign it. If only the Main Firmware is contained inside an upgrade file, it can be signed with either Vendor keys or Maintainer keys or any mix of both.
Upgrade generator supports three commands:
- gen - generate an upgrade file, with optional signing
- sign - add a signature to an existing upgrade file
- message - output a Bech32 message to sign externally
- import-sig - import an externally made signature
- dump - displays contents of an upgrade file
To get full usage instructions run <command> --help
$ gen --help
Usage: gen [OPTIONS] <upgrade_file.bin>
This command generates an upgrade file from given firmware files in Intel
HEX format. It is required to specify at least one firmware file: Firmware
or Bootloader.
In addition, if a private key is provided it is used to sign produced
upgrade file. Private key should be in PEM container with or without
-b, --bootloader <file.hex> Intel HEX file containing the Bootloader.
-f, --firmware <file.hex> Intel HEX file containing the Main Firmware.
-k, --private-key <file.pem> Private key in PEM container.
-p, --platform <platform> Platform identifier, i.e. stm32f469disco.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ sign --help
Usage: sign [OPTIONS] <upgrade_file.bin>
This command adds a signature to an existing upgrade file. Private key
should be provided in PEM container with or without encryption.
The signature is checked for duplication, and any duplicating signatures
are removed automatically.
-k, --private-key <filename.pem>
Private key in PEM container used to sign
produced upgrade file. [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ message --help
Usage: message [OPTIONS] <upgrade_file.bin>
This command outputs a message in Bech32 format containing payload
version(s) and hash to be signed using external tools.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ import-sig --help
Usage: import-sig [OPTIONS] <upgrade_file.bin>
This command imports an externally made signature into an upgrade file.
The signature is expected to be a standard Bitcoin message signature in
Base64 format.
-s, --signature <signature_base64>
Bitcoin message signature in Base64 format.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ dump --help
Usage: dump [OPTIONS] <upgrade_file.bin>
This command dumps information regarding firmware sections and lists
signatures with public key fingerprints.
--help Show this message and exit.
To program a "clean" device a complete firmware image needs to be created, including at least the Start-up code and one copy of the Bootloader. The Main Firmware can be added-up as well to make the device fully operating right after programming.
IMPORTANT: Initial firmware is not intended for distribution as it does not use signature verification!
The recommended way to create an initial firmware is by the help of
tool. Usage instructions can be obtained by running it with -help
$ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] <output_file_name>
This command makes a firmare file for initial programming of a "clean"
defice. The firmware file is made by combining together the Start-up code,
the Bootloader, and, optionally, the Main Firmware.
-s, --startup <file.hex> Intel HEX file containing the Start-up code.
-b, --bootloader <file.hex> Intel HEX file containing the Bootloader.
-f, --firmware <file.hex> Intel HEX file containing the Main Firmware.
-bin, --bin-output Outputs firmware in raw binary format.
--help Show this message and exit.