The punks in the original Lavra labs 24×24 series are available in four base colors / skin tones.
Let's have a looksie at the super-rare punks with zero accessories / attributes - #3307, #281, #510, #741:
require 'cryptopunks'
punks = './punks.png' )
ids = [3307, 281, 510, 741]
ids.each do |id|
name = '%04d' % id
punk = punks[id] "./punk-#{name}.png" )
punk.zoom(4).save( "./punk-#{name}x4.png" )
And let's look at the punkettes - #6487, #641, #1050, #2204:
ids = [6487, 641, 1050, 2204]
ids.each do |id|
name = '%04d' % id
punk = punks[id] "./punk-#{name}.png" )
punk.zoom(4).save( "./punk-#{name}x4.png" )
Let's look at all the colors in use for punkette #2204.
gets you all unique pixels, that is, all colors:
punk = punks[1050]
colors = punk.pixels.uniq
#=> [0, 255, 1899961855, 2337484031, 1445331199, 1916209663, 1242694143]
#=> 7
Let's calculate the color usage by pixel count (using the 24×24 original size, that is, out of a total of 576 pixels):
usage =
punk.pixels.each do |color|
usage[ color ] += 1
#=> {0 => 428,
# 255 => 45,
# 1899961855 => 93,
# 2337484031 => 1,
# 1445331199 => 4,
# 1916209663 => 2,
# 1242694143 => 3}
And let's pretty print the colors:
usage.each do |color,count|
print "%3d " % count
print Color.format( color )
print "\n"
Resulting in:
428 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
45 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
93 #713f1d / rgb(113 63 29) - hsl( 24° 59% 28%)
1 #8b532c / rgb(139 83 44) - hsl( 25° 52% 36%)
4 #562600 / rgb( 86 38 0) - hsl( 27° 100% 17%)
2 #723709 / rgb(114 55 9) - hsl( 26° 85% 24%)
3 #4a1201 / rgb( 74 18 1) - hsl( 14° 97% 15%)
Let's try the punk #741 - resulting in:
385 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
55 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
128 #713f1d / rgb(113 63 29) - hsl( 24° 59% 28%)
2 #8b532c / rgb(139 83 44) - hsl( 25° 52% 36%)
4 #562600 / rgb( 86 38 0) - hsl( 27° 100% 17%)
2 #723709 / rgb(114 55 9) - hsl( 26° 85% 24%)
Let's analyze the color scheme. Every (female) punkette has five base colors (plus transparent and black) and every (male) punk has four base colors.
What's missing? If you zoom in on the mouth, that is, the three-pixel line - you will see it's always black for (male) punks but (female) punkettes use one more dedicated base color.
Let's try the lighter punkette #1050 - resulting in:
428 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
45 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
93 #ae8b61 / rgb(174 139 97) - hsl( 33° 32% 53%)
1 #b69f82 / rgb(182 159 130) - hsl( 33° 26% 61%)
4 #86581e / rgb(134 88 30) - hsl( 33° 63% 32%)
2 #a77c47 / rgb(167 124 71) - hsl( 33° 40% 47%)
3 #5f1d09 / rgb( 95 29 9) - hsl( 14° 83% 20%)
And punkette #641:
428 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
45 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
93 #dbb180 / rgb(219 177 128) - hsl( 32° 56% 68%)
1 #e7cba9 / rgb(231 203 169) - hsl( 33° 56% 78%)
4 #a66e2c / rgb(166 110 44) - hsl( 32° 58% 41%)
2 #d29d60 / rgb(210 157 96) - hsl( 32° 56% 60%)
3 #711010 / rgb(113 16 16) - hsl( 0° 75% 25%)
And punkette #6487:
428 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
45 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
93 #ead9d9 / rgb(234 217 217) - hsl( 0° 29% 88%)
1 #ffffff / rgb(255 255 255) - hsl( 0° 0% 100%) - WHITE
4 #a58d8d / rgb(165 141 141) - hsl( 0° 12% 60%)
2 #c9b2b2 / rgb(201 178 178) - hsl( 0° 18% 74%)
3 #711010 / rgb(113 16 16) - hsl( 0° 75% 25%)
And let's double check the color scheme trying the remaining punks:
385 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
55 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
128 #ae8b61 / rgb(174 139 97) - hsl( 33° 32% 53%)
2 #b69f82 / rgb(182 159 130) - hsl( 33° 26% 61%)
4 #86581e / rgb(134 88 30) - hsl( 33° 63% 32%)
2 #a77c47 / rgb(167 124 71) - hsl( 33° 40% 47%)
385 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
55 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
128 #dbb180 / rgb(219 177 128) - hsl( 32° 56% 68%)
2 #e7cba9 / rgb(231 203 169) - hsl( 33° 56% 78%)
4 #a66e2c / rgb(166 110 44) - hsl( 32° 58% 41%)
2 #d29d60 / rgb(210 157 96) - hsl( 32° 56% 60%)
385 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - α( 0%) - TRANSPARENT
55 #000000 / rgb( 0 0 0) - hsl( 0° 0% 0%) - BLACK
128 #ead9d9 / rgb(234 217 217) - hsl( 0° 29% 88%)
2 #ffffff / rgb(255 255 255) - hsl( 0° 0% 100%) - WHITE
4 #a58d8d / rgb(165 141 141) - hsl( 0° 12% 60%)
2 #c9b2b2 / rgb(201 178 178) - hsl( 0° 18% 74%)
What's the point? Now you can pick any punk and change the skin tones as you like. Let's try punkette #6043 with orange side and 3d glasses.
punk = punks[6043] "./punk-6043.png" )
punk.zoom(4).save( "./punk-6043x4.png" )
darker_to_dark = {
'#713f1d' => '#ae8b61',
'#8b532c' => '#b69f82',
'#562600' => '#86581e',
'#723709' => '#a77c47',
'#4a1201' => '#5f1d09',
punk_dark = punk.change_colors( darker_to_dark ) "./punk-6043_dark.png" )
punk_dark.zoom(4).save( "./punk-6043_darkx4.png" )
darker_to_light = {
'#713f1d' => '#dbb180',
'#8b532c' => '#e7cba9',
'#562600' => '#a66e2c',
'#723709' => '#d29d60',
'#4a1201' => '#711010',
punk_light = punk.change_colors( darker_to_light ) "./punk-6043_light.png" )
punk_light.zoom(4).save( "./punk-6043_lightx4.png" )
darker_to_lighter = {
'#713f1d' => '#ead9d9',
'#8b532c' => '#ffffff',
'#562600' => '#a58d8d',
'#723709' => '#c9b2b2',
'#4a1201' => '#711010',
punk_lighter = punk.change_colors( darker_to_lighter ) "./i/punk-6043_lighter.png" )
punk_lighter.zoom(4).save( "./i/punk-6043_lighterx4.png" )
Resulting in:
Now use your own colors. Yes, you can!