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Vector Addition

The task is to compute the element-wise addition of two vectors (C = A + B) in parallel.

A skeleton code is provided in vector_add_<..>.cpp. You need to complete the missing parts to calculate the result in parallel. Try running the program on both CPU and GPU devices.

A typical application running on an accelerator follows these steps:

  1. Initialize data on the host.
  2. Create a queue and associate it with the desired device.
  3. Manage memory on the device by creating necessary constructs.
  4. Launch the kernel.
  5. Retrieve and verify the results on the host.

In this exercise, we will explore various memory models.

I. Memory management using Buffers and Accessors

Use the skeleton provided in vector_add_buffer.cpp. Look for the //TODO lines.

Step 1: Define a Queue

Start by defining a queue and selecting the appropriate device selector. SYCL provides predefined selectors, such as: default, gpu, cpu, accelerator or you can use the procedure from the previous exercise.

Step 2: Create Buffers

Next, create buffers to encapsulate the data. For a one-dimensional array of integers of length N, with pointer P, a buffer can be constructed as follows:

    sycl::buffer<int, 1> a_buf(P, sycl::range<1>(N));

Step 3: Create Accessors

Accessors provide a mechanism to access data inside the buffers. Accessors on the device must be created within command groups. There are two ways to create accessors. Using the sycl::accessor class constructor

   sycl::accessor a_acc{a_buf, h, read_write};

or using the buffer .getaccess<...>(h) member function:

   auto a = a_buf.get_access<sycl::access::mode::read_write>(h);

Important Use appropriate access modes for your data:

  • Input Buffers: Use sycl::read_only / sycl::access::mode::read to avoid unnecessary device-to-host data transfers.
  • Output Buffers: Use sycl::write_only/ sycl::access::mode::write to avoid unnecessary host-to-device data transfers.
  • Input/Ouput Buffers: Use sycl::read_write / sycl::access::mode::read_write for the variables that are input, but they also get modified during the computaions.

Step 4: Submit the Task

Once accessors are ready, submit the task to the device using the .parallel_for() member function. The basic submission:

   h.parallel_for(sycl::range{N}, [=](sycl::id<1> idx) {
        c_acc[idx] = a_acc[idx] + b_acc[idx];


  • sycl::range{N} or sycl::range(N) specify number of work-items be launched
  • sycl::id<1> represents the index used within the kernel.

Using item class instead of id

Modify the lambda function to use the sycl::item class instead of the id class. In this case the index idx is obtained from the .get_id() member.

Using ND-Range

This basic launching serves our purpose for this simpler example, however it is useful to test also the ND-RANGE. In case we specify to the runtime the total size of the grid of work-items and size of a work-group as well:

   h.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1>(sycl::range<1>(((N+local_size-1)/local_size)*local_size), sycl::range<1>(local_size)), [=](sycl::nd_itemi<1> item) {
        auto idx=item.get_global_id(0);
        c[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx];

Note that ND-RANGE requires that the total number of work-items to be divisible by the size of the work-group.

Step 5: Retrieve Data

The final task in this exercise is to move the checking of the results within the scope of the buffers (before the ending curly bracket) and add the appropriate method to access this data.

By default, buffers are automatically synchronized with the host when they go out of scope. However, if you need to access data within the buffer’s scope, use host accessors.

Similar to the device accessors, it is possible to define host accessors in two ways. By using the accessor class constructor

    host_accessor c{c_buf, read_only};

II. Memory management with Unified Shared Memory

IIa) malloc_device

Use the skeleton provided in vector_add_usm_device.cpp. Look for the //TODO lines.

Step 1: Define a Queue

Same as using buffers

Step 2: Allocate Memory on the Device Using malloc_device

Instead of creating buffers, allocate memory directly on the device using sycl::malloc_device. For a one-dimensional array of integers of length N, memory can be allocated as follows:

    int* a_usm = sycl::malloc_device<int>(N, q);

Step 3: Copy Data to the Device

You need to copy the data from the host to the device memory. Use sycl::memcpy to transfer data from the host memory to device memory before launching the kernel:

    q.memcpy(a_usm,, N * sizeof(int)).wait();

Step 4: Submit the Task

Same as using buffers.

Step 5: Retrieve Data

After the kernel execution is complete, you need to copy the result back from the device to the host. Use sycl::memcpy again to transfer the result:

    q.memcpy(, c_usm, N * sizeof(int)).wait();

Step 6: Free Device Memory

Once you're done with the device memory, free the allocated memory using sycl::free:

    sycl::free(a_usm, q);

This ensures that the allocated memory is properly released on the device.

IIb) malloc_shared

Use the skeleton provided in vector_add_usm_managed.cpp. Look for the //TODO lines.

Step 1: Define a Queue

Same as before

Step 2: Allocate Memory on the Device Using malloc_shared

Allocate memory that can be migrated between host and device using sycl::malloc_shared. For a one-dimensional array of integers of length N, memory can be allocated as follows:

int* a = sycl::malloc_shared<int>(N, q);

Step 3: Initialize Data on Host

This part is already in the skeleton, it is done using std::fill. Though if you have time you can replace it with a for loop.

Step 4: Submit the Task

Same as using buffers.

Step 5: Synchronize and Check Results

Since malloc_shared migrates data automatically between the host and device, no explicit memory transfer is required. Ensure the queue finishes execution before accessing the results using q.wait();

Step 6: Free Device Memory

Once you're done with the device memory, free the allocated memory using sycl::free:

sycl::free(a_usm, q);

This ensures that the allocated memory is properly released on the device.