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Heat equation solver in parallel with MPI

Parallelise our implementation of a two-dimensional heat equation solver using MPI. See Code description for some theory and more details about the code.

To parallelise the code, one needs to divide the grid into blocks of columns (in Fortran) or rows (in C/C++) and assign each block to one MPI task. Or in other words, share the work among the MPI tasks by doing a domain decomposition.

domain decomposition

The MPI tasks are able to update the grid independently everywhere else than on the boundaries -- there the communication of a single column (or row) with the nearest neighbour is needed. This can be achieved by having additional ghost-layers that contain the boundary data of the neighbouring tasks. As the system is aperiodic, the outermost ranks communicate with only one neighbour, and the inner ranks with two neighbours.


  1. First steps
  2. Using sendrecv
  3. Using collective communication
  4. Using non-blocking communication
  5. Using Cartesian communicator
  6. 2D decomposition

First steps

Some parts of the code are already parallelized (e.g. input/output), complete the parallelization as follows (marked with TODOs in the source code):

  1. Initialize and finalize MPI in the main routine
  2. Determine the number of MPI processes, rank, as well as the left (or up) and right (or down) neighbours of a domain
  3. Use MPI_Send and MPI_Recv for implementing the "halo exchange" operation in the exchange() routine

To build the code, please use the provided Makefile (by typing make).

There is also working serial code under cpp/serial / fortran/serial which you can use as reference.

Using sendrecv

Before starting with this exercise, complete at least the steps 1 and 2 of the first steps. You can also use its model solution as starting point.

  1. Use MPI_Sendrecv for implementing the "halo exchange" operation in the exchange() routine

Using collective communication

Before starting with this exercise, complete either the first steps or using sendrecv. You can also use its model solution as starting point.

Implement collective communication in the code.

  1. Replace the individual sends and receives in the routine average with appropriate collective communication
  2. Replace the individual sends and receives in the routine read_field with appropriate collective communication (note that the code needs to be run with the initial data read from an input file found under the common directory: srun ./heat_mpi bottle.dat)
  3. Is it possible to use collective communications also in the routine write_field?

Using non-blocking communication

Before starting with this exercise, you need to have a working parallel code from the previous exercises. You can also use its model solution as starting point.

Utilize non-blocking communication in the "halo exchange". The aim is to be able to overlap the communication and communication. In order to achieve this, you need to divide the communication and computation into four steps:

  1. Initiate the communication in the halo exchange
  2. Compute the inner values of the temperature field (those that do not depend on the ghost layers)
  3. Finalize the communication in halo exchange
  4. Compute the edge values of the temperature field (those that depend on the ghost layers)

Implement the required routines in cpp/core.cpp or fortran/core.F90, and replace the calls to exchange and evolve in the main routine by the newly implemented ones.

Using Cartesian communicator

Before starting with this exercise, you need to have a working parallel code from the previous exercises. You can also use its model solution as starting point.

The current version uses only MPI_COMM_WORLD, and neighboring process are determined manually.

  1. Add a "communicator" attribute to the basic parallelization data structure
  2. Create the Cartesian communicator in and use MPI_Cart_shift for determining the neighboring processes
  3. Use the Cartesian communicator in all communication routines

2D decomposition

Before starting with this exercise, it is recommended that you have the Cartesian communicator implemented. You can also use its model solution as starting point.

  1. Modify the creation of Cartesian communicator so that the decomposition is done in two dimensions, and determine all four neighbors (up, down, left, right).
  2. As the rows (in Fortran) or columns (in C++) are not contiguous in the computer memory, one needs to use user-defined datatypes when communicating in the exchange() routine in cpp/core.cpp or fortran/core.F90. In order to make code more symmetric, one can utilize derived type also for the contiguous dimension. Create required datatypes (it is recommended to store them as attributes in "parallel" data structure).
  3. Perform the halo exchange with MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw. Together with the user defined datatypes, no temporary buffers are needed in the user code. In order to use MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw, you need to determine the correct displacements both in sending and receiving.
  4. In the base version, the I/O routines write_field and read_field (in cpp/core.cpp or fortran/core.F90) use temporary buffers for communication. Create appropriate datatype and utilize it in I/O related communication. Note that you need also the coordinates of processes in the cartesian grid in order to read from / write to the correct part of the global temperature field.