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CMaytom edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 4 revisions

Testing Guide






  1. Open the terminal (CMD for Windows), and navigate to your working directory.
  2. Create the repository by entering
> git clone
  1. Navigate into the newly created directory.
  2. Puppeteer and Jest are needed to test the program. These are downloaded when you set up the program environment by entering
> npm install

Repo Testing Structure

All tests are written in the test/ directory within the base directory. Each test file is named respective to the feature being tested and has the format name of [feature_name].test.js. Unit tests are all in the test/unit/ directory and end-to-end puppeteer tests are all in the test/puppeteer/ directory.

All tests not yet on the master or develop branch should be in a branch with the format name of test/[feature_to_be_tested].

Please follow these formats when creating branches for testing.

Creating Unit Tests

  1. Navigate to the unit test folder. This is where the testing files are.
  2. Find the .test.js file for the feature to be tested. If there is no file, create a new one named [feature_name].test.js.
  3. Write some unit tests in these formats.
    1. An empty unit test looks like

      it('[One line summary of the test]', done => {
          // TODO: Test functionality
      • The function it specifies that this code is a unit test.
      • The first parameter is the descriptive string for the test's name.
      • The second parameter is the callback to be called when testing completes. Without the callback this unit test will either be skipped or run into errors.
      • The TODO line is where the unit test's functionality needs to be implemented.
    2. The primary testing function expect()

      • Think of expect() as conditional functions. If one condtion fails, the test fails. If one condition passes, then the test continues. If all conditions pass, then the test passes.

      • Sample expect() usages

        • using .toBe() to check for equality.
        • using .toContain() to check if story['id'] is an element of myIncompleteIDs.
      • Look at the expect() documentation for more options.

Creating Integration/End-to-End Tests

  1. Navigate to the puppeteer test folder. This is where the testing files are.
  2. Find the .test.js file for the feature to be tested. If there is no file, create a new file named [feature_name].test.js.
  3. Copy the constants to maintain extension ID and import puppeteer instructions.
    const extensionID = `cngkocoehccomngohodhpmlpekpdjppj`;
    const extensionLoginHtml = `login.html`;
    const extensionPopupHtml = `popup.html`;
    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
  4. Copy the variables to access the extension page and browser for testing.
    var extensionPage;
    var browser;
  5. Create a describe block with the beforeAll and afterAll blocks.
    describe('[feature_name]', () => {
        beforeAll(async () => {
            // Path to our extension
            const pathToExtension = require('path').join(__dirname, '../../dist');
            browser = await puppeteer.launch({
                headless: false,
                args: [
            // Open the extension in its own tab
            extensionPage = await browser.newPage();
            await extensionPage.goto(`chrome-extension://${extensionID}/${extensionPopupHtml}`);
        afterAll(async () => {
        // TODO: Test functionality
    1. The function describe blocks group tests into suites to provide the option of implementing any code prior to and post test execution. Remember to rename [feature_name] to the respective functionality test.

    2. In the sample, the beforeAll block starts a browser to open the extension in a new webpage, and the afterAll block closes the browser once all tests complete.

    3. Add new tests using the it function it('[test_name]', test_execution_function) at the TODO line.

      • Look at the Getting Started documentation for examples of simple tests.
      • Look at Puppeteer's API documentation for details on UI interaction commands.
      • Sample it usage
      it(' test for correct URL"', async () => {
          await expect(extensionPage.url()).toMatch('chrome-extension://${extensionID}/${extensionPopupHtml}`);

Running Tests

To run unit tests either enter

> npm run test


> npm run test:unit

To run puppeteer tests enter

> npm run test:puppeteer

All these commands will output how many tests have passed and failed, and how the failed tests failed.