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File metadata and controls

153 lines (98 loc) · 5.76 KB


A compiler that takes an arbitrary in-house subset of C#, named B ♭ (B Flat), and creates new files written in an arbitrary in-house subset of Dart, named Start.


Download the Dart SDK (version => 2.7.1) simply run the main.dart file in the bin folder.

For instance:

dart main.dart <path/to/file.cs>


Subtyping Inheritance


KEYWORDS keyword ::= ‘abstract’ | ‘as’ | ‘base’ | ‘bool’ | ‘break’ | ‘byte’ | ‘case’ | ‘catch’ | ‘char’ | ‘checked’ | ‘class’ | ‘const’ | ‘continue’ | ‘decimal’ | ‘default’ | ‘delegate’ | ‘do’ | ‘double’ | ‘else’ | ‘enum’ | ‘event’ | ‘explicit’ | ‘extern’ | ‘false’ | ‘finally’ | ‘fixed’ | ‘float’ | ‘for’ | ‘foreach’ | ‘goto’ | ‘if’ | ‘implicit’ | ‘in’ | ‘int’ | ‘interface’ | internal’ | ‘is’ | ‘lock’ | ‘long’ | ‘namespace’ | ‘new’ | ‘null’ | ‘object’ | ‘operator’ | ‘out’ | ‘override’ | ‘params’ | ‘private’ | ‘protected’ | ‘public’ | ‘readonly’ | ‘ref’ | ‘return’ | ‘sbyte’ | ‘sealed’ | ‘short’ | ‘sizeof’ | ‘stackalloc’ | ‘static’ | ‘string’ | ‘struct’ | ‘switch’ | ‘this’ | ‘throw’ | ‘true’ | ‘unsafe’ | ‘ushort’ | ‘using’ | ‘virtual’ | ‘void’ | ‘volatile’ | ‘while’

IDENTIFIERS identifier ::= Any string that is not a keyword or literal.

STATEMENTS statement ::= declaration_statement | embedded_statement

declaration_statement ::= local_variable_declaration ‘;’ | local_const_declaration

local_variable_declaration ::= type identifier local_variable_initializer?

local_variable_declaration_initializer ::= ‘=’ expression

local_const_declaration ::= ’const’ type identifier local_variable_initializer?

embedded_statement ::= block | empty_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement

block ::= ‘{‘ statement_list? ‘}’

statement_list ::= statement+

empty_statement ::= ’;’

expression_statement ::= statement_expression ‘;’

statement_expression ::= invocation_expression | object_creation_expression | assignment

selection_statement ::= if_statement

if_statement ::= 'if' '(' boolean_expression ')' embedded_statement | 'if' '(' boolean_expression ')' embedded_statement 'else' embedded_statement

boolean_expression ::= expression

iteration_statement ::= while_statement | for_statment

while_statement ::= ’while’ ‘(‘ boolean_expression ‘)’ embedded_statement

for_statement ::= ’for’ ‘(‘ local_variable_declaration ‘;’ boolean_expression ‘;’ statement_expression ‘)’ embedded_statement

jump_statement ::= ‘return’ expression? ‘;’

EXPRESSIONS expression ::= primary_expression | assignment_expression | additive_expression | multiplicative_expression | equality_expression | relational_expression | conditional_and_expression | conditional_or_expression

primary_expression ::= literal | simple_name | parenthesized_expression | member_access | invocation_expression | this_access | object_creation_expression | typeof_expression | unary

simple_Name ::= identifier

parenthesized_expression ::= ’(‘ expression ‘)’

member_access ::= type ‘.’ identifier | this_access ‘.’ identifier | simple_name ‘.’ identifier ;

Invocation_expression ::= primary_expression '(' argument_list? ')'

argument_list ::= expression (‘,’ expression)*

this_access ::= 'this'

object_creation_expression ::= 'new' type '(' argument_list? ')'

typeof_expression ::= 'typeof' '(' type ')' | typeof' '(' identifier ')'

unary ::= ’false’ | ’true’

assignment_expression ::= primary_expression assignment_operator expression

assignment_operator ::= ‘=’ | ‘+=’ | ‘*=’ | ‘/=’ | ’%=’ ;

additive_expression ::= primary_expression ‘+’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘-’ primary_express

mutliplicative_expression ::= primary_expression ‘*’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘/’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘%’ primary_expression

equality_expression ::= primary_expression ‘==’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘!=’ primary_expression

relational_expression ::= primary_expression ‘<’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘>’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘<=’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘>=’ primary_expression | primary_expression ‘is’ primary_expression

conditional_and_expression ::= primary_expression ‘&&’ primary_expression

conditional_or_expression ::= primary_expression ‘||’ primary_expression

CLASSES class_declaration ::= ‘class’ identifier class_Base? class_Body ‘;’?

class_base ::= ‘:’ identifier

class_body ::= ‘{‘ (constant_declaration | local_variable_declaration | method_declaration | constructor_declaration)* ‘}’

NAMESPACE namespace ::= class_declaration

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Copyright and licenses

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.