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Custom PowerShell Logger

This repository hosts a custom PowerShell Logger I created to address the need for efficient logging in PowerShell scripts. The logger is flexible and enables easy logging of script outputs to a file. Check out the project here:


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Import the module:
    Import-Module ./PowerShell-Logger/Invoke-Logger.ps1

Basic Usage

You can simply call the Logger by using the following command:

Invoke-Logger -Message "This is a test" -Logfile "\path\to\logfile.log"

If you check the Logfile.log, you should see your logged message. This is the most basic usage of the script. The -Message and -Logfile flags are mandatory for the script to log the output.

Additional Flags


This flag is required to log the output. You can combine static strings and variables like this:

-Message "The user: $uservariable was updated successfully"


This flag is required to store the output from the message to a log file specified. You can declare the file in a variable like this:

$Logfile = “c:\users\ctejeda\documents\logfile.log”

Then, you can use it like this:

Invoke-Logger -Message "The user: $uservariable was updated successfully" -Logfile $logfile


This is an optional flag that outputs the log in green. It's ideal for success messages.


This is an optional flag that outputs the log in yellow. It's ideal for warning messages.


This is an optional flag that outputs the log in red. It's ideal for error messages. It can be used within Try and Catch statements like this:

Try { 
    Get-Aduser -Identity $uservariable 
Catch {
    Invoke-logger -Message "Error trying to get user $uservariable. Error showed: $_" -ShowError

Advanced Usage

For more complex tasks, like logging events in a loop, you can wrap the logger module around a foreach loop. Here's an example where we log file sizes in a directory:

Get-ChildItem -Path /Users/christophertejeda/testfolder | % {

    Import-Module "/Users/christophertejeda/PowerShell-Logger/Invoke-Logger.ps1"

    $logfile = "/Users/christophertejeda/logfile.log"
    $name = $
    $size = $_.size
    if ($size -gt '2441472') {
        Invoke-Logger -Message "File $name is over 2441472 KBs. The size is $size" -LogFile $logfile -ShowOutput 
    else {
        Invoke-Logger -Message "File $name is under 2441472 KBs. The size is $size" -LogFile $logfile -ShowWarning

In this script, the logger logs a success message if a file is over 2441472 KBs and a warning message if it's not. The same principle can be applied to error handling using Try and Catch statements.

Get-ChildItem -Path /Users/christophertejeda/testfolder | % {

    Import-Module "/Users/christophertejeda/PowerShell-Logger/Invoke-Logger.ps1"

    $logfile = "/Users/christophertejeda/testfolder/logfile.log"
    $name = $
    $size = $_.size
    try {
        if ($size -gt '2441472') {
            Invoke-Logger -Message "File $name is over 2441472 KBs. The size is $size" -LogFile $logfile -ShowOutput 

        else {
            Invoke-Logger -Message "File $name is under 2441472 KBs. The size is $size" -LogFile $logfile -ShowWarning

    catch {
        Invoke-Logger -Message "Error occured while processing file $name. Error was $_" -LogFile $logfile -ShowError

I hope this custom PowerShell logger helps the next time you want to log your PowerShell scripts.

Note: Always replace variables like $uservariable, $logfile, $name, $size etc. with actual values or variables from your script.


Custom PowerShell Lpogger






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