If you managed to run the task, congratulations! This is step one towards becoming a professional physicist (no turning back from here ... ) If it didn’t work, ask for help. Also this is a very significant part of becoming a physicist ...
At this point, it’s time to expand our task a bit. What we will do is
Add some event selection criteria
Add some track selection criteria
But let’s not go too fast.
Collisions are referred to as ‘events’. In our analysis task, the function
is called once for each event in the input data set. You never have to explicitly call this function yourself ! Remember, from programming 101 classes, the lecture about inheritance in C++? The UserExec
function is called by a base class that you do not have to worry about. We will later see that this function is only called when an event passes your trigger selection.
It’s time to add some code to our task. First, create additional output histograms in which you’ll store
- The primary vertex positions along the beam line for all events
Just like the example histogram fHistPt
, you have to add these histograms as members of your class. So: create the pointers in the header file, remember to initialize the pointers in your class constructors, and don’t forget to create instances of the histograms in the UserCreateOutput
One of the trickiest things in programming can be finding out what methods to use out of millions of lines of code. To help you out, here's a line of code to obtain the vertex position along the beam line
float vertexZ = fAOD->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ();
You can of course just copy-paste these lines into your task and hope that it works, but try to think of
do you understand the logic of these lines?
can you find out in which classes these methods are defined?
Try to run the code again, after you’ve added these histograms.
It’s almost time to run the modified analysis. Not all collisions in the detector are actually usable for physics analysis. Events which happen very far from the center of the detector, for example, are usually not used for analysis (any idea why?). To make sure that we only look at high quality data, we do ’event selection’. Let’s add some event selection criteria to your task.
- Modify the code such that only primary vertices are accepted within 10 cm of detector center. Such selections in the event sample or track sample are usually referred to as ‘cuts’.
- Generally, we want to see how much data we ‘throw away’ when applying a cut. How would you go about doing that?
Besides rejecting data via cuts, we also make data selection while data taking, by ‘triggering’: selecting collisions in which we expect certain processes to have occurred. You can check which triggers are selected in the AddMyTask.C
macro , where we call
As you can see, trigger classes are defined in the class AliVEvent. A quick look into the source code of that classt tells us which triggers are available
enum EOfflineTriggerTypes {
kMB = BIT( 0), // Minimum bias trigger in PbPb 2010-11
kINT1 = BIT( 0), // V0A | V0C | SPD minimum bias trigger
kINT7 = BIT( 1), // V0AND minimum bias trigger
kMUON = BIT( 2), // Single muon trigger in pp2010-11, INT1 suite
kHighMult = BIT( 3), // High-multiplicity SPD trigger
kHighMultSPD = BIT( 3), // High-multiplicity SPD trigger
kEMC1 = BIT( 4), // EMCAL trigger in pp2011, INT1 suite
kCINT5 = BIT( 5), // V0OR minimum bias trigger
kINT5 = BIT( 5), // V0OR minimum bias trigger
kCMUS5 = BIT( 6), // Single muon trigger, INT5 suite
kMUSPB = BIT( 6), // Single muon trigger in PbPb 2011
kINT7inMUON = BIT( 6), // INT7 in MUON or MUFAST cluster
kMuonSingleHighPt7 = BIT( 7), // Single muon high-pt, INT7 suite
kMUSH7 = BIT( 7), // Single muon high-pt, INT7 suite
kMUSHPB = BIT( 7), // Single muon high-pt in PbPb 2011
kMuonLikeLowPt7 = BIT( 8), // Like-sign dimuon low-pt, INT7 suite
kMUL7 = BIT( 8), // Like-sign dimuon low-pt, INT7 suite
kMuonLikePB = BIT( 8), // Like-sign dimuon low-pt in PbPb 2011
kMuonUnlikeLowPt7 = BIT( 9), // Unlike-sign dimuon low-pt, INT7 suite
kMUU7 = BIT( 9), // Unlike-sign dimuon low-pt, INT7 suite
kMuonUnlikePB = BIT( 9), // Unlike-sign dimuon low-pt in PbPb 2011
kEMC7 = BIT(10), // EMCAL/DCAL L0 trigger, INT7 suite
kEMC8 = BIT(10), // EMCAL/DCAL L0 trigger, INT8 suite
kMUS7 = BIT(11), // Single muon low-pt, INT7 suite
kMuonSingleLowPt7 = BIT(11), // Single muon low-pt, INT7 suite
kPHI1 = BIT(12), // PHOS L0 trigger in pp2011, INT1 suite
kPHI7 = BIT(13), // PHOS trigger, INT7 suite
kPHI8 = BIT(13), // PHOS trigger, INT8 suite
kPHOSPb = BIT(13), // PHOS trigger in PbPb 2011
kEMCEJE = BIT(14), // EMCAL/DCAL L1 jet trigger
kEMCEGA = BIT(15), // EMCAL/DCAL L1 gamma trigger
kHighMultV0 = BIT(16), // High-multiplicity V0 trigger
kCentral = BIT(16), // Central trigger in PbPb 2011
kSemiCentral = BIT(17), // Semicentral trigger in PbPb 2011
kDG = BIT(18), // Double gap diffractive
kDG5 = BIT(18), // Double gap diffractive
kZED = BIT(19), // ZDC electromagnetic dissociation
kSPI7 = BIT(20), // Power interaction trigger
kSPI = BIT(20), // Power interaction trigger
kINT8 = BIT(21), // 0TVX trigger
kMuonSingleLowPt8 = BIT(22), // Single muon low-pt, INT8 suite
kMuonSingleHighPt8 = BIT(23), // Single muon high-pt, INT8 suite
kMuonLikeLowPt8 = BIT(24), // Like-sign dimuon low-pt, INT8 suite
kMuonUnlikeLowPt8 = BIT(25), // Unlike-sign dimuon low-pt, INT8 suite
kMuonUnlikeLowPt0 = BIT(26), // Unlike-sign dimuon low-pt, no additional L0 requirement
kUserDefined = BIT(27), // Set when custom trigger classes are set in AliPhysicsSelection
kTRD = BIT(28), // TRD trigger
// Bits 29 and above are reserved for FLAGS
kFastOnly = BIT(30), // The fast cluster fired. This bit is set in to addition another trigger bit, e.g. kMB
kAny = 0xffffffff, // to accept any defined trigger
kAnyINT = kMB | kINT7 | kINT5 | kINT8 | kSPI7 // to accept any interaction (aka minimum bias) trigger
but that may be a bit cryptic .. We won’t have time to cover triggers in detail, but if you have questions, ask - and if you do analysis - make sure that you are using the correct trigger configuration.