Thank you for considering contributing to our WechatSDK snippets repository! I welcome any contributions that enhance the collection and make it more valuable for the community.
感谢您考虑为我们的 WechatSDK 代码片段库做出贡献!我们欢迎任何人士提供意见,加强这些藏品,使它们对社会更有价值。
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.(将存储库 Fork 到您的 GitHub 帐户)
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine: (将分叉存储库克隆到本地计算机)
git clone
- Create a new branch for your changes: (为您的变更创建一个新的分支)
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.(使用描述性提交消息进行更改并提交它们)
- Push your changes to your forked repository: (将您的更改推送到您的分支存储库)
git push origin feature/your-feature
- Open a pull request from your forked repository to the main repository, describing the changes you've made and their purpose.(从分支存储库向主存储库打开一个 pull 请求,描述所做的更改及其目的)
- Ensure your code adheres to Python's PEP 8 style guide.
- 确保您的代码符合 Python 的 PEP8样式指南。
- Each snippet should be self-contained and focused on a specific aspect of CustomTkinter.
- 每个代码片段都应该是自包含的,并关注 CustomTkinter 的特定方面。
- Provide clear comments explaining the purpose and usage of the snippet.
- 提供清晰的注释,解释代码段的用途和用法。
- If applicable, include a brief example or demonstration of the snippet's functionality.
- 如果适用,请包含代码段功能的简短示例或演示。
- Update the file to reflect any new additions or changes.
- 更新 文件以反映任何新的添加或更改。
- Test your snippets thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
- 彻底测试代码段以确保它们按预期工作。
- I appreciate your contributions and look forward to making this repository a valuable resource for the WechatSDK community!
- 我感谢您的贡献,并期待着使这个存储库成为 WechatSDK 社区的宝贵资源!