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Finding Tagged Objects

Abdelkader Boudih edited this page Apr 2, 2014 · 2 revisions

Acts As Taggable On uses scopes to create an association for tags. This way you can mix and match to filter down your results.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :skills
  scope :by_join_date, order("created_at DESC")

User.tagged_with("awesome").by_join_date.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20)

# Find a user with matching all tags, not just one
User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :match_all => true)

# Find a user with any of the tags:
User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :any => true)

# Find a user that not tags with awesome or cool:
User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :exclude => true)

# Find a user with any of tags based on context:
User.tagged_with(['awesome', 'cool'], :on => :tags, :any => true).tagged_with(['smart', 'shy'], :on => :skills, :any => true)

You can also use :wild => true option along with :any or :exclude option. It will looking for %awesome% and %cool% in sql.

Tip: User.tagged_with([]) or User.tagged_with('') will return [], but not all records.

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