CALM can take existing coding patterns and decode them to determine the hypotheses being tested.
- extractingRegressionCodes - Examples of extracting from traditional regression codes
- extractingBaseCodes - Examples of extracting from R Base contrast codes
CALM can take a set of linear contrasts to be tested and encode them into coding schemes.
- producingCommonCodes - Examples of producing commonly specified contrast codes
- producingCustomCodes - Examples of producing custom contrast codes
CALM can be used in conjunction with R's analytical strategies (like the Linear Model) to test hypotheses for real data problems.
- usingCommonCodes - Examples using the package's built-in contrast codes
- usingCustomCodes - Examples using custom contrast codes
Wendorf, C. A. (2004). Primer on multiple regression coding: Common forms and the additional case of repeated contrasts. Understanding Statistics, 3, 47-57.