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File metadata and controls

313 lines (161 loc) · 4.76 KB

It's a well known fact that cyberwizards do a lot of writing.

A lot of that writing tends to be spells (programs) or potions (modules).

That's great if you're talking to the Great Void (the computer).

But what about when you need to communicate with fellow wizards?

Chat and IRC and email are swell for NOW, but how about the future?

How about when you've created a fabulous spell..

..but expect others to use it too?

How about if you aren't around to show them how?

Spells are cryptic by nature.

They need to be well documented so that other wizards

can understand them.

Equally importantly:

Since cyberwizards work in the terminal and in the browser

a format is needed that plays nicely with both!

Enter Markdown

A markup format for humans to read and write to each other.

Enter Markdown

It retains the benefits of plain text

  • readable in any editor (and human)
  • not binary
  • can be happily piped to and from any program that supports plain text

While gaining many of the benefits of a markup language like HTML:

  • expresses rich text
  • web ready (unlike plain text)

HTML alone is not enough!

Humans can read it, but the source is only legible with great effort.

<CUE: side by side comparison>

Why do I care?

  • Not owned by any company -- open 'standard'

  • Rich open source toolset across many languages

  • Maintained and extended by a loving community

Why do I care?

  • Easily parsed and convertable to many different formats (HTML, PDF, ...)

  • Trivial to edit markdown by hand in any editor; no special tools needed!

  • The /lingua franca/ of GitHub documentation (READMEs, Wikis)

  • Syntax highlighting (minimum) for just about every editor and IDE!

A Brief History

John Gruber drafted the first doc on Markdown in 2004.

He wrote a reference implementation in Perl.

A Brief History

11 years later, there are TONS of flavors

GitHub (GFM), Pandoc, Markdown Extra, CommonMark

State of Affairs

2014: still no standard spec for Markdown.

Gruber's spec is ambiguous and he doesn't seem interested in changing it.

Some folks pushed for a well-defined spec: Standard Markdown.

tl;dr: Gruber didn't like it, so now it's CommonMark.

State of Affairs

2015: still no /real/ de facto standard. Adoption is slow.


State of Affairs

Regardless, various types of Markdown are used all over the web:

  • GitHub

  • Slack

  • Stack Overflow

  • Reddit

Let's Write Some Markdown!

  • text is text (but paragraphs are tricksy)
  • bold and italics look like what they are
  • headings
  • bullet points
  • links
  • code
  • images

<CUE: demo time!>

How can I render a markdown file to HTML?


GitHub flavoured markdown by default.

<CUE: let's see it in action!>

Markdown + Vim

Since GitHub uses Markdown for READMEs: let's use that for an example!

curl -sL

Markdown + Vim

{ and } move between paragraphs

<< and >> shifts text (like bullet points or code)

o and O open lines below and above

Markdown + Vim

Vim's markdown plugin doesn't recognize .md as vim.

(Because hey, you probably wanted highlighting for Modula-2)

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.md set filetype=markdown

Markdown + Vim

Column width of 80 for ease of viewing in the terminal.

(HTML ends up formatted the same anyways).

autocmd FileType markdown setlocal textwidth=80

Markdown + Vim

Aside: use autocommand groups!

augroup markdown
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.md set filetype=markdown
  autocmd FileType markdown setlocal textwidth=80
augroup END

Handy Markdown Tools

Some handy tools to make your new life with Markdown more pleasant.

Handy Markdown Tools


Electron-based markdown viewer.

augroup markdown
  autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <Leader>v :w !vmd<CR><CR>
augroup END

<demo: show github page> <demo: take some previous md file and view it>

Handy Markdown Tools


Converts markdown to HTML and applies a pre-made CSS theme.

<demo: show page> <demo: convert a readme to a strapdown doc and open in chrome>

Handy Markdown Tools


Presentation slides (like these!) produced from markdown.

augroup markdown
  autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <Leader>p :w !tslide<CR><CR>
augroup END

<demo: show github page> <demo: kill current presentation and show them THIS VERY FILE>


It's over!

I'm Stephen Whitmore!

@noffle on the interwebs.

I do open source and indie games.