##Url Manager
###Getting Url Segment
Get your url segments as below.
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;
echo Url::segment(2);
Cygnite Framework always counts from your front controller "index.php". It counts if index.php is available in url else from your root path. The above url segment will print "list" as result.
###Getting Base Path Of Your Application
Though there is an option to set base url of your application in apps/configs/application.php, but you don't require to set. Cygnite is intelligent enough to guess your application base url and set it up for you while booting. You can get application base path as below.
echo Url::getBase();
It returns http://www.cygniteframework.com/projects/ as result.
###Redirecting To Another Page
You can redirect one page to another using below code.
###Refresh/Reload the Page
You may want to refresh or reload current page. In such cases you can just pass second parameter as 'refresh' to same redirectTo() method to reload your page.
Url::redirectTo('users/names', 'refresh');
###Getting Referer Url
In some case you may want to check which page user visit from. You can find the referer url as below.
###Encoding Url
Use encode() function to encode your url.
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;
###Decoding Url
Use decode() function to decode your encoded url.
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;