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cyperdark edited this page May 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Return list of beatmaps events (Nominations, bubbles and etc)


const { auth } = require('osu-api-extended');
await auth.login(client_id, client_secret);




Parameter Type Description
object.user string/number id of the user
object.types string[] nominate or qualify or rank or love or nomination_reset or nomination_reset_received or disqualify or remove_from_loved or kudosu_gain or kudosu_lost or genre_edit or language_edit or nsfw_toggle or offset_edit or issue_resolve or issue_reopen or beatmap_owner_change or kudosu_allow or kudosu_deny or approve or kudosu_recalculate or discussion_delete or discussion_restore or discussion_post_delete or discussion_post_restore
object.min_date string Date from
object.max_date string Date to


export interface response {
  events: {
    id: number;
    type: string;
    comment: {
      beatmap_discussion_id: string;
      beatmap_discussion_post_id: string;
      beatmap_id: number;
      beatmap_version: string;
      new_user_id: number;
      new_user_username: string;
    created_at: string;
    user_id: number;
    beatmapset: {
      artist: string;
      artist_unicode: string;
      covers: {
        cover: string;
        'cover@2x': string;
        card: string;
        'card@2x': string;
        list: string;
        'list@2x': string;
        slimcover: string;
        'slimcover@2x': string;
      creator: string;
      favourite_count: number;
      hype: {
        current: number;
        required: number;
      id: number;
      nsfw: boolean;
      offset: number;
      play_count: number;
      preview_url: string;
      source: string;
      spotlight: boolean;
      status: string;
      title: string;
      title_unicode: string;
      track_id: string;
      user_id: number;
      video: boolean;
      user: {
        avatar_url: string;
        country_code: string;
        default_group: string;
        id: number;
        is_active: boolean;
        is_bot: boolean;
        is_deleted: boolean;
        is_online: boolean;
        is_supporter: boolean;
        last_visit: string;
        pm_friends_only: boolean;
        profile_colour: string;
        username: string;
  reviewsConfig: {
    max_blocks: number;
  users: {
    avatar_url: string;
    country_code: string;
    default_group: string;
    id: number;
    is_active: boolean;
    is_bot: boolean;
    is_deleted: boolean;
    is_online: boolean;
    is_supporter: boolean;
    last_visit?: string;
    pm_friends_only: boolean;
    profile_colour?: string;
    username: string;
    groups: {
      colour: string;
      has_listing: boolean;
      has_playmodes: boolean;
      id: number;
      identifier: string;
      is_probationary: boolean;
      name: string;
      short_name: string;
      playmodes: string[];

[v3.x.x] Documentation

[v2.x.x] Documentation

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