This repository is deprecated. Use the Mbed OS example available here -
This repository contains the code examples and demos for PSOC6 MCU family of devices bundled with connectivity. Additional PSoC 6-related code examples are available in other repos. See all examples at Code Examples for Modus Toolbox.
clone the desired code examples repository
git clone
Change to the application folder (for instance publisher)
prepare the cloned working directory for mbed
mbed config root .
pull the necessary libraries and its dependencies. This will pull mbed-os, AWS_Iot_Client library and its internal 3rd party dependencies
mbed deploy
Configure the AWS parameters such as Thing name, certificates, private key etc. per the user's AWS account
- Refer to 'Getting Started with AWS IoT' on the AWS documentation
- Using the above reference, fill out the aws_config.h parameters
build the publisher app (.hex binary)
mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m CY8CPROTO_062_4343W
The instructions for the other AWS code examples are similar.