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Macros to make crossfading between two images easier.


If using the Twine desktop/web app, copy contents of crossfade.js to Story JavaScript, and contents of crossfade.css to Story Stylesheet.

If using a compiler like Tweego, drop crossfade.js and crossfade.css to your source folder.

crossfade.twee-config.yaml can also be added to the workspace if using the Twee 3 Language Tools VSCode extension, for macro definitions.

Example Usage

<<crossfadecontainer "testID">>

<<button "Fade in">>
	<<crossfade "testID" "path/to/image.png">>
<<crossfadecontainer "testID" "path/to/image_1.png">>

<<button "Switch image">>
	<<crossfade "testID" "path/to/image_2.png">>
<<crossfadecontainer "testID" "path/to/image.png">>

<<button "Fade out">>
	<<crossfade "testID" "">>


<<crossfadecontainer id [initialImagePath]>>

Creates a container to use for crossfading between images.

  • id: (string) The unique ID to be used to refer to this contianer later.

  • initialImagePath: (optional|string) Path to the image which should already be in the container. If unspecified, no image is present by default, and <<crossfade>>-ing fades in the new image.


<<crossfadecontainer "testID" "path/to/fancyImage.png">>

<!-- Blank container -->
<<crossfadecontainer "anotherID">>

<<crossfade id imagePath [fadeDuration]>>

Crossfades between new image and image already in a pre-defined <<crossfadecontainer>>.

SEE: DOM Macros Warning

  • id: (string) ID of pre-defined <<crossfadecontainer>>.

  • imagePath: (string) Path to the new image to crossfade to. Use empty string ("") — or any falsy value — to fade out the image already in the container.

  • fadeDuration: (optional|cssTime) The duration of the crossfade. Has to be a valid CSS time value (250ms, 3.1415s, etc.) If unspecified, defaults to 400ms.


<<crossfadecontainer "testID" "path/to/fancyImage.png">>

<<button "Switch">>
	<<crossfade "testID" "path/to/anotherFancyImage.png">>

<<button "Slowww fade out">>
	<<crossfade "testID" "" 4s>>

JavaScript Usage

setup.crossfade.container(id, [initialImagePath])

Generates the contaner, similar to the <<crossfadecontainer>> macro, optionally with an image already in it.

  • id: (string) The unique ID to be used to refer to this contianer later.

  • initialImagePath: (optional|string) Path to the image which should already be in the container. If unspecified, no image is present by default, and <<crossfade>>-ing fades in the new image.


  • HTMLElement: The container element.

setup.crossfade.fade(element, imagePath, [fadeDuration])

Crossfades between image already in the passed element and new image, similar to <<crossfade>>.

  • element: (string|HTMLElement) Selector string (see setup.crossfade.selector below) or HTMLElement to do the crossfade in.

  • imagePath: (string) Path to the new image to crossfade to. Use empty string ("") — or any falsy value — to fade out the image already in the container.

  • fadeDuration: (optional|number) The duration of the crossfade in milliseconds (250, 3141, etc.) Defaults to 400.


Creates a selector string from a crossfade container ID.

  • id: (string) Container ID to make selector string out of.


  • string: The selector string, e.g. testID becomes .macro-crossfade[data-macro-crossfade-id="testID"].

Complete example

var id = "testID";

	.append(setup.crossfade.container(id, "path/to/image.png"));

	.ariaClick(function () {
		var element = setup.crossfade.selector(id);
		setup.crossfade.fade(element, "path/to/anotherImage.png", 800);