Add the bucket to scoop
scoop bucket add jcwillox
Install an app specifically from this bucket
scoop install jcwillox/<app>
Manifests |
Amidst — amidst Minecraft interface and data/structure tracking tool |
ESPHome Flasher — esphome-flasher Simple GUI tool to flash ESPs over USB |
FlashESP8266 — FlashESP8266 Small UI to Flash ESPEasy |
GDLauncher — gdlauncher Simple yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher with modpack support |
Ghidra — ghidra Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework by the NSA |
GNS3 — gns3 An advanced network simulator to design and configure virtual networks |
HandBrake (Portable) — handbrake-portable A tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. |
IPinfo — ipinfo Official command line interface for the IPinfo API |
Minescript — minescript Auto Clicker for Minecraft |
MultiMC — multimc Launcher for Minecraft that allows for multiple, cleanly separated instances of Minecraft. |
NBTExplorer — nbtexplorer A graphical NBT editor for all Minecraft NBT data sources |
NirCmd — nircmd Execute various system wide tasks. |
NMS Save Editor — nms-save-editor No Man's Sky save editor |
NormCap — normcap OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images |
npiperelay — npiperelay Allows you to access Windows named pipes from WSL |
npm-completion — npm-completion A PowerShell module that adds tab completion for npm |
PARI/GP — pari-gp PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory |
pbgopy — pbgopy Command-line utility for cross-device copy and paste |
PSConfiguration — PSConfiguration A PowerShell module to help other modules have settings |
PSFolderSize — PSFolderSize A PowerShell module to get folder sizes and export information easily |
PSLazyCompletion — PSLazyCompletion Lazy load completion scripts for powershell |
PowerShell Search Web — pwsh-search-web Adds PowerShell functions for searching the web with several popular services. |
NodeMCU PyFlasher — pyflasher Self-contained NodeMCU flasher with GUI based on and wxPython. |
pyWinContext (Portable) — pyWinContext-portable Manager for Custom Context Menus in Windows 7 and higher |
Rclone (Portable) — rclone-portable Sync files and directories to and from mulitple cloud / FTP / HTTP hosters. |
Sonoff DIY Tool — sonoff-diy-tool A tool to control sonoff devices and upload new firmware. |
Tasmotizer — tasmotizer A full-featured flashing tool for the Tasmota firmware |
TEdit — tedit TEdit is a stand alone, open source map editor for Terraria |
Terminal-Icons — terminal-icons A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal |
TerraMap — terramap TerraMap is an interactive Terraria world map viewer |
Winfetch (Nightly) — winfetch-nightly A command-line system information utility for Windows 10 |
yj — yj CLI tool to convert between YAML, TOML, JSON, and HCL |
YouTube Music Desktop (Portable) — ytmdesktop-portable An unofficial desktop app for YouTube Music |