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Illuminate your REST API 💡 with React hooks and a centralized cache.

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const [{data, loading, error}] = useApiQuery({url: `/users/${id}`})


  • 🚀 React hook for querying HTTP API data
  • 💾 Turnkey API response caching
  • 🖇 Parallel request de-duplication
  • 📡 Support for API requests and cache queries outside of React components (in redux sagas, thunks, etc.)
  • 📥 Parses response bodies of any data type ('json', 'blob', 'text')
  • 🗞 Compatible with almost any REST API
  • 🌳 Exports tree-shakable ES modules
  • TS Designed with full Typescript support


Installation & Setup

Install the package as a dependency:

npm install --save fairlight

# or

yarn add fairlight

Create an Api instance, add your API's baseUrl, and provide it to your app:

import {Api, ApiProvider} from 'fairlight'

const api = new Api({
  // ↓ prefixes all request urls
  baseUrl: ''

const App = () => (
  <ApiProvider api={api}>{/* render your app here */}</ApiProvider>

You can now define endpoints and make requests in your app.

Basic Usage

Query your API:

import React from 'react'
import {useApiQuery} from 'fairlight'

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const [userQuery] = useApiQuery({url: `/users/${props.userId}`})

  if (userQuery.error) {
    // display error

  if (userQuery.loading) {
    // display loading state

  return <h1>{}</h1>

As you add more API requests, we strongly recommend organizing your request definitions into centralized "endpoint" classes, grouped by domain/resource. This will help to encapsulate request-specific logic, reduce path-prefixing boilerplate, and automatically serialize query parameters.

Continuing our example, we'll create a UserEndpoints class to define endpoints under the '/users' base path. We'll subclass HttpEndpoints, which gives us static HTTP helper methods:

import {HttpEndpoints} from 'fairlight'

export class UserEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static list(query) {
    return super._get('', {query})

  static create(body) {
    return super._post('', {body})

  // etc.

(All HttpEndpoints methods are documented here)

If your endpoints follow common REST-ful conventions, you can subclass RestEndpoints (which subclasses HttpEndpoints) to reduce REST boilerplate:

import {RestEndpoints} from 'fairlight'

export class UserEndpoints extends RestEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static list(query) {
    return super._list(query)

  static create(body) {
    return super._create(body)

  static findById(id) {
    return super._findById(id)

  static update(id, body) {
    return super._update(id, body)

  static partialUpdate(id, body) {
    return super._partialUpdate(id, body)

  static destroy(id) {
    return super._destroy(id)

(All RestEndpoints methods are documented here)

Then you can use these endpoints to make queries:

import React from 'react'
import {useApiQuery} from 'fairlight'

import {UserEndpoints} from 'my-app/endpoints'

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const [usersQuery] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.list({limit: 10}))
  const [userQuery] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.findById(props.userId))
  // ... etc

To create an event handler for form submissions, deletions, etc., use the useApiMutation hook.

The hook takes a curried mutation handler which is passed the api for making queries. It returns a mutation function and a mutating loading flag which you can use for a loading state.

import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {useApiMutation} from 'fairlight'

import {UserEndpoints} from 'my-app/endpoints'

const CreateUserForm = (props) => {
  const [createUser, {mutating: creatingUser}] = useApiMutation({
    mutation: (firstName: string, lastName: string) => async (api) => {
      return api.request(UserEndpoints.create({firstName, lastName}))
    onError: (error) => console.error(error),
    onSuccess: (user) => console.log(`Created user ${firstName}`)

  return (
      {creatingUser && <LoadingSpinner />}
        onSubmit={(firstName, lastName) => {
          createUser(firstName, lastName)

(useApiMutation API documentation is here)


Response Cache

Interacting with the cache when requesting data

The caching functionality of useApiQuery is determined by its fetchPolicy. By default, this is set to cache-and-fetch: the first time you use useApiQuery for a given request, it will fetch the data and save it. The next time useApiQuery is used for that same request, the hook will return the cached response data and make a request for a fresh version, allowing the UI to display a value quickly to the user. This pattern is called stale-while-invalidate.

This fetch policy can be overridden on a per-request:

const [users] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.list(), {
  fetchPolicy: 'no-cache' // disables the cache altogether

Here are the possible fetch policies:

Field Description
no-cache Only fetch from the server and never read from or write to the cache.
cache-first The request will first attempt to read from the cache.
If the data is cached, return the data and do not fetch.
If the data isn't cached, make a fetch and then update the cache.
fetch-first The request will fetch from the server, and then write the response to the cache.
cache-only The request will only read from the cache and never fetch from the server.
If the data does not exist, it will throw an ApiCacheMissError.
cache-and-fetch The request will simultaneously read from the cache and fetch from the server.
If the data is in the cache, the promise will resolve with the cached results. Once the fetch resolves, it will update the cache in the background and emit an event to notify listeners of the update.
If the data is not in the cache, the promise will resolve with the result of the fetch and then update the cache.

If you'd like to override the default fetchPolicy for useApiQuery, you can pass a defaultFetchPolicies prop to <ApiProvider />:

const App = () => (
  <ApiProvider api={api} defaultFetchPolicies={{useApiQuery: 'fetch-first'}}>
    {/* Render app */}

Note that calling api.request() directly always defaults fetchPolicy to 'no-cache', but you can override this per-request if you'd like to interact with the cache.

Using the cache directly

It can be useful to read and write directly to and from the cache. For this, you can use Api#readCachedResponse and Api#writeCachedResponse. View the API examples for usage.

How request cache keys are determined

Requests are keyed by a deterministic hash of its params. These properties include: url, method, headers, responseType, and extraKey.

Note that the body is not included in the cache key, so equivalent POST requests with different body payloads would have the same cache key. In these instances, if you would like to utilize the cache, you can set an extraKey for that request. See the documentation for api.request for more details.

Re-fetching a query

Sometimes, it may be desirable to re-fetch the data in response to a user action. This can be done using the refetch() action returned by the hook:


const [users, usersQueryActions] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.list())

return (
    onClick={() => {
    Refresh Users
  • This will always make a fetch to the user, no matter what fetchPolicy is.
  • If fetchPolicy: 'no-cache' is passed to useApiQuery, the cache will not be updated after the fetch completes. If fetchPolicy is set to anything else, the cache will be updated after the request completes.
  • By default, deduplicate is always false, meaning it will always make a fresh request. You can override this by passing a deduplicate option: refresh({ deduplicate: true }).
  • If you want to reinitialize data to null when you call refresh, you can do so by passing a reinitialize option: refresh({ reinitialize: true })

Full documentation is available here.

Dependent queries

If one query depends on data that isn't yet available, or on the results of another query, you can pass a falsy value to useApiQuery. will be null and query.loading will be false.


const [users] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.list({email: props.userEmail}))
const [friends, friendsQueryActions] = useApiQuery( && > 0 &&

// === null
// friends.loading === false

// note that `refetch` will be a NOOP:

Manually updating query data

useApiQuery returns a setData method which allows you to manually set the data stored by the hook (similar to react#useState's functional updates).

For example, suppose we have a query to get a user:

const [user] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.findById(1))

Now, suppose we also have a mutation which updates a user. This API request happens to returns the updated user, so we can use setData to update our useApiQuery data with the most up-to-date user.

const [user, userQueryActions] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.findById(1))

const [saveUser] = useApiMutation({
  mutation: (values) => (api) => {
    return api.request(UserEndpoints.partialUpdate(1, values))

  onSuccess: (updatedUser) => {
    // ↑↑ this updates ``

  onError: (error) => {
    // etc

Note: if fetchPolicy is not no-cache, this will persist directly to the response cache.

Custom response body parsing

By default, responses will attempt to be parsed to 'json', 'text', or 'blob' formats using the Content-Type header on the response:

Pattern Parsed Value
'application/json' 'json'
'text/*' 'text'
'(application|image|video)/*' 'blob'

However, you can manually specify the parse type by passing responseType: 'json' | 'text' | 'blob' to your request:

class TransactionEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/transactions'

  static csvExport() {
    return super._get('/export.csv', {
      responseType: 'text'

const csv = await api.request(TransactionEndpoints.csvExport)

// typeof csv === 'string'

Success response codes

By default, requests with response statuses in the 200-range (200-299) will be considered successful, with anything outside of the range throwing an ApiError. If you'd like to customize the success statuses, you can set successCodes:

class UserEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static create(body) {
    return super._post('', {
      successCodes: [201]

await api.request(
    firstName: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe'
// ↑ any response status other than `201` will throw `ApiError`

Custom query string serialization

If you want to provide your own query string serialization, you can override HttpEndpoints#_serializeQuery.

Note that it may be useful to apply this logic to all of your endpoints by creating a BaseEndpoints class and extending from that:

import {qs} from 'qs'

class BaseEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static _serializeQuery(query) {
    return qs.stringify(query)

class UserEndpoints extends BaseEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static list(query) {
    return super._get('/', {query}) // will use `qs.stringify`

Setting default headers (ie. an auth token) for all requests

A common use case is to pass an authentication token to requests after a user has logged in. This can be achieved using default headers:

api.setDefaultHeader('X-Auth-Token', token)

Now, all of your queries will pass this additional header to requests.


Currently, the recommended method of testing is to mock fetch at the source. jest-fetch-mock is a useful tool for this.

Here is an example of testing a useApiQuery using React Testing Library:

// Component file:
const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const [user] = useApiQuery({url: `/users/${id}`})

  if (user.error) {
    return <p>'An error occurred'</p>

  if (user.loading) {
    return <p>'Loading ...'</p>

  return <p>User: {user.firstName}</p>

// Test file:
import {render, waitFor, screen} from '@testing-library/react'

it('renders the user name', async () => {
  fetchMock.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify({firstName: 'Thomas'}), {
    headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}

  const {getByText} = render(<MyComponent id />)
  await waitFor(() => getByText('User: Thomas'))

Error handling

Api requests can return two types of errors:


If a request returns a non-200 status code, an ApiError is thrown. You can catch these errors and perform additional handling:

import {ApiError} from 'fairlight'

try {
  await api.request(UserEndpoints.create({name: 'ExistingUser'}))
} catch (err) {
  if (
    error instanceof ApiError &&
    error.status === 400 &&
    error.responseBody?.code === '4120'
  ) {
    // handle error

  // bubble unexpected error up
  throw error


When making an Api request with fetchPolicy: 'cache-only', and a cache value does not exist, an ApiCacheMissError will be thrown. In cases where you want to handle this error by re-fetching over the network, you could just use fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' which will make the fetch for you.


The library was internally written in Typescript and supports strong request/response typings.


interface IUser {
  id: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

class UserEndpoints extends RestEndpoints {
  list(query?: {limit?: number; page?: number}) {
    return super._list<IUser[]>(query)

  create(body?: Omit<IUser, 'id'>) {
    return super._create<IUser>(body)

  patch(id: number, body: Partial<Omit<IUser, 'id'>>) {
    return super._update<IUser>(id, body)

const users = await api.request(
    limit: 5,
    page: 2
// `users` has type `IUser[]`

const user = await api.request(
    firstName: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe'
// `user` has type `IUser`

const updatedUser = await api.request(
  UserEndpoints.patch(, {
    firstName: 'Jane'
// `updatedUser` has type `IUser`

Usage with Redux

While it is recommended to use the useApiQuery hook to make requests in your components, it's possible to make Api calls in your Redux middleware (ie. sagas, thunks).

Usage with redux-thunk:

When you instantiate your redux store, you can pass your Api client instance as an extra argument to your thunk middleware:

import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import {Api} from 'fairlight'

const api = new Api()

const store = createStore(

const App = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
    <ApiProvider api={api}>{/* Render your app here */}</ApiProvider>

Then you can make API calls in your thunks:

const loadUsers = () => async (dispatch, getState, {api}) => {
  try {
    const user = await api.request(UserEndpoints.list())
  } catch (error) {

Usage with redux-saga:

When you instantiate your saga middleware, you can pass your Api client instance to your sagas via saga context.

The following example is likely be broken down into separate files, but is included in one example for simplicity:

import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
import {Api} from 'fairlight'

// define root saga
function* rootSaga(api) {
  // set `api` in the saga context
  yield setContext('api', api)

// create store with saga middleware
function createStore(api) {
  const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
  const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware))

  // pass `api` to root saga, api)
  return store

// create api and pass to `createStore`:
const api = new Api()
const store = createStore(api)

const App = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
    <ApiProvider api={api}>{/* Render your app here */}</ApiProvider>

Then you can make API calls in your sagas:

function* loadUsers() {
  const api = yield getContext('api')
  yield put(userActions.request())
  try {
    const user = yield call(api.request, UserEndpoints.list())
    yield put(userActions.success(user))
  } catch (error) {
    yield put(userActions.failure(error))

Server-side rendering (SSR)

This library uses fetch internally to make requests, so you'll need to globally polyfill fetch on the server. One popular option is isomorphic-unfetch.

To make requests on the server (ex. using next.js), you can create an api instance and make requests with it:

import {Api} from 'fairlight'
import {UserEndpoints} from 'my-app/endpoints'

const api = new Api()

// fetch data server-side:
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const user = await api.request(UserEndpoints.findById(
  return {props: {user}}

// define your component:
const UserProfile = (props) => {
  // we can now use `props.user`

export default UserProfile

If you need to share an api instance across your server, you can create an api singleton file and import that into each file that needs it.

Note that instances of useApiQuery will return a loading flag for the initial render, and will not run the request since it's performed in a useEffect hook. If you'd like to render data on the server and also trigger a new fetch for the same endpoint using useApiQuery, you can pass initialData to the hook using the props passed by the server fetch:

import {Api} from 'fairlight'
import {UserEndpoints} from 'my-app/endpoints'

const api = new Api()

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const user = await api.request(UserEndpoints.findById(
  return {props: {user}}

const UserProfile = (props) => {
  const [user] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.findById(, {
    initialData: props.user

export default UserProfile


At d1g1t, we make over 400 REST API calls in our enterprise investment advisor platform. Over time, as we started using React hooks and wanted to introduce caching optimizations, it was clear that we needed to overhaul our internal REST API fetching library to use patterns that scale with our app.

Since it works well for d1g1t's purposes, we decided to open-source the library to help others who are building REST API-consuming React applications.

Comparison to similar libraries

fairlight synthesizes patterns from other libraries, such as apollo-client, swp, and react-query. It mainly differs in that it's specifically designed for making HTTP calls to your API. It allows you to request API data with URL paths, query parameters, request bodies, and HTTP headers. The caching layer will deterministically map these HTTP request parameters to response bodies, allowing the user to easily query their API and defer caching logic to fairlight.

It's most similar to the out-of-the-box, batteries-included solution that apollo-client provides, but for REST rather than GraphQL.

Feature Roadmap

Here is the current roadmap of features we have in mind:

  • Suspense API #11
  • Mutations & Optimistic responses #28
  • Opt-in cache data normalization #7
  • Cache redirects #10
  • Polling mechanism #9
  • Query pagination #8

Feedback is encouraged 🙂.

If you'd like to make a feature request, please submit an issue.

API Documentation

useApiQuery(params: object, opts?: object)

import {useApiQuery} from 'fairlight'

const [user, userQueryActions] = useApiQuery(UserEndpoints.list(), {
  fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-fetch',
  deduplicate: true

const {data, loading, error} = user

// to refetch:

// to imperatively set the data:
userQueryActions.setData({id: 1, name: 'Jane'})
// setting the data using a function setter:
userQueryActions.setData((prev) => ({
  name: 'Jane'

params fields:

Standard request params. See Api#request() for options.

opts fields:

Field Description
fetchPolicy?: 'no-cache' | 'cache-first' | 'fetch-first' | 'cache-only' | 'cache-and-fetch' The fetch policy to use for the request. This is passed directly to api.request under the hood. By default, this is set to cache-and-fetch but can be overridden via ApiProvider
deduplicate?: boolean If true, will deduplicate equivalent requests, ensuring that it only runs once concurrently and returns an equal promise for each parallel call. This is true by default for GET requests, and false by default for POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests.
dontReinitialize?: boolean If true, will keep data from previous requests until new data is received (ie. it won't reinitialize to null).
useErrorBoundary?: boolean If true, will throw on error that will bubble up to an error boundary. This is false by default, but can be overridden globally via ApiProvider.

Returns [queryData, queryActions]:

queryData fields:

Field Description
loading: boolean true if there is currently a request in-flight.
data: object | Blob | string | null The response body. Will null if none has been received yet.
error: Error | null If an error occurs, will be the instance of the error that was thrown.

queryActions fields:

Field Description
refetch: (opts?: { deduplicate?: boolean, reinitialize?: boolean }) => void When called, triggers a data refetch. You can manually override deduplicate, which uses the value passed to the hook by default. You can also set reinitialize: true to clear data (false by default)
setData: (responseBody: object | Blob | string | ((prev) => object | Blob | string |)) Manually sets the response data of the hook.
If fetchPolicy is not set to no-cache, it will store the response body in the cache as well.
If a function is passed to setData, the data can be set as a function of its previous data.

useApiMutation(params: object)

import {useApiQuery} from 'fairlight'

const [createUser, {creating: creatingUser}] = useApiMutation({
  mutation: (firstName: string, lastName: string) => (api) => {
    return api.request(UserEndpoints.create({firstName, lastName}))
  onError: (error) => console.error(error)
  onSuccess: (user) => console.log(`Created user ${user.firstName}`)

params fields:

Field Description
mutation The mutation function. The return value is called with an object containing all api methods.
onError Invoked if the mutation returns a rejected promise. This eliminates the need for a try/catch block.
onSuccess Invoked if the mutation returns a resolved promise.

Returns [mutate, mutationData]:

mutate function:

Invokes the mutation. This will call your provided mutation function with the api helpers. The mutating flag will be set to true while the mutation is occurring, and false once it completes.

mutationData fields:

Field Description
mutating: boolean true if a mutation is currently in progress.


Provides an Api instance to a React app.

import {ApiProvider} from 'fairlight'

const api = new Api({baseUrl: ''})

const App = () => (
      useApiQuery: {
        fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-fetch'
      useApiMutation: {
        fetchPolicy: 'fetch-first'
    {/* render app here */}


Field Description
api: Api Api instance to provide to your app.
defaults: object Sets the defaults to use for hooks. See below for possible options.

defaults fields:

Field Description
useApiQuery.fetchPolicy?: 'no-cache' | 'cache-first' | 'fetch-first' | 'cache-only' | 'cache-and-fetch' The fetchPolicy to use by default for the useApiQuery hook. Defaults to cache-and-fetch if not specified.
useApiQuery.useErrorBoundary?: boolean The useErrorBoundary to use by default for the useApiQuery hook. Defaults to true if not specified.
useMutationQuery.fetchPolicy: 'no-cache' | 'cache-first' | 'fetch-first' | 'cache-only' | 'cache-and-fetch' The fetchPolicy to use by default for api.request calls within useApiMutation mutation handlers. Defaults to no-cache if not specified.


This class should be extended to provide your own endpoints for a given basePath.

class UserEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static list(query) {
    return super._get('', {query})
    // {method: 'GET', url: '/users?serializedQuery'}

  static create(body) {
    return super._post('', {body})
    // {method: 'POST', url: '/users'}

  static findById(id) {
    return super._get(`/${id}`)
    // {method: 'GET', url: `/users/${id}`}

  static update(id, body) {
    return super._put(`/${id}`, {body})
    // {method: 'PUT', url: `/users/${id}`, body}

  static partialUpdate(id, body) {
    return super._patch(`/${id}`, {body})
    // {method: 'PATCH', url: `/users/${id}`, body}

  static destroy(id) {
    return super._delete(`/${id}`)
    // {method: 'DELETE', url: `/users/${id}`}

  // ad-hoc, custom request:
  static requestPasswordReset(id, resetToken, body) {
    return super._post(`/users/${id}`, {
      headers: {'x-reset-token': resetToken}
    // {method: 'POST', url: `/users/${id}`, headers: {'x-reset-token': resetToken}, body}

Static properties and methods:

Field Description
static basePath?: string Base path of the resource. This will automatically prefix the url returned by each endpoint you define.
static trailingSlash?: boolean If set to true, will append a trailing / at the end of each request. Eg. /users/:id will turn to /users/:id/. This is false by default).
static _get?: (path: string, init?: RequestInit): RequestParams Creates a get request for the given path. See below for RequestInit fields.
static _post: (path: string, init?: RequestInit): RequestParams Creates a post request for the given path. See below for RequestInit fields.
static _put: (path: string, init?: RequestInit): RequestParams Creates a put request for the given path. See below for RequestInit fields.
static _patch: (path: string, init?: RequestInit): RequestParams Creates a patch request for the given path. See below for RequestInit fields.
static _delete: (path: string, init?: RequestInit): RequestParams Creates a delete request for the given path. See below for RequestInit fields.
static _serializeQuery: (query: object): string Serializes a query object passed to RequestInit#query into a search string. The default implementation uses URLSearchParams, but can be overrided in a subclass if needed.

RequestInit fields:

Field Description
query?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean } Query parameters. These will run through _serializeQuery and append to the returned url as the search string.
headers?: { [key: string]: string } Custom HTTP headers to pass to the request.
body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> HTTP request body (only for non-GET requests). If a plain JS object is passed, the Content-Type: 'application/json' header will automatically be set.


This class should be extended to provide your own endpoints for a given basePath. It provides RESTful methods that you can call to generate common requests (list, create, etc).

RestEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints and inherits all of its functionality.

class UserEndpoints extends HttpEndpoints {
  static basePath = '/users'

  static list(query) {
    return super._get('', {query})
    // {method: 'GET', url: '/users?serializedQuery'}

  static create(body) {
    return super._post('', {body})
    // {method: 'POST', url: '/users'}

  static findById(id) {
    return super._get(`/${id}`)
    // {method: 'GET', url: `/users/${id}`}

  static update(id, body) {
    return super._put(`/${id}`, {body})
    // {method: 'PUT', url: `/users/${id}`, body}

  static partialUpdate(id, body) {
    return super._patch(`/${id}`, {body})
    // {method: 'PATCH', url: `/users/${id}`, body}

  static destroy(id) {
    return super._delete(`/${id}`)
    // {method: 'DELETE', url: `/users/${id}`}

  // ad-hoc, custom request:
  static requestPasswordReset(id, resetToken, body) {
    return super._post(`/users/${id}`, {
      headers: {'x-reset-token': resetToken}
    // {method: 'POST', url: `/users/${id}`, headers: {'x-reset-token': resetToken}, body}

In addition to the methods inherited from HttpEndpoints, RestEndpoints has the following static protected methods:

Field Description
static _list?: (query?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean }) GET /?search request. You can optionally pass query parameters to filter the results.
static _create?: (body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>) POST / request. You can pass the request body as the first argument.
static _findById?: (id: string | number) GET /:id request. The resource id is the first argument.
static _update?: (id: string | number, body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>) PUT /:id request. The resource id is the first argument, and the request body is the second argument.
`static _partialUpdate?: (id: string number, body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream)`
static _destroy?: (id: string | number, body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>) DELETE /:id request. The resource id is the first argument.



import {Api} from 'fairlight'

const api = new Api({
  baseUrl: '',
  serializeRequestJson: (body) => camelize(body),
  serializeRequestJson: (body) => snakify(body)

Constructor fields:

Field Description
baseUrl?: string Base URL of the API. This will prefix all requests.
serializeRequestJson?(body: object): object When provided, all JSON request bodies will be run through this transformation function before the API request.
parseResponseJson?(body: object): object When provided, all JSON response bodies will be run through this transformation function before returning the response.


The baseUrl that was set via the Api constructor.

request(params: object, opts?: object)

Makes an API request and returns the parsed response body.

// Recommended usage with endpoints:
const user = await api.request(UserEndpoints.list(), {
  fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
  deduplicate: true // true by default for `GET` requests

// Full API:
const user = await api.request({
  // Required fields:
  url: '/users',

  // Optional fields:
  method: 'POST',
  body: {name: 'Example User',}
  headers: {'x-user-id': '12345'},
  responseType: 'json',
  successCodes: [200],
  extraKey: 'extra_cache_key'
}, {
  fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
  deduplicate: true

params fields:

Field Description
url: string URL path for the request. This will be appended to the baseUrl which was passed to the Api constructor.
method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE' HTTP method for the request. Defaults to GET if not provided.
headers?: { [key: string]: string } An object of key-value headers for the request.
body?: object | string | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> HTTP request body. If a plain JS object is passed, the Content-Type: 'application/json' header will automatically be set.
responseType?: 'json' | 'text' | 'blob' Expected response body format. If provided, the response body will be parsed to the provided format. If not passed, the response body type will be inferred from the Content-Type response header.
successCodes?: number[] An array of status codes which determine if the request was successful. If the response is not one of these status codes, an ApiError will be thrown. When this is not set, any status code in the 200 range (200-299) will be considered successful.
extraKey?: string An additional key to be serialized into the caching key.

opts fields:

Field Description
fetchPolicy?: 'no-cache' | 'cache-first' | 'fetch-first' | 'cache-only' | 'cache-and-fetch' The fetch policy to use for the request (ie. how to interact with the cache, if at all).
deduplicate?: boolean If true, will deduplicate equivalent requests, ensuring that it only runs once concurrently and returns an equal promise for each parallel call. This is true by default for GET requests, and false by default for POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests.

Returns Promise<object | Blob | string>:

The response body.

requestInProgress(params: object)

Returns a boolean when, if true, indicates that an equivalent matching request is currently in progress.

const user = await api.requestInProgress(UserEndpoints.list())

params fields:

Standard request params. See Api#request() for options.



writeCachedResponse(params: object, responseBody?: Blob | object | string)

Sets the cached response body for a given set of request params.

const user = await api.writeCachedResponse(UserEndpoints.list(), [
  {id: 1, name: 'Jane'},
  {id: 2, name: 'Joe'}

params fields:

Standard request params. See Api#request() for options.


The response body to cache.

readCachedResponse(params: object)

Reads a response directly from the cache.

The main reason you would use this over Api#request with a cached fetch policy is that this runs synchronously.

Note that if there is a cache miss, it will return undefined.

const user = api.readCachedResponse(UserEndpoints.findById(3))

params fields:

Standard request params. See Api#request() for options.

Returns object | Blob | string:

The cached response body, or undefined on cache miss.

onCacheUpdate(params: object)

Returns an observable which pushes each new response matching the given params.

const subscription = api.onCacheUpdate(UserEndpoints.list().subscribe((users) => {
  // handle updated `users` in cache

// invoke subscription's `unsubscribe` method to unsubscribe:

params fields:

Standard request params. See Api#request() for options.

listener: (responseBody: object | blob | string) => void

Invoked when the cache updates for the given request params.

Returns () => void:

A function that, when called, unsubscribes the listener.

setDefaultHeader(key: string, value: string)

Sets a default header that is passed to all requests.

api.setDefaultHeader('X-Auth-Token', '123456')


An observable for each api error. This is useful for error reporting or to handle an invalid auth token by logging out.

import {ApiError} from 'fairlight'

const subscription = api.onError.subscribe((error) => {
  // handle error

// invoke subscription's `unsubscribe` method to unsubscribe:

listener: (error: Error) => void

Invoked when an error occurred. It's likely an instance of ApiError for a non-200 status code.

Returns () => void:

A function that, when called, unsubscribes the listener.