Lets you build a full module for the Bonfire (http://cibonfire.com/) app. Controllers, views, models, language, migration and Javascript files are built very quickly by filling out a single form
- Includes form validation
- Retain POST values on page refresh, form is auto populated with POST
- Show each field error
- English Language file generated
- Drop the module into the bonfire/modules folder
- Edit the config file if required
- Navigate to the /admin/developer/modulebuilder page
- Fill in your fields on the form
- Click Build
- You will see the list of generated files
- If generated, rename the Migrations file (adding the correct number) and move it into the db/migrations folder
- You will need to edit the generated code as required
- Edit the language file and add your own as required
* Output path of the modules
$config[ 'modulebuilder' ]['output_path'] = APPPATH."../modules/";
* array of possible actions in the controller
$config[ 'modulebuilder' ][ 'form_action_options' ] = 'array('index' => 'List',
'insert' => 'Insert',
'update' => 'Update',
'delete' => 'Delete');
* default primary key field
$config[ 'modulebuilder' ][ 'primary_key_field' ] = 'id';
* html tags used around the form elements
$config[ 'modulebuilder' ][ 'form_input_delimiters' ] = array('<div>','</div>');
* html tags used around the error messages
$config[ 'modulebuilder' ][ 'form_error_delimiters' ] = array('<span class="error">', '</span>');
Acknowledgment: This spark is originally based on Ollie Rattue's http://formigniter.org/ project