Created by Stephane Cerveau inspired from team XBMC initial project.
This is a fork of ShairPort written by James Laird The original maintainer of ShairPort had said that he intended version 0.05 to be his last release (announcement can be found at *** Below is the contents of the original README. ***
James Laird April 13, 2011
This program emulates an AirPort Express for the purpose of streaming music from iTunes and compatible iPods. It implements a server for the Apple RAOP protocol. ShairPort does not support AirPlay v2 (video and photo streaming).
It supports multiple simultaneous streams, if your audio output chain (as detected by libao) does so.
. See for further information.
The triangle-in-rectangle AirTunes (now AirPlay) logo will appear in the iTunes status bar of any machine on the network, or on iPod play controls screen. Choose your access point name to start streaming to the ShairPort instance.