- countrycode.org listing added
- simplified boolean expression
- private variable naming convention changed
- bug fixes
- Removed broken links from README.md
- Code modifications
- Ran flutter format on lib/flutter_otp.dart
- NEW FEATURE !!! : country code parameter added (+1 by default)
- parameter countryCode (optional) is included
- Doc-strings updated
- example/README.md updated
- sendOtp() fixed: optional params list
- Provide minimum and maximum OTP range
- Security within classes increased
- pubspec.yaml upgraded
- API Reference document added
- formatted lib/flutter_otp.dart
- README.md changed
- pubspec.yaml updated
- parameter message changed to messageText in sendOtp()
- README.md updated
- pubspec.yaml description updated
- example/ directory added
- README.md updated
- pubspec.yaml description updated
- resultChecker() signature modified to resultChecker(int)
- Initial Release