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File metadata and controls

78 lines (69 loc) · 5.47 KB


Author: Daniela Petruzalek
License: GPLv3

SIM: Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade)

File types

DO   : Declarations of death  
DOFET: Declarations of death (Fetal)  
DOEXT: Declarations of death (External Causes)  
DOINF: Declarations of death (Children)  
DOMAT: Declarations of death (Mother)  

SIM Code Book

Column Name Original Name (PT-BR) Description NUMERODO Declaration of death id number
type TIPOBITO Type of death: 1 = fetal; 2 = non fetal
date DTOBITO Date of death: ddmmyyyy
time HORAOBITO Time of death: hhmm
birthplace NATURAL Place of birth: Country code (3 letters) or the number 8 followed by state code (2 letters) if local
birthdate DTNASC Date of birth: ddmmyyyy
age IDADE First digit: age type (0=ignored or minutes, 1=hours, 2=days, 3=months, 4=years, 5=years above 100). Next two digits: age in the units explained above. Ex: 000=ignored, 020=20 minutes, 445=45 years
sex SEXO 0=ignored, 1=male, 2=female
race RACACOR race/color: 1=white, 2=black, 3=yellow(asian), 4=brown(pardo[1]), 5=indigene
marital.status ESTCIV 1=single, 2=married, 3=widowed, 4=divorced/separated, 9=ignored
education ESC In years completed: 1=none, 2=1 to 3 years, 3=4 to 7 years, 4=8 to 11 years, 5=12+ years, 9=ignored
occupation OCUP Follows the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO-2002) compatible with CIUO-88 CODMUNRES County of residency id (IBGE) LOCOCOR 1=Hospital, 2=Another health facility, 3=Home, 4=public highway, 5=others, 9=ignored CODESTAB Facility id CODMUNOCOR County of death
mother.age IDADEMAE Age of the mother, in years ESCMAE Years of education of the mother (see education above)
mother.occupation OCUPMAE Occupation of the mother (see occupation above)
num.alive.child QTDFILVIVO Number of living children
num.dead.child QTDFILMORT Number of dead children (not including this report)
pregnancy GRAVIDEZ Type of pregnancy: 1=Single, 2=Double, 3=Triple or more, 9=ignored
gestation GESTACAO Gestational age (weeks): 1=less than 22, 2=22 to 27, 3=28 to 31, 4=32 to 36, 5=37 to 41, 6=42+, 9=ignored
childbirth PARTO Type of birth: 1=natural childbirth, 2=C-section, 9=ignored
childbirth.death OBITOPARTO Timing of death in relation to childbirth: 1=before, 2=during, 3=after, 9=ignored
weight PESO Weight at birth, in grams NUMERODN Number of the birth certificate
pregnancy.death OBITOGRAV Death occured during pregnancy: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
puerperium.death OBITOPUERP Death occured during puerperium: 1=yes, less than 42 days; 2=yes, between 43 days and 1 year; 3=no; 9=ignored
medical.assistance ASSISTMED Received medical assistance: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
complimentary.exams EXAME Complimentary exams were performed: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
surgery CIRURGIA Surgery was done: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
necropsy NECROPSIA Necropsy was done: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
line.a LINHAA Line A of the death certificate, according to ICD-10
line.b LINHAB Line B of the death certificate, according to ICD-10
line.c LINHAC Line C of the death certificate, according to ICD-10
line.d LINHAD Line D of the death certificate, according to ICD-10
line.II LINHAII Line II of the death certificate, according to ICD-10
cause.of.death CAUSABAS Main cause of death, according to ICD-10 DTATESTADO Date of the death certificate
accident.type CIRCOBITO Type of accident (if applicable): 1=accident, 2=suicide, 3=homicide, 4=others, 5=ignored
work.accident ACIDTRAB 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored
source FONTE Source of information: 1=Police report, 2=Hospital, 3=Family, 4=others
investigated TPPOS Death was investigated: 1=yes, 2=no DTINVESTIG Date of investigation
orig.cause CAUSABAS_O Original main cause of death (first report) DTCADASTRO Date of the record input into the system
cert.officer ATESTANTE Certifying officer: 1=medic, 2=substitute medic, 3=IML, 4=SVO, 5=others
investig.source FONTEINV Source of investigation: 1=Maternal Death Committee, 2=home visit/family interview, 3=Health facility/medical records, 4=Database research, 5=SVO, 6=IML, 7=other source, 8=multiple sources, 9=ignored. DTRECEBIM Date of the last update of the record
inst.code CODINST Registration facility id

Note: Fields from mother.age through only filled when fetal death or < than 1 year old.

