- AAA: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
- ACL: Access Control Lists.
- ACU: Address Computation Unit.
- AES: Advanced Encryption Standard.
- AGU: Address Generation Unit.
- AH: Authentication Header.
- AI: Artificial Intelligence.
- AKM: Authentication and Key Management.
- ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit.
- ANN: Artificial Neural Network.
- AoE: ATA over Ethernet.
- AP: Access Point.
- API: Application Programming Interface.
- APT: Advanced Packaging Tool.
- APU: Accelerated Processing Unit.
- ARP: Address Resolution Protocol.
- ATA: AT Attachment.
- AWS: Amazon Web Services.
- BD: Big Data.
- BIOS: Basic Input/Output System.
- BGP: Border Gateway Protocol.
- BPDU: Bridge Protocol Data Unit.
- BSoD: Blue Screen of Death.
- BTRFS: B-tree File System.
- CBAC: Context-Based Access Control.
- CBT: Changed Block Tracking.
- CDP:
- Cisco Discovery Protocol.
- Continuous Data Protection.
- CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team.
- CGNAT: Carrier Grade NAT.
- CIDR: Classless Interdomain Routing.
- CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor.
- CN: Common Name.
- CoPP: Control Plane Policing.
- CPPr: Control Plane Protection.
- CPS: Cyber-Physical System.
- CPU: Central Processing Unit.
- CRL: Certificate Revocation List.
- CSS: Cascading Style Sheets.
- CV: Computer Vision.
- CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
- CWE: Common Weakness Enumeration.
- DAC: Discrectionary Access Control.
- DAS: Direct Attached Storage.
- DCIM: Data Center Infrastructure Management.
- DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service.
- DEP: Data Execution Prevention.
- DES: Data Encryption Standard.
- DFIR: Digital Forensics and Incident Response.
- DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
- DL: Deep Learning.
- DLP: Data Loss Prevention.
- DN: Distinguished Name.
- DNS: Domain Name System.
- DoS: Denial of Service.
- DRS: Distributed Resource Scheduler.
- DSCP: Differentiated Services Codepoint.
- DWDM: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
- EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol
- EBR: Extended Boot Record.
- ECDSA: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm.
- ECN: Explicit Congestion Notification.
- EDR: Endpoint Detection & Response.
- EEPROM: Electronically EPROM.
- EFI: Extensible Firmware Interface.
- EID: Endpoint ID.
- EIGRP: Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
- EPROM: Erasable PROM.
- ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning.
- ESP:
- Encapsulating Security Payload.
- EFI System Partition.
- EUID: Effective User ID.
- FAT: File Allocation Table.
- FIB: Forwarding Information Base.
- FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
- FPU: Floating-Point Unit.
- FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name.
- FS: File System.
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol.
- GCC: GNU Compiler Collection.
- GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program.
- GNU: GNU's Not Unix.
- GPG: GNU Privacy Guard.
- GPIO: General Purpose Input/Output.
- GPL: GNU General Public License.
- GPS: Global Positioning System.
- GPT: GUID Partition Table.
- GPU: Graphics Processing Unit.
- GRUB: GRand Unified Bootloader.
- GUID: Globally Unique IDentifier.
- HA: High Availability.
- HDD: Hard Disk Drive.
- HDL: Hardware Description Language.
- HKEY: Handle to Registry-Key.
- HMI: Human-Machine Interface.
- HSRP: Hot Standby Router Protocol.
- HTTP: Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol.
- IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service.
- IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
- IC: Integrated Circuit.
- ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol.
- ICN: Information Centric Networking.
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force.
- IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol.
- IHL: Internet Header Length.
- IOPS: Input/Output Operations Per Second.
- IoT: Internet of Things.
- IP: Internet Protocol.
- IPSec: IP Security.
- ISA: Instruction Set Architecture.
- iSCSI: Internet Small Computer System Interface.
- ISP: Internet Service Provider.
- JBOD: Just a Bunch of Disks.
- JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group.
- LACP: Link Aggregation Control Protocol.
- LAG: Link Aggregation Group.
- LISP: Locator Id Separation Protocol.
- LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
- LLDP: Link Layer Discovery Protocol.
- LLM: Large Language Model.
- LUKS: Linux Unified Key Setup.
- LUN: Logical Unit Number.
- MAC:
- Mandatory Access Control.
- Media Access Control.
- Message Authentication Code.
- MBR: Master Boot Record.
- MEMS: Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems.
- MitM: Man-in-the-Middle.
- ML: Machine Learning.
- MPLS: MultiProtocol Label Switching.
- MQTT: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport.
- MRU: Most Recently Used.
- MTPoD: Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption.
- MTU:
- Master Terminal Unit.
- Maximum Transmission Unit.
- M2M: Machine-to-Machine.
- NAC: Network Access Control.
- NAS:
- Network Access Server.
- Network Attached Storage.
- NAT: Network Address Translation.
- NDP: Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
- NFS: Network File System.
- NFV: Network Function Virtualization.
- NLP: Natural Language Processing.
- NPS: Network Policy Server.
- NPU: Neural Processing Unit.
- NSE: Nmap Scripting Engine.
- NT: New Technologies.
- NTFS: NT File System.
- NTP: Network Time Protocol.
- NVRAM: Non-Volatile RAM.
- OCSP: Online Certificate Status Protocol.
- OLE: Object Linking and Embedding.
- OSPF: Open Shortest Path First.
- OWASP: Open Web Application Security Project.
- PAM: Pluggable Authentication Modules.
- PATA: Parallel ATA.
- PCA: Principal Component Analysis.
- PCB: Printed Circuit Board.
- PEAP: Protected EAP.
- PGP: Pretty Good Privacy.
- PHB: Per Hop Behavior.
- PIM: Protocol-Independent Multicast.
- PKI: Public Key Infrastructure.
- PLC: Programmable Logic Controller.
- PNG: Portable Network Graphics.
- PPPoE: Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet.
- PROM: Programmable ROM.
- QoS: Quality of Service.
- RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.
- RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
- RAM: Random Access Memory.
- RDM: Remote Desktop Manager.
- RFC: Request For Comment.
- RINA: Recursive InterNetworking Architecture.
- RLOC: Routing LOCator.
- ROADM: Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplixer.
- ROM: Read Only Memory.
- RPO: Recovery Point Objective.
- RSA:
- Rivest, Shamir & Adleman.
- Routing and Spectrum Assignment.
- RSCA: Routing, Spectrum and Core Assignment.
- RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator.
- RTC: Real Time Clock.
- RTMP: Real-Time Messasging Protocol.
- RTO: Recovery Time Objective.
- RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol.
- RTSP: Real-Time Streaming Protocol.
- RTU: Remote Terminal Unit.
- RWA: Routing and Wavelength Assignment.
- SA: Security Association.
- SAM: Security Account Manager.
- SAN: Storage Area Network.
- SATA: Serial ATA.
- SCP: Secure Copy Protocol.
- SCSI: Small Computer System Interface.
- SCTP: Stream Control Transmission Protocol.
- SDN: Software Defined Network.
- SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm.
- SIEM: Security Information and Event Management.
- SIMD: Single Instruction, Multiple Data.
- SIMT: Single Instruction, Multiple Threads.
- SIP: Session Initiation Protocol.
- SLAAC: Stateless Address Autoconfiguration.
- SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol.
- SOC: Security Operations Center.
- SQL: Structured Query Language.
- SSID: Service Set IDentifier.
- SSH: Secure Shell.
- SSL: Secure Sockets Layer.
- STP: Spanning Tree Protocol.
- SVM: Support-Vector Machines.
- TAP: Test Anything Protocol.
- TCN: Topology Change Notification.
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol.
- TEAP: Tunnel-based EAP
- TF: TensorFlow.
- TLS: Transport Layer Security.
- ToS: Type of Service.
- TTL: Time To Live.
- UAC: User Account Control.
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol.
- UEFI: Unified EFI.
- UFS: Unix File System.
- URI: Uniform Resource Identifier.
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator.
- UUID: Universally Unique Identifier.
- VDI: Virtual Disk Image.
- VHDL: VHSIC Hardware Description Language.
- VHSIC: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Program.
- VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration.
- VLSM: Variable-Length Subnet Masking.
- VNC: Virtual Network Computing.
- VRRP: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol.
- VT: Virtualization Technology.
- WAP: Wireless Application Protocol.
- WDM: Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
- WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy.
- WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access.
- WSUS: Windows Server Update Services.
- WWW: World Wide Web.
- WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get.
- XFS: "X" File System.
- XMPP: eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
- XSS: cross-Site Scripting.
- YAML Ain't Markup Language.
- Yet Another Markup Language.
- ZBF: Zone-Based Firewall.
- ZFS: Zettabyte File System.*
Contributions are welcome! If you have improvements, bug fixes, or new terms to add, feel free to submit a pull request.
The content of this repository is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to get in touch with me!