This interface writes messages to discord using a discord bot.
An explanation how to create a discord bot can be found here.
token: "tokens/my_discordbot.token" #path is relative to location of this config file
alert: #optional
id: 123456789012345678
info: #optional
id: 234567890123456789
id: 345678901234567890
accounting: #optional
id: 456789012345678901
whitelist: #optional
- "my_storagenode"
error: #optional
id: 567890123456789012
debug: #optional
id: 678901234567890123
blacklist: #optional
- "my_systemmonitor"
- "my_pingdrive"
The token of the bot needs to be stored in a text file. The path to this file is configured by the key token.
Each instance of this plugin needs its own discord bot.
The channels can be configured individually by giving the corresponding keys in the configuration file. If a channel is omitted, the interface will ignore this channel.
The id of the discord channel is configured by the key id. A short video how to get the id of a discord channel can be found here. Discord channels can be reused for multiple channels in Xiamon.
If the key whitelist is given, all messages from plugins which instance names are not in the whitelist are ignored for the corresponding channel.
If the key blacklist is given, If given, all messages from plugins which instance names are in the list are ignored for the corresponding channel.
(Of course, it does only make sense to use either a whitelist or a blacklist for a channel.)