- Contact widget: Spacing for email and phone
- Contact widget: Address is now shown in a block
- Upgraded to Font Awesome 5
- Sidebar button now shows as icon
- Sidebar button now has accessible/visible hover popups
- Veritically centered site logo
- Corrected some notices
- Enabled multi-level dropdowns in primary menu
- Introduced Search widget
- Introduced widget area in header
- Social Widget: Added option to add link to site's primary RSS feed
- Default logo shown in case no logo is provided by user
- 404: Sidebar is now usable
- Customiser: Added options to show/hide site title and description in primary menu (title hidden by default)
- Customiser: Moved "Sidebar" section to newly added "General" section
- Customiser: Set lower limit for "Number of recent posts" to 1
- Front page: Bigger font for call-to-action block
- Custom search page
- Back to top button
- Contact Shortcode: Invisible reCAPTCHA replacing arithmetic captcha
- Contact Shortcode: Redirect URL field in Customiser
- Contact Shortcode: Upon authentication with Google, the link to authenticate is changed to text reading "Authenticated!"
- Contact Shortcode: Option to enable/disable captcha
- Comment navigation arrows
- Default buttons gone greenish
- Mailchimp Subscribe Widget: Fixed regression with interaction
- Contact Widget: Country codes now fetched through restcountries.eu
- Contact Widget: Calling codes now visible in dropdown options
- Navigation Menus: No bullets/separators if no menu is yet set for location
- Site title and description in header and footer are now limited to the first 40 and 120 characters respectively
- Shortened text shown in header for development mode to just " | Dev mode"
- Footer: Top part is hidden in case no widget area contains widgets
- Code cleanup and documentation changes
- Header: Option to enable/disable
- Header: Option to enable/disable Manifesto link
- Blog: Pagination now reflecting specified number of blog posts per page
- Blog: Blog post listings' background changed to light green
- Sidebar: Option to enable/disable
- Sidebar: Clicking the toggling button no longer hashes the URL
- Contact Shortcode: Button to generate shortcode in editor
- Contact Shortcode: HTML required/aria-required being used for client-side validation
- Contact Shortcode: Simple arithmetic CAPTCHA
- Contact Shortcode: Throbber while awaiting response
- Contact Shortcode: Quite alerts replacing dialogs on success/error
- Contact Shortcode: Email validation
- Contact Shortcode: Secure Connection Mode is now a radio option rather than free text
- Contact Shortcode: Fixed issue where hidden fields are cleared on successfully sending feedback causing subsequent calls to be rejected
- Contact Shortcode: Organisation email is now stored in session rather than as a hidden field
- Contact Shortcode: Internal server errors (500) are now reported to the user
- Contact Shortcode: Integration with Google API
- Blog post comments: HTML required/aria-required being used for client-side validation
- Blog post comments: Indentation for replies up to level 5
- Blog post comments: Changed pagination style to numbered
- Footer: Changed copyright message
- Footer: Option to enable/disable copyright message
- Footer: Upper part's background changed to light green
- Widgets: Backend validation errors are now displayed
- Widgets: Backend fields now have the standard look and feel
- Social Buttons Widget: Added Github
- Social Buttons Widget: Added aria support
- Social Buttons Widget: Vertical spacing
- Social Buttons Widget: URL inputs on the backend swapped for username inputs
- Upcoming Event Widget: Fixed a lot of date/time issues
- Upcoming Event Widget: More info URL validation
- Contact Widget: Added address lines and phone country code fields at backend
- Contact Widget: Email validation
- Mailchimp Subscribe Widget: Option to enter User and Form ID via embed HTML
- AddThis sharing buttons: Profile ID setting in place of script URL setting
- Notice in menu header when Development Mode is enabled
- Notice for first-time visitors about cookie storage
- Customiser: Description for [nearly] every setting
- .form-control now has a green border
- General code cleanup, reorganisation, refactoring and documentation updates
- Development environment: localhost:(port) URLs are now detected
- Updated theme description
- Due to a conflict with Bootstrap.js & jQuery, the Mailchimp script has been removed resulting in no front-end interaction
- Supplied default header image
- 404 makeover
- Updated Bootstrap.js to 3.3.7
- Call to Action Block: Renamed options
- Menu logo inline style is now applied in original Bootstrap LESS
- Renamed some LESS files to a more standard way
- Widget following social buttons widget in same widget-area no longer starts in same line
- Removed Blogroll and Recent Posts widgets
- jQuery conflict resolved
- Contact form:
label included in message body - Contact form: script localization
- Contact form: more configurable SMTP connection
- Contact form: right modal is shown when email is sent successfully
- Contact form: SMTP debug respects theme development/production mode
- Customizer - postMessage refresh of recent posts
- Customizer - postMessage refresh of blog posts per page
- Updated screenshot
- Header image enabled
- New development mode - Development JavaScript files are served in localhost with option to serve production script
- Restructured copyright notice
- Fixed bug in pagination where the number of posts per page was not being reflected
- AddThis script is now only output for posts and blog page
- Noscript warning now takes full screen width
- Experimental non-functional [contact-us] shortcode
- Resolved regression - base-js not loading if mailchimp in front-end
- Upcoming Event Widget - Some further checks to make sure date is in the future
- Comments - Form is now checked through JavaScript
- Comments - Form placeholders
- Posts without a featured image are assigned the post's first image
- Option to add text to Copyright notice
- Code readability - LESS nesting review and other minor changes
- Performance - Mailchimp script only served if Mailchimp widget detected in front-end
- AddThis script no longer async
- JS Customizer refresh for copyright text and call-to-action block settings
- Social icons circular appearance
- Upcoming Event Widget - HTML5 date input replaced by traditional HTML4 inputs
- Upcoming Event Widget - Date format changed in front-end
- Upcoming Event Widget - HTML5 time input replaced by traditional HTML4 inputs
- Recent posts section is now still displayed when there are no posts, stating blog is empty
- Implemented options to regulate number of recent posts and posts displayed per page
- Fixed image scaling problem
- Site title now turns white on hover
- Minor code cleanup
- Upcoming Event Widget
- Blogroll now implemented as a widget
- Social widget form is now checked for errors of URL placement
- Social widget form controls now all occur in a new line
- Code reorganisation
- Bootstrap-based pagination
- Clicking "Sidebar" button no longer resets vertical scrollbar position
- Custom logo support
- Rebranded to "Ecologie"
- Updated screenshot
- Front-page call-to-action block
- Styled image captions
- Customizer settings for home call-to-action block, AddThis script URL and AddThis enabled checkbox
- Excluded files not needed in production including this changelog
- Documentation update
- Removed bullet next to "Blogroll"
- Applied :hover to links in footer and sidebar
- Sidebar is now wider
- Sidebar is now opened through a button in menu
- Code cleanup
- More space between widgets in sidebar
- Navbar link color scheme reversed apart from logo text
- Blogroll through old WP Links Manager
- "Lock Sidebar" button reads "UnLock Sidebar" when activated
- Documentation update
- Last bottom link is no longer followed by a pipe
- Sidebar lock is now called as such (simple renaming)
- Added fork of WP's Recent Posts widget
- Links in sidebar are now white
- Code cleanup
- Sidebar and Bootstrap scripts now load in same tag
- Sidebar improvements
- Ability to share blog posts via AddThis
- Bottom menu is now customisable
- Added Youtube support in social buttons widget
- Sidebar now lockable