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File metadata and controls

271 lines (184 loc) · 8.87 KB


This document is the official documentation of Cryptotar and explains everything you need to know about working with the software.

Navigating through documentation:


Installing and building the library

  1. Cloning a repository

    Use 'git' to clone the repository.

    git clone
    cd cryptotar
  2. Choosing the right branch.

    Use 'checkout' for git to go to the library branch.

    git checkout lcryptotar.lib
  3. Creating an assembly folder.

    Create a folder in the branch where you will build the project.

    mkdir build
    cd build
  4. Building a library for your OS.

    • To build a library for macOS (MACOS)

      cmake ..
      cmake --build .
    • To build a library for linux, use the 'LINUX' flag (LINUX)

      cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Linux ..
      cmake --build .
    • You can build the library in DEBUG mode, for this you just need to add the Debug flag, an example of such a build for Linux

      cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Linux ..
      cmake --build .
  5. Using the library.

  • Source file main.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include "cryptotarlib.hpp"
    int main(){
        std::vector<std::string> paths;
        cryptotar tar("arh.ctar", paths);
        return 0;
  • Assembly main.cpp

    • Compilation of the main program (-I<path to library header files)

      g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o -std=c++17 -I/Users/daniilarsentev/project/cryptotar
    • Linking with the library (-L<path to library>)

      g++ main.o -L. -lcryptotar -o main
    • Launching the program


The possibilities of using the library

Header files, constructors and methods:

The main header file that you will use to interact with the library class is cryptotarlib.hpp This header file allows you to create a prototype of the cryptotar class. Basic constructors and methods of the cryptotar class:

cryptotar() = default;
cryptotar(std::string archiveName);
cryptotar(std::string archiveName, std::vector<std::string>& paths);

cryptotar(std::string pathToArhive, std::string ExtractToPath);


ProgressCallback globalProgressCallback = [](size_t bytesRead, size_t fileSize, char* fileName){
    #ifdef DEBUG
        double progress = static_cast<double>(bytesRead) / fileSize * 100.0;
        std::cout << "File: " << fileName << " read: " << bytesRead << " out of " << fileSize << " bytes (" << progress << "%)" << std::endl;

TarHeaderCallback globalTarHeaderCallback = [](TarHeader header, size_t size, char* path){
    #ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Header: " << << " Size: " << size << " Path: " << path << std::endl;             

int addPath(std::string& path);

int openTar(std::string path);
int closeTar();

int unpackTar(std::string pathToArhive, std::string ExtractToPath);

int setBlockSizeWrite(size_t bytes);

void setCryptoModule(std::string pathToModule, std::string key, size_t sizeKey);
void disableCryptoModule();
  • cryptotar() = default; - Default constructor.

  • cryptotar(std::string archiveName); - The constructor for the archiveName string creates and opens an archive for writing data. You will be able to add files in the future using the int addPath(std::string& path); method. Don't forget to close the archive using the closeTar(); method when you finish working with it!

    • Example 1.

      std::string path1 = "file1";
      std::string path2 = "/Users/daniilarsentev/project/testFolde";
      cryptotar myTar("myTar.ctar");
  • cryptotar(std::string archiveName, std::vector<std::string>& paths); - The constructor immediately creates an archive on the archiveName line and starts packing all files and directories that are specified in vector paths containers. The paths to the vector path containers to files and folders can be both relative and can have the full path to the file/directory, do not forget to write the opposite at the beginning of the full path - /. Attention at the end of packing files. The constructor will automatically close the archive!

    • Example 2.

      std::vector<std::string> paths;
      cryptotar tar("arh.ctar", paths);
  • cryptotar(std::string pathToArhive, std::string ExtractToPath); - The constructor for unpacking the tar archive, pathToArhive is a string that indicates the path to the archive (it can be a relative or real path) ExtractToPath is a string that indicates where the unpacking should take place, you can specify as a relative path, for example, to the same directory by specifying - . or to one directory below, specifying - ../ you can also specify the correct path, but do not forget to specify '/' at the beginning and at the end '/' like this - '/Users/daniilarsentev/project/TestFolder/new/'.

    • Example 3.

      cryptotar tarEx("arh.ctar", ".");
  • int unpackTar(std::string pathToArhive, std::string ExtractToPath); - The method allows unpacking archives when initializing a default class. pathToArhive is a string indicating the path to the archive (it can be a relative or real path) ExtractToPath is a string indicating where the unpacking should take place, you can specify as a relative path, for example, to the same directory by specifying - . or to one directory below, by specifying - ../ you can also specify the correct path, but don't forget to specify '/' at the beginning and at the end '/' like this - '/Users/daniilarsentev/project/TestFolder/new/'.

    • Example 4.

      cryptotar tarEx;
      tarEx.unpackTar("arh.ctar", ".");
  • ProgressCallback globalProgressCallback = [](size_t bytesRead, size_t fileSize, char* fileName) -A pointer to the callback function, which you will help to specify your function for returning values during file locking and unpacking.

    • Example 5.

      void customProgress(size_t bytesRead, size_t fileSize) {
        std::cout << "Bytes read: " << bytesRead << std::endl;
      int main(){
          cryptotar tarEx;
          tarEx.globalProgressCallback = customProgress;
          tarEx.unpackTar("arh.ctar", ".");
          return 0;
  • TarHeaderCallback globalTarHeaderCallback = [](TarHeader header, size_t size, char* path) - A pointer to a callback function that is called when unpacking a file, and passes the header of the object (file/folder) where you can already give the data you need, such as hash, size, creation time, changes, and so on...

  • int setBlockSizeWrite(size_t bytes); - The method that sets the number of bytes in the block when unpacking and writing to the archive (By default - 4096).

    • Example 6.

      void customProgress(size_t bytesRead, size_t fileSize) {
        std::cout << "Bytes read: " << bytesRead << std::endl;
      int main(){
          cryptotar tarEx;
          tarEx.globalProgressCallback = customProgress;
          tarEx.unpackTar("arh.ctar", ".");
          return 0;
  • void setCryptoModule(std::string pathToModule, std::string key, size_t sizeKey) - A method that allows you to install a crypto module with which data will be encrypted during packaging and decrypted during unpacking.

    • Example 7.

      std::vector<std::string> paths;
      cryptotar tar("myTar.ctar");
      std::string key = "mykey123";
      tar.setCryptoModule("rc4.cryptomodule", key, key.size());
  • void disableCryptoModule() - The method that disables the cryptomodule.