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microprofile-fault-tolerance: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance

The microprofile-fault-tolerance quickstart demonstrates how to use Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance in WildFly.

One of the challenges brought by the distributed nature of microservices is that communication with external systems is inherently unreliable. This increases demand on resiliency of applications. To simplify making more resilient applications, WildFly contains an implementation of the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.

In this guide, we demonstrate usage of MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations such as @Timeout, @Fallback, @Retry and @CircuitBreaker. The specification also introduces @Bulkhead and @Asynchronous interceptor bindings not covered in this guide.


The application built in this guide simulates a simple backend for a gourmet coffee on-line store. It implements a REST endpoint providing information about coffee samples we have in store.

Let’s imagine, although it’s not implemented as such, that some methods in our endpoint require communication to external services like a database or an external microservice, which introduces a factor of unreliability. This is simulated in our code by intentionally throwing exceptions with certain probability. Then we use the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations to overcome these failures.


Creating an Application from Scratch

In this section we will go through the steps to create a new JAX-RS deployment from scratch and then make it more resilient by using MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations.

Project Generation

First, we need to generate a maven project. Open a terminal and create an empty maven project with following command:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance \
    -DartifactId=microprofile-fault-tolerance \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \
cd microprofile-fault-tolerance

Now, open the project in your favorite IDE.

pom.xml Updates

Next the project’s pom.xml should be updated so the dependencies required by this quickstart are available and so we have a plug-in installed which can deploy the quickstart directly to WildFly.

Add the following properties to the pom.xml:


Also the project can be updated to use Java 8 as the minimum:


Before the dependencies are defined add the following boms:

        <!-- importing the jakartaee8-with-tools BOM adds specs and other useful artifacts as managed dependencies -->
        <!-- importing the microprofile BOM adds MicroProfile specs -->

By using boms the majority of dependencies used within this quickstart align with the version uses by the application server.

The following dependencies can now be added to the project.


Note that all dependencies have the scope provided.

As we are going to be deploying this application to the WildFly server, let’s also add a maven plugin that will simplify working with the application server. Add the following section under configuration:


Now we are ready to start developing an application with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance capabilities.

Preparing an Application: REST Endpoint and CDI Bean

In this section we create a skeleton of our application, so that we have something that we can extend and to which we can add fault tolerance features later on.

First, create a simple entity representing a coffee sample in our store:

package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;

public class Coffee {

    public Integer id;
    public String name;
    public String countryOfOrigin;
    public Integer price;

    public Coffee() {

    public Coffee(Integer id, String name, String countryOfOrigin, Integer price) { = id; = name;
        this.countryOfOrigin = countryOfOrigin;
        this.price = price;

Now, lets expose our JAX-RS application at the context path:

package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;


public class CoffeeApplication extends Application {

Let’s continue with a simple CDI bean, that would work as a repository of our coffee samples.

package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

public class CoffeeRepositoryService {

    private Map<Integer, Coffee> coffeeList = new HashMap<>();

    public CoffeeRepositoryService() {
        coffeeList.put(1, new Coffee(1, "Fernandez Espresso", "Colombia", 23));
        coffeeList.put(2, new Coffee(2, "La Scala Whole Beans", "Bolivia", 18));
        coffeeList.put(3, new Coffee(3, "Dak Lak Filter", "Vietnam", 25));

    public List<Coffee> getAllCoffees() {
        return new ArrayList<>(coffeeList.values());

    public Coffee getCoffeeById(Integer id) {
        return coffeeList.get(id);

    public List<Coffee> getRecommendations(Integer id) {
        if (id == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        return coffeeList.values().stream()
                .filter(coffee -> !id.equals(

Finally, create the org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource class as follows:

package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

public class CoffeeResource {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CoffeeResource.class);

    private CoffeeRepositoryService coffeeRepository;

    private AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);

    public List<Coffee> coffees() {
        final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();

        maybeFail(String.format("CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #%d failed", invocationNumber));

        LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
        return coffeeRepository.getAllCoffees();

    private void maybeFail(String failureLogMessage) {
        if (new Random().nextBoolean()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Resource failure.");

At this point, we expose a single REST method that will show a list of coffee samples in a JSON format. Note that we introduced some fault making code in our CoffeeResource#maybeFail() method, which is going to cause failures in the CoffeeResource#coffees() endpoint method in about 50% of requests.

Build and Deploy the Initial Application

Let’s check that our application works!

  1. Make sure the WildFly server is started as described above.

  2. Open new terminal and navigate to the root directory of your project.

  3. Type the following command to build and deploy the project:

    mvn clean package wildfly:deploy

Then, open http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee in your browser and make a couple of requests. Some requests should show us the list of our coffee samples in JSON, the rest will fail with a RuntimeException thrown in CoffeeResource#maybeFail().

Adding Resiliency: Retries

Let the WildFly server running and in your IDE add the @Retry annotation to the CoffeeResource#coffees() method as follows and save the file:

import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Retry;

public class CoffeeResource {
    @Retry(maxRetries = 4)
    public List<Coffee> coffees() {

Rebuild and redeploy the application in WildFly server:

mvn wildfly:deploy

You can reload the page couple more times. Practically all requests should now be succeeding. The CoffeeResource#coffees() method is still in fact failing in about 50% of cases, but every time it happens the platform automatically retries the call!

To see that the failures still happen, check the output of the development server. The log messages should be similar to these:

18:29:20,901 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #0 failed
18:29:20,901 INFO  [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #1 returning successfully
18:29:21,315 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #0 failed
18:29:21,337 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #1 failed
18:29:21,502 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #2 failed
18:29:21,654 INFO  [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #3 returning successfully

You can see that every time an invocation fails, it’s immediately followed by another invocation, until one succeeds. Since we allowed 4 retries, it would require 5 invocations to fail in a row, in order for the user to be actually exposed to a failure. That is fairly unlikely to happen.

Adding Resiliency: Timeouts

So what else have we got in MicroProfile Fault Tolerance? Let’s look into timeouts.

Add following two methods to our CoffeeResource endpoint and deploy onto the running server.

import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Timeout;
public class CoffeeResource {
    public List<Coffee> recommendations(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();

        try {
            LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
            return coffeeRepository.getRecommendations(id);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOGGER.errorf("CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #%d timed out after %d ms",
                    invocationNumber, System.currentTimeMillis() - started);
            return null;

    private void randomDelay() throws InterruptedException {
        Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(500));

Rebuild and redeploy the application:

mvn wildfly:deploy

We added some new functionality. We want to be able to recommend some related coffees based on a coffee that a user is currently looking at. It’s not a critical functionality, it’s a nice-to-have. When the system is overloaded, and the logic behind obtaining recommendations takes too long to execute, we would rather time out and render the UI without recommendations.

Note that the timeout was configured to 250 ms, and a random artificial delay between 0 and 500 ms was introduced into the CoffeeResource#recommendations() method.

In your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/recommendations and hit reload a couple of times.

You should see some requests time out with org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException. Requests that do not time out should show two recommended coffee samples in JSON.

Adding Resiliency: Fallbacks

Let’s improve the recommendations feature by providing a fallback functionality for the case when a timeout happens.

Add a fallback method to CoffeeResource and a @Fallback annotation to CoffeeResource#recommendations() method as follows:

import java.util.Collections;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback;
public class CoffeeResource {
    @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations")
    public List<Coffee> recommendations(@PathParam("id") int id) {

    public List<Coffee> fallbackRecommendations(int id) {"Falling back to RecommendationResource#fallbackRecommendations()");
        // safe bet, return something that everybody likes
        return Collections.singletonList(coffeeRepository.getCoffeeById(1));

Rebuild and redeploy the application.

Hit reload several times on http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/recommendations. The TimeoutException should not appear anymore. Instead, in case of a timeout, the page will display a single recommendation that we hardcoded in our fallback method fallbackRecommendations(), rather than two recommendations returned by the original method.

Check the server output to see that fallback is really happening:

18:36:01,873 INFO  [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #0 returning successfully
18:36:02,705 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #0 timed out after 253 ms
18:36:02,706 INFO  [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) Falling back to RecommendationResource#fallbackRecommendations()
The fallback method is required to have the same parameters as the original method.

Adding Resiliency: Circuit Breakers

A circuit breaker is useful for limiting number of failures happening in the system, when part of the system becomes temporarily unstable. The circuit breaker records successful and failed invocations of a method, and when the ratio of failed invocations reaches the specified threshold, the circuit breaker opens and blocks all further invocations of that method for a given time.

Add the following code into the CoffeeRepositoryService bean, so that we can demonstrate a circuit breaker in action:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker;

public class CoffeeRepositoryService {

    private AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);

    @CircuitBreaker(requestVolumeThreshold = 4)
    public Integer getAvailability(Coffee coffee) {
        return new Random().nextInt(30);

    private void maybeFail() {
        // introduce some artificial failures
        final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();
        if (invocationNumber % 4 > 1) { // alternate 2 successful and 2 failing invocations
            throw new RuntimeException("Service failed.");

and inject the code below into the CoffeeResource endpoint:

public class CoffeeResource {
    public Response availability(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();

        Coffee coffee = coffeeRepository.getCoffeeById(id);
        // check that coffee with given id exists, return 404 if not
        if (coffee == null) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

        try {
            Integer availability = coffeeRepository.getAvailability(coffee);
            LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#availability() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
            return Response.ok(availability).build();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            String message = e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
            LOGGER.errorf("CoffeeResource#availability() invocation #%d failed: %s", invocationNumber, message);
            return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

Rebuild and redeploy the application.

We added another functionality - the application can return the amount of remaining packages of given coffee on our store (just a random number).

This time an artificial failure was introduced in the CDI bean: the CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability() method is going to alternate between two successful and two failed invocations.

We also added a @CircuitBreaker annotation with requestVolumeThreshold = 4. CircuitBreaker.failureRatio is by default 0.5, and CircuitBreaker.delay is by default 5 seconds. That means that a circuit breaker will open when 2 of the last 4 invocations failed. It will stay open for 5 seconds.

To test this out, do the following:

  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/availability in your browser. You should see a number being returned.

  2. Hit reload, this second request should again be successful and return a number.

  3. Reload two more times. Both times you should see text "RuntimeException: Service failed.", which is the exception thrown by CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability().

  4. Reload a couple more times. Unless you waited too long, you should again see exception, but this time it’s "CircuitBreakerOpenException: getAvailability". This exception indicates that the circuit breaker opened, and the CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability() method is not being called anymore.

  5. Give it 5 seconds during which circuit breaker should close. You should be able to make two successful requests again.

Working with the Completed Quickstart

This section shows how to work with the complete quickstart.

Test the Deployed Application

You can visit following URLs in your browser:


MicroProfile Fault Tolerance allows improving resiliency of your application, without having an impact on the complexity of our business logic.