Eclipse plugins and Dart Editor
In Eclipse, choose Help > Install new software… and add this URL:
Please file issues and feedback using the Github issue tracker.
To check it out:
gclient config
gclient sync
gclient runhooks
To setup your dev workspace:
cd tools/features/
java -jar $ANTJAR -f build_rcp.xml -Declipse.home=$E3HOME setupDevWorkspace
To build plugins:
cd tools/features/
java -jar $ANTJAR -f build.xml -Declipse.home=$E3HOME
To build editor:
cd tools/features/
java -jar $ANTJAR -f build_rcp.xml -Declipse.home=$E3HOME
To commit:
git commit -m 'your message'
git cl upload
<repeat as necessary until lgtm>
git cl land
To resync ...
git pull