A utility for syncing Dart examples for the AngularDart docs (https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular).
Example sources are read from the dart-lang/site-webdev repo and written to individual repos under angular-examples.
For specific commands to use when updating the AngularDart docs and examples, see https://github.com/dart-lang/site-webdev/wiki/Updating-Angular-docs.
Use the example name as an argument. For example:
dart dart_doc_syncer architecture
The --match
option takes a regular expression as an argument.
The dart_doc_syncer
will sync all examples that match the regex.
To sync all examples, you can use .
(dot) as a "match-all" pattern:
dart dart_doc_syncer --match .
dart ~/GITHUB/dart-doc-syncer/bin/dart_doc_syncer.dart --help
Syncs Angular docs example apps.
Usage: dart_doc_syncer [options] [<exampleName> | <examplePath> <exampleRepo>]
-h, --help Show this usage information
-b, --branch <branch-name>
Git branch to fetch webdev and examples from
(defaults to "master")
-n, --dry-run Show which commands would be executed but make (almost) no changes;
only the temporary directory will be created
-f, --force-build Forces build of example app when sources have not changed
-g, --gh-pages-app-dir <path>
Directory in which the generated example apps will be placed (gh-pages branch)
-k, --keep-tmp Do not delete temporary working directory once done
--pub-get Use `pub get` instead of `pub upgrade` before building apps
-p, --[no-]push Prepare updates and push to example repo
(defaults to on)
-m, --match <dart-regexp>
Sync all examples having a data file (.docsync.json)
and whose repo path matches the given regular expression;
use "." to match all
--skip <dart-regexp>
Negative filter applied to the project list created by use of the --match option
--url [dev|main]
Webdev site URL to use in generated README.
(defaults to "main")
-u, --user <user-id>
GitHub id of repo to fetch examples from
(defaults to "dart-lang")
-v, --verbose
--web-compiler <compiler>, either dart2js or dartdevc
(defaults to "dart2js")
-w, --work-dir <path>
Path to a working directory; when unspecified a system-generated path to a temporary directory is used