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Error during migration: Bad state: Unrelated types #45970

insinfo opened this issue May 10, 2021 · 6 comments

Error during migration: Bad state: Unrelated types #45970

insinfo opened this issue May 10, 2021 · 6 comments
area-migration (deprecated) Deprecated: this label is no longer actively used (was: issues with the `dart migrate` tool).


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insinfo commented May 10, 2021

Bad state: Unrelated types: class Object and abstract class FutureOr in (readData ?? (req, res) {if (req.bodyAsObject is! Data) {throw GalileoHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid request body. Expected $Data; found ${req.bodyAsObject} instead.');} else {return req.bodyAsObject as Data;}})

dart migrate
Migrating D:\MyDartProjects\galileo\packages\framework

See for a migration guide.

Analyzing project...
[-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\]No analysis issues found.

Generating migration suggestions...
[---------------------------------------/                                                                                                                                                              ]Aborting migration due to an exception.  This most likely is due to a
bug in the migration tool.  Please consider filing a bug report at:
Please include the SDK version (2.12.4) in your bug report.

To attempt to perform migration anyway, you may re-run with

Exception details:

Bad state: Unrelated types: class Object and abstract class FutureOr<T> at offset 2391 in D:\MyDartProjects\galileo\packages\framework\lib\src\core\service.dart (readData ?? (req, res) {if (req.bodyAsObject is! Data) {throw GalileoHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid request body. Expected $Data; found ${req.bodyAsObject} instead.');} else {return req.bodyAsObject as Data;}})

#0      DecoratedClassHierarchy.getDecoratedSupertype (package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart:67:10)
#1      DecoratedClassHierarchy.asInstanceOf (package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart:38:18)
#2      EdgeBuilder._decorateUpperOrLowerBound (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2108:18)
#3      EdgeBuilder._decorateUpperOrLowerBound (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2070:14)
#4      EdgeBuilder._decorateUpperOrLowerBound (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2154:26)
#5      EdgeBuilder.visitBinaryExpression (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:495:26)
#6      BinaryExpressionImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:967:49)
#7      EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#8      EdgeBuilder._handleAssignment (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2329:20)
#9      EdgeBuilder.visitAssignmentExpression (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:409:26)
#10     AssignmentExpressionImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:715:49)
#11     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#12     EdgeBuilder.visitExpressionStatement (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:801:25)
#13     ExpressionStatementImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:3676:49)
#14     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#15     EdgeBuilder.visitNode (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:1340:9)
#16     GeneralizingAstVisitor.visitStatement (package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart:517:39)
#17     GeneralizingAstVisitor.visitBlock (package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart:165:31)
#18     BlockImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:1083:49)
#19     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#20     EdgeBuilder.visitNode (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:1340:9)
#21     GeneralizingAstVisitor.visitFunctionBody (package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart:324:45)
#22     GeneralizingAstVisitor.visitBlockFunctionBody (package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart:168:55)
#23     BlockFunctionBodyImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:1038:49)
#24     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#25     EdgeBuilder._handleExecutableDeclaration (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2488:7)
#26     EdgeBuilder.visitConstructorDeclaration (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:712:5)
#27     ConstructorDeclarationImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:2566:15)
#28     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#29     EdgeBuilder._dispatchList (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2229:7)
#30     EdgeBuilder.visitClassOrMixinOrExtensionDeclaration (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:607:7)
#31     EdgeBuilder.visitClassDeclaration (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:574:5)
#32     ClassDeclarationImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:1536:49)
#33     EdgeBuilder._dispatch (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:2207:24)
#34     EdgeBuilder.visitNode (package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart:1340:9)
#35     GeneralizingAstVisitor.visitCompilationUnit (package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart:202:51)
#36     CompletenessTracker.visitCompilationUnit.<anonymous closure> (package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/completeness_tracker.dart:52:24)
#37     PermissiveModeVisitor.reportExceptionsIfPermissive (package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/permissive_mode.dart:26:24)
#38     CompletenessTracker.visitCompilationUnit (package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/completeness_tracker.dart:43:5)
#39     CompilationUnitImpl.accept (package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart:2134:49)
#40     NullabilityMigrationImpl.processInput (package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_migration_impl.dart:244:12)
#41     NonNullableFix.processUnit (package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart:164:15)
#42     _FixCodeProcessor.runLaterPhases.<anonymous closure> (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:1154:19)
#43     _FixCodeProcessor.runLaterPhases.<anonymous closure> (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:1152:28)
#44     _FixCodeProcessor.processResources (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:1081:30)
<asynchronous suspension>
#45     _FixCodeProcessor.runLaterPhases (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:1152:5)
<asynchronous suspension>
#46 (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:749:24)
<asynchronous suspension>
#47 (package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart:185:7)
<asynchronous suspension>
#48     CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:196:13)
<asynchronous suspension>
#49     DartdevRunner.runCommand (package:dartdev/dartdev.dart:199:18)
<asynchronous suspension>
#50     runDartdev (package:dartdev/dartdev.dart:53:16)
<asynchronous suspension>
#51     main (file:///C:/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/sdk/pkg/dartdev/bin/dartdev.dart:11:3)
<asynchronous suspension>

PS D:\MyDartProjects\galileo\packages\framework>

* Dart SDK version: 2.12.4 (stable) (Thu Apr 15 12:26:53 2021 +0200) on "windows_x64"
* Windows
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insinfo commented May 10, 2021


library galileo_framework.http.server;

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:galileo_container/galileo_container.dart';
import 'package:galileo_http_exception/galileo_http_exception.dart';
import 'package:galileo_route/galileo_route.dart';
import 'package:galileo_combinator/galileo_combinator.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'controller.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'hooked_service.dart';
import 'request_context.dart';
import 'response_context.dart';
import 'routable.dart';
import 'service.dart';

//final RegExp _straySlashes = RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)');

/// A function that configures an [Galileo] server in some way.
typedef FutureOr<void> GalileoConfigurer(Galileo app);

/// A function that asynchronously generates a view from the given path and data.
typedef FutureOr<String> ViewGenerator(String path, [Map<String, dynamic> data]);

/// A powerful real-time/REST/MVC server class.
class Galileo extends Routable {
  static ViewGenerator noViewEngineConfigured = (String view, [Map data]) => 'No view engine has been configured yet.';

  final List<Galileo> _children = [];
  final Map<String, Tuple4<List, Map<String, dynamic>, ParseResult<RouteResult>, MiddlewarePipeline>> handlerCache =

  Router<RequestHandler> _flattened;
  Galileo _parent;

  /// A global Map of converters that can transform responses bodies.
  final Map<String, Converter<List<int>, List<int>>> encoders = {};

  final Map<dynamic, InjectionRequest> _preContained = {};

  /// A [MimeTypeResolver] that can be used to specify the MIME types of files not known by `package:mime`.
  final MimeTypeResolver mimeTypeResolver = MimeTypeResolver();

  /// A middleware to inject a serialize on every request.
  FutureOr<String> Function(dynamic) serializer;

  /// A [Map] of dependency data obtained via reflection.
  /// You may modify this [Map] yourself if you intend to avoid reflection entirely.
  Map<dynamic, InjectionRequest> get preContained => _preContained;

  /// Returns the [flatten]ed version of this router in production.
  Router<RequestHandler> get optimizedRouter => _flattened ?? this;

  /// Determines whether to allow HTTP request method overrides.
  bool allowMethodOverrides = true;

  /// All child application mounted on this instance.
  List<Galileo> get children => List<Galileo>.unmodifiable(_children);

  final Map<Pattern, Controller> _controllers = {};

  /// A set of [Controller] objects that have been loaded into the application.
  Map<Pattern, Controller> get controllers => _controllers;

  /// Now *deprecated*, in favor of [GalileoEnv] and [galileoEnv]. Use `app.environment.isProduction`
  /// instead.
  /// Indicates whether the application is running in a production environment.
  /// The criteria for this is the `GALILEO_ENV` environment variable being set to
  /// `'production'`.
  /// This value is memoized the first time you call it, so do not change environment
  /// configuration at runtime!
  bool get isProduction => environment.isProduction;

  /// The [GalileoEnvironment] in which the application is running.
  /// By default, it is automatically inferred.
  final GalileoEnvironment environment;

  /// Returns the parent instance of this application, if any.
  Galileo get parent => _parent;

  /// Outputs diagnostics and debug messages.
  Logger logger;

  /// Plug-ins to be called right before server startup.
  /// If the server is never started, they will never be called.
  final List<GalileoConfigurer> startupHooks = [];

  /// Plug-ins to be called right before server shutdown.
  /// If the server is never [close]d, they will never be called.
  final List<GalileoConfigurer> shutdownHooks = [];

  /// Always run before responses are sent.
  /// These will only not run if a response's `willCloseItself` is set to `true`.
  final List<RequestHandler> responseFinalizers = [];

  /// A [Map] of application-specific data that can be accessed by any
  /// piece of code that can see this [Galileo] instance.
  /// Packages like `package:galileo_configuration` populate this map
  /// for you.
  final Map configuration = {};

  /// A function that renders views.
  /// Called by [ResponseContext]@`render`.
  ViewGenerator viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured;

  /// The handler currently configured to run on [GalileoHttpException]s.
  Function(GalileoHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) errorHandler =
      (GalileoHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
    if (!req.accepts('text/html', strict: true) &&
        (req.accepts('application/json') || req.accepts('application/javascript'))) {

    res.contentType = MediaType('text', 'html', {'charset': 'utf8'});
    res.statusCode = e.statusCode;
    res.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>${e.message}</title>");

    for (String error in e.errors) {


  Route<RequestHandler> addRoute(String method, String path, RequestHandler handler,
      {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware}) {
    middleware ??= [];
    if (_flattened != null) {
      logger?.warning('WARNING: You added a route ($method $path) to the router, after it had been optimized.');
      logger?.warning('This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.');

    return super.addRoute(method, path, handler, middleware: middleware ?? []);

  mount(String path, Router<RequestHandler> router) {
    if (_flattened != null) {
      logger?.warning('WARNING: You added mounted a child router ($path) on the router, after it had been optimized.');
      logger?.warning('This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.');

    if (router is Galileo) {
      router._parent = this;

    return super.mount(path.toString(), router);

  /// Loads some base dependencies into the service container.
  void bootstrapContainer() {
    if (runtimeType != Galileo) {


  /// Shuts down the server, and closes any open [StreamController]s.
  /// The server will be **COMPLETELY DEFUNCT** after this operation!
  Future close() {
    Future.forEach(services.values, (Service service) {

    viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured;
    //_serializer = json.encode;
    _parent = null;
    logger = null;
    _flattened = null;
    return Future.value();

  void dumpTree(
      {callback(String tree), String header = 'Dumping route tree:', String tab = '  ', bool showMatchers = false}) {
    if (environment.isProduction) {
      _flattened ??= flatten(this);

          callback: callback,
          header: header?.isNotEmpty == true
              ? header
              : (environment.isProduction ? 'Dumping flattened route tree:' : 'Dumping route tree:'),
          tab: tab ?? '  ');
    } else {
          callback: callback,
          header: header?.isNotEmpty == true
              ? header
              : (environment.isProduction ? 'Dumping flattened route tree:' : 'Dumping route tree:'),
          tab: tab ?? '  ');

  Future getHandlerResult(handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
    if (handler is RequestHandler) {
      var result = handler(req, res);
      return getHandlerResult(result, req, res);

    if (handler is Future) {
      return handler.then((result) => getHandlerResult(result, req, res));

    if (handler is Function) {
      var result = runContained(handler, req, res);
      return getHandlerResult(result, req, res);

    if (handler is Stream) {
      return getHandlerResult(handler.toList(), req, res);

    return Future.value(handler);

  /// Runs some [handler]. Returns `true` if request execution should continue.
  Future<bool> executeHandler(handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
    return getHandlerResult(handler, req, res).then((result) {
      if (result == null) {
        return false;
      } else if (result is bool) {
        return result;
      } else if (result != null) {
        return res.serialize(result);
      } else {
        return res.isOpen;

  /// Attempts to find a property by the given name within this application.
  findProperty(key) {
    if (configuration.containsKey(key)) return configuration[key];
    return parent != null ? parent.findProperty(key) : null;

  /// Runs several optimizations, *if* [galileoEnv.isProduction] is `true`.
  /// * Preprocesses all dependency injection, and eliminates the burden of reflecting handlers
  /// at run-time.
  /// * [flatten]s the route tree into a linear one.
  /// You may [force] the optimization to run, if you are not running in production.
  void optimizeForProduction({bool force = false}) {
    if (environment.isProduction || force == true) {
      _flattened ??= flatten(this);
      logger?.info('Galileo is running in production mode.');

  /// Run a function after injecting from service container.
  /// If this function has been reflected before, then
  /// the execution will be faster, as the injection requirements were stored beforehand.
  Future runContained(Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, [Container container]) {
    return Future.sync(() {
      if (_preContained.containsKey(handler)) {
        return handleContained(handler, _preContained[handler], container)(req, res);

      return runReflected(handler, req, res, container);

  /// Runs with DI, and *always* reflects. Prefer [runContained].
  Future runReflected(Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, [Container container]) {
    container ??= req?.container ?? res?.app?.container;
    var h = handleContained(handler, _preContained[handler] = preInject(handler, container.reflector), container);
    return Future.sync(() => h(req, res));
    // return   closureMirror.apply(args).reflectee;

  /// Applies an [GalileoConfigurer] to this instance.
  Future configure(GalileoConfigurer configurer) {
    return Future.sync(() => configurer(this));

  /// Shorthand for using the [container] to instantiate, and then mount a [Controller].
  /// Returns the created controller.
  /// Just like [Container].make, in contexts without properly-reified generics (dev releases of Dart 2),
  /// provide a [type] argument as well.
  /// If you are on `Dart >=2.0.0`, simply call `mountController<T>()`.
  Future<T> mountController<T extends Controller>([Type type]) {
    var controller = container.make<T>(type);
    return configure(controller.configureServer).then((_) => controller);

  /// Shorthand for calling `all('*', handler)`.
  Route<RequestHandler> fallback(RequestHandler handler) {
    return all('*', handler);

  HookedService<Id, Data, T> use<Id, Data, T extends Service<Id, Data>>(String path, T service) { = this;
    return super.use(path, service) = this;

  static const String _reflectionErrorMessage = ThrowingReflector.defaultErrorMessage + ' ' + _reflectionInfo;

  static const String _reflectionInfo =
      'Features like controllers, constructor dependency injection, and `ioc` require reflection, '
      'and will not work without it.\n\n'
      'For more, see the documentation:\n'

      {Reflector reflector = const ThrowingReflector(errorMessage: _reflectionErrorMessage),
      this.environment = galileoEnv,
      this.allowMethodOverrides = true,
      : super(reflector) {
    if (reflector is EmptyReflector || reflector is ThrowingReflector) {
      var msg = 'No `reflector` was passed to the Galileo constructor, so reflection will not be available.\n' +

    viewGenerator ??= noViewEngineConfigured;
    serializer ??= json.encode;

@mit-mit mit-mit changed the title Bad state: Unrelated types: class Object and abstract class FutureOr<T> in (readData ?? (req, res) {if (req.bodyAsObject is! Data) {throw GalileoHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Invalid request body. Expected $Data; found ${req.bodyAsObject} instead.');} else {return req.bodyAsObject as Data;}}) Error during migration: Bad state: Unrelated types May 11, 2021
@mit-mit mit-mit added the area-migration (deprecated) Deprecated: this label is no longer actively used (was: issues with the `dart migrate` tool). label May 11, 2021
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Note: #45663 has a similar stack trace and might be the same issue.

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@insinfo were you able to make progress on the migration by supplying the --ignore-exceptions flag when running the migration tool?

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insinfo commented May 25, 2021

I didn't make any progress in the migration of this package (, because after using the tool I have many errors and problems, and it doesn't run the tests

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srawlins commented Aug 4, 2022

I think a duplicate of #45663

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As of 1c7fe71, the null safety migration tool has been removed from active development and retired. No further work on the tool is planned.

If you still need help, or you believe this issue has been closed in error, please feel free to reopen.

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area-migration (deprecated) Deprecated: this label is no longer actively used (was: issues with the `dart migrate` tool).
None yet

No branches or pull requests

4 participants