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Releases: dart-lang/tools

package:unified_analytics v5.0.0

24 Oct 16:07
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  • Update to the latest version of package:dart_flutter_team_lints
  • Using internal futures list to store send events
  • Added the Event.doctorValidatorResult constructor

Potential breaking changes due to the function signature changing for the Analytics.send and Analytics.close methods.

package:cli_config v0.1.2

29 Sep 07:09
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  • Add usage docs to the readme.
  • Require Dart 3.0.

package:unified_analytics v4.0.1

28 Sep 12:12
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  • Adding constant for the NoOpAnalytics instance client ID to enable clients to reference it in tests


19 Sep 13:48
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  • Enhanced LogFileStats data to include information about flutter channel counts and tool counts
  • Added new method to suppress telemetry collection temporarily for current invocation via analytics.suppressTelemetry()
  • Added SurveyHandler feature to Analytics instance to fetch available surveys from remote endpoint to display to users along with functionality to dismiss them
  • Surveys will be disabled for any users that have been opted out
  • Shipping FakeAnalytics for clients of this tool that need to ensure workflows are sending events in tests
  • Adding getter to Analytics instance to fetch the client ID being sent to GA4

Potential breaking change for clients using this package that implement Analytics since there is a new instance getter for clientId

package:extension_discovery v2.0.0 Latest

01 Sep 17:39
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  • Use extension/<package>/config.yaml instead of
    extension/<package>/config.json for better consistency with other tooling.
  • Require that the top-level value in extension/<package>/config.yaml is
    always a Map, and that the structure can be converted to a JSON equivalent

package:extension_discovery v1.0.1

28 Aug 20:53
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  • Support optional packageUri.- Improve error messaging for package_config.json parsing.- Update the package description.


23 Jun 19:40
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  • Allow latest package versions for file and http
  • Introducing new Event class that will standardize what event data can be sent with each event
  • Deprecating the sendEvent method in favor of the send method

Breaking change has been introduced when swapping Analytics.sendEvent() for Analytics.send() with a new Event class for .send()


01 Jun 14:37
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  • Refactoring dateStamp utility function to be defined in utils.dart instead of having static methods in Initializer and ConfigHandler
  • Remove the pddFlag now that the revisions to the PDD have been finalized to persist data in the log file and session json file
  • Opting out will now delete the contents of the CLIENT ID, session json, and log files; opting back in will regenerate them as events send
  • enableAsserts parameter added to constructors for Analytics to check body of POST request for Google Analytics 4 limitations
  • Now checking if write permissions are enabled for user's home directory, if not allowed, NoOpAnalytics returned by Analytics factory constructor

Breaking change introduced when changing the default constructor for Analytics to remove overrides. This change is due to the revision of the privacy document being approved.


24 May 06:39
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  • Update package repository after move.


17 Apr 22:14
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  • Added a okToSend getter so that clients can easily and accurately check the state of the consent mechanism.
  • Initialize the config file with user opted out if user was opted out in legacy Flutter and Dart analytics