This package is a plugin for yt that adds a frontend for ASPECT unstructured mesh output in .pvtu format. It also includes a general .pvtu frontend.
Use pip to install:
pip install yt-aspect
To install a development version, clone this repository, cd
into the clone and then install locally with
pip install -e .
A number of dependencies will be installed for you, including yt
if you don't already have it.
To load a single timestep:
import yt
ds = yt.load('output_convection_box_3d/solution/solution-00000.pvtu')
From there, you can work with the dataset as a normal yt dataset (though not all functionality will work -- open an issue here if something you need doesn't work!). Until there are ASPECT specific examples in this repository, check out the main yt documentation for examples.
This is still in an experimental stage, so you will likely find bugs and missing features! Feel free to open an issue, contact us via slack or submit pull requests.