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252 lines (166 loc) · 8.85 KB

Metro Board Reports

Metro Board Reports helps the Los Angeles community understand the activities of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) – a government agency that consists of several Board Members, who set policy, coordinate, plan, fund, build, and operate transit services and transportation programs throughout LA County.

The Metro Board Reports site monitors all things related to the Metro Board of Directors:

  • the board reports introduced and passed
  • its various committees and the meetings they hold
  • the board members themselves

This site ultimately encourages greater public dialogue and increased awareness about transportation issues in LA County.

Metro Board Reports is a member of the Councilmatic family. Learn how to build your own Councilmatic site!


Install OS level dependencies:

  • Python 3.4
  • PostgreSQL 9.4 +

Install app requirements

We recommend using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for working in a virtualized development environment. Read how to set up virtualenv.

Once you have virtualenvwrapper set up, run the following in your terminal:

mkvirtualenv la-metro
git clone
cd la-metro-councilmatic
pip install -r requirements.txt

Afterwards, whenever you want to use this virtual environment, run workon la-metro.

Special installation requirements

Metro runs a custom script that converts board-report attachments into plaintext. The script uses textract for conversions. Mac users can follow the instructions given by textract.

For Ubuntu users and on the server, the textract installation instructions require a little remediation. Follow these steps:

(1) Install all the dependencies.

(2) textract fails when installing pocketsphinx. Happily, textract does not need this dependency for converting PDFs or word documents into plain text. This issue offers a script that installs a "fake pocketsphinx". Do as the issue instructs.

(3) You're ready! Inside your virtualenv execute: pip install textract==1.6.1.

Create your settings file

cp councilmatic/ councilmatic/

Then edit councilmatic/

  • USER should be your username

Setup your database

Before we can run the website, we need to create a database.

createdb lametro

Then, run migrations:

python migrate

Create an admin user. Terminal will prompt you to provide a username, email, and password. This superuser has access to the Django admin backend.

python createsuperuser

Import data

Every hour, DataMade scrapes the Legistar Web API and makes the results available on the Open Civic Data API, which hosts standardized data patterns about government organizations, people, legislation, and events. Metro Board Reports relies upon this data.

The django-councilmatic app comes with an import_data management command, which populates your database with content loaded from the OCD API. You can explore the nitty-gritty of this code here.

Run the import_data command, which may take a few minutes, depending on volume:

python import_data

By default, the import_data command carefully looks at the OCD API; it is a smart management command. If you already have bills loaded, it will not look at everything on the API - it will look at the most recently updated bill in your database, see when that bill was last updated on the OCD API, and then look through everything on the API that was updated after that point. If you'd like to load things that are older than what you currently have loaded, you can run the import_data management command with a --delete option, which removes everything from your database before loading.

The import_data command has some more nuance than the description above, for the different types of data it loads. If you have any questions, open up an issue and pester us to write better documentation.

Once you've imported the data, create the cache, then you're all set!

python createcachetable

Run Metro Board Reports locally

Run the following in terminal:

python runserver

Then, navigate to http://localhost:8000/.

Solr Search

Get setup

LA Metro containerizes Solr with Docker. Be sure you have Docker on your local machine, and then, follow these steps.

  1. Peek inside the docker-compose.yml file. It has configurations for two solr containers: staging and production. Staging runs on port 8986, and production runs on port 8985. Use 8986 (lametro-staging) for local development. Specify it in
# councilmatic/

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine',
        'URL': '',
  1. Now, run docker!
docker-compose up solr-staging

Regenerate Solr schema

Did you make a change to the schema file that Solr uses to make its magic (solr_configs/conf/schema.xml)? Did you add a new field or adjust how solr indexes data? If so, you need to take a few steps – locally and on the server.

Local development

First, remove the solr container.

# view all containers
docker ps -a

# remove solr containers built with docker-compose up
docker-compose down

# build the container anew
docker-compose up solr-{{deployment}}

Then, rebuild your index.

python rebuild_index

Finally, prepare for deployment: move your new schema to solr_scripts.

cp solr_configs/conf/schema.xml solr_scripts/schema.xml

On the Sever

The Dockerized versions of Solr on the server need your attention, too. Follow these steps.

  1. Deploy the schema changes on the staging server.
  2. Shell into the server, and go to the lametro-staging repo.

# Do not switch to the DataMade user!
# Docker requires sudo priviliges
cd /home/datamade/lametro-staging
  1. Remove and rebuild the Solr container.
# We need to stop the container before removing it!
sudo docker stop lametro-staging-solr  
sudo docker rm lametro-staging-solr

# -d is the daemon flag
sudo docker-compose up -d solr-staging
  1. Log in as the datamade user.
sudo su - datamade
  1. Rebuild the index for the staging server:
workon lametro-staging
python rebuild_index --batch-size=200

Did everything work as expected? Great - now onto the production site.

Make sure your changes are deployed to the production server (i.e. you've cut a release with your changes).

  1. Look at the times cron tasks are run (specified in scripts/lametro-crontasks), and plan to rebuild the index inbetween those times. Rebuilding the index will take a few minutes, so plan accordingly.
  2. As above: shell into the server, go to the lametro repo, then remove and rebuild the Solr container.
cd /home/datamade/lametro

sudo docker stop lametro-production-solr  
sudo docker rm lametro-production-solr

sudo docker-compose up -d solr-production
  1. Switch to the datamade user and rebuild the index.
workon lametro
python rebuild_index --batch-size=200

Nice! The production server should have the newly edited schema and freshly built index, ready to search, filter, and facet.

A note on tests

LA Metro Councilmatic has a basic test suite. If you need to run it, simply run:



  • Forest Gregg, DataMade - Open Civic Data (OCD) and Legistar scraping
  • Eric van Zanten, DataMade - search and dev ops
  • Regina Compton, DataMade - developer

Errors / Bugs

If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here:

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
  • Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2017 DataMade. Released under the MIT License.