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257 lines (180 loc) · 19.1 KB

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257 lines (180 loc) · 19.1 KB


Required dependencies
Download and compile
Preparing input files
     Important notice on restarting simulations
Output files
     Velocity fields (Dati.cart*.out)
     Why do we only store positive wavenumbers in the x direction?
     Guidelines for usage/development
Advanced: conditional compiler flags

An exceptionally simple tool for Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in cartesian geometry, adapted from the engine by Luchini & Quadrio, J. Comp. Phys. (2006) and designed under the "Keep It Simple, Stupid" principle.

Turbulent Couette flow
at a friction Reynolds number of Reτ=500
3 752 787 600 DoF

The code has been explicitly designed for shortness, compactness and simplicity, while still being parallel. Simplicity is preferred over excessive optimization. The code is optimized for reasonable parallel performance on up to O(2000) cores in 1024^3-sized problems. The main features are:

  • simple: written with simplicity in mind
  • compact: consists of ~ 500 lines
  • parallel: two-dimensional pencil decomposition with MPI
  • elegant: data transposition with MPI interleaved datatypes and nonblocking communication
  • validated: based on the engine developed by Luchini & Quadrio, J. Comp. Phys. (2006)
  • GNU Make
  • MPI: version 3.1 or above with exposed mpi_f08 Fortran interface
  • FFTW: version 3.x or above
  • FORTRAN: any fortran f08 compliant compiler
  • Postprocessing only: the Python utilities included in this repository require the channel python package (andyandreolli/channel_pytools). This can be installed with:
pip install git+

Once you have all required dependencies listed above, acquire the source code by cloning the git repository:

git clone

Then, generate the compiler.settings file with the command:

make configure

After adjusting this file as desired (e.g. with your compiler of choice and, where needed, the position of the FFTW library), compiling the code is as easy as hitting


You can edit the compiler.settings also to use custom compiler flags. A preset of flags for debugging is also provided.

The directory in which channel is called must contain the following files:

  • (always)
  • Dati.cart.out (contains initial conditions, always needed; if absent, initial conditions are generated)
  • Runtimedata (optional; this is actually an output file)

We distinguish two use cases for this program. The user chooses one of these two cases with a boolean value time_from_restart in (see end of section).

  1. A new simulation is started (time_from_restart = .FALSE.). In this case, the time of the simulation starts from zero. The initial condition is read from Dati.cart.out; if this file is absent, a initial condition is generated.
  2. An old simulation is continued (time_from_restart = .TRUE.). The time of this new run starts from the last time of the previous run, which is read from Dati.cart.out. Also, the last velocity field of the previous run is read from Dati.cart.out, which will be used as the first velocity field of this new run.

In essence, Dati.cart.out always contains the initial field for the current run, also when an old simulation is continued. As for Runtimedata, any Runtimedata file present in the directory where channel is called is overwritten, if time_from_restart is false (case 1). Otherwise (case 2, time_from_restart = .TRUE.), new timesteps will be appended at the end of the file if it exists; a new one will be create if it doesn't. Notice that Runtimedata is an output file containing simple statistics for each timestep; read more about it in the output section. Please make sure to read the notice about restarting a simulation, as it contains useful information for both Dati.cart.out and Runtimedata.

A file must be present in the directory channel is called from. Its structure needs to be something like this:

191 384 189                     ! nx, ny, nz
0.5d0 1.0d0                     ! alfa0 beta0  
12431.d0                        ! ni
1.5d0 0.0d0 2.0d0               ! a, ymin, ymax
.TRUE. 1 0.161436d0             ! CPI, CPItype, gamma
0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! meanpx, meanpz
0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! meanflowx meanflowz
0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! u0 uN
0.00d0 1.0d0 0.0d0              ! deltat, cflmax, t0
30.d0 30.d0 7000.d0 .TRUE.      ! dt_field, dt_save, t_max, time_from_restart
999999                          ! nstep
12                              ! npy
  • nx and nz are the number of modes in the statistically homogeneous x and z directions respectively. The corrisponding number of points in physical space used for simulation is 2nx+1 and 2nz+1; however, this code is spectral, so x and z directions are in a spectral domain. Hence, the actual number of x-modes stored in memory is nx+1 thanks to the Fourier transform of a real velocity field being Hermitian. The number of z-modes is still 2nz+1. See domain.
  • ny is the number of points in the wall-normal y direction; the actual number of points, including walls, will be ny+1. However, the number of y points stored in memory is ny+3 due to the presence of ghost cells. See domain.
  • ni is the scaling Reynolds number at which the simulation is performed.
  • ymin, ymax specify the y coordinates of the walls; a is a parameter determining how points are distributed in the domain. See domain.
  • CPI is a flag that activates (if true) or deactivates constant-power-input-like forcing; this option has been designed for Poiseuille flows (with still walls), thus it will provide wrong results if the walls are moving (Couette flow). CPItype specifies the type of CPI-like forcing. CPI = 0 corresponds to a standard constant power input; in this case, gamma represents the fraction of power passed to the control, while the user should specify the desired power input by setting ni to be the power Reynolds number as in here. Otherwise, CPI = 1 provides a constant ratio between laminar dissipation and total power input; the definition for laminar dissipation can still be found here. In such case, the value of laminar dissipation is provided as variable gamma; the Reynolds number is arbitrary
  • meanpx and meanpz prescribe a pressure gradient in the x and z directions; no pressure gradient is imposed if zero.
  • meanflowx and meanflowz prescribe a flow rate in the x and z directions; no flow rate is imposed if zero.
  • u0 and uN represent a boundary condition; they are the x-component of the velocity at the walls.
  • t0 prescribes the initial time instant for the simulation; such value is not used if time_from_restart on next line is true.
  • User can either specify a timestep deltat or prescribe a maximum CFL (cflmax).
  • dt_field specifies after how many time units a new snapshot is saved; the so saved snapshots can be used to calculate statistics.
  • dt_save specifies after how many time units a restart file Dati.cart.out is generated. This cannot be used to calculate statistics.
  • time_from_restart is a boolean flag. If false, the restart file Dati.cart.out is used as the initial condition for the simulation, and the value t0 is used as the initial value of time. If true, the initial value of time is read from the restart file.
  • tmax and nstep specify respectively the final value of time and the maximum number of steps that one wants to achieve in a given run. After either of these two trhesholds is reached, execution is terminated.
  • npy indicates in how many chunks the domain is divided in the y direction for parallelisation. See parallelisation.

When the program reaches the maximum time or the maximum number of steps (which are specified in, execution is interrupted and the last instant of time of the simulation is written to Dati.cart.out. So, if the previous simulation did reach maximum time or maximum iterations, the simulation can be restarted by just changing time_from_restart to .TRUE. in (also possibly increasing t_max in The user does not have to manually modify Dati.cart.out.

However, if the previous run of the simulation did not reach either of the maximum time of the maximum iterations (for instance, if the simulation was stopped with CTRL+C or because of the wall-time limit on a cluster), the program will not update Dati.cart.out - which will remain the one of the previous simulation. So, if the user does not change Dati.cart.out, the new run will be in fact a repetition of the previous run. To avoid this, it is suggested that the user copies the last valid Dati.cart.xx.out to Dati.cart.out (making sure that such file is not corrupted, which is, that execution wasn't stopped while such file was being written). The simulation will start then from the time of Dati.cart.xx.out; we will call this time Tx.

Notice that the Runtimedata file will contain data about timesteps which come after Tx (because Runtimedata is written at each time step, and the previous run most likely performed quite some time steps after writing Dati.cart.xx.out). The program automatically recognises this: data at times greater than Tx are deleted from Runtimedata, and then the program simply continues to append to such file as usual.

This program is parallelised with distributed memory, meaning that computations are divided among different processes which communicate one with each other; each process has access to only a limited portion of data. More specifically, the simulation domain is divided into parts, each of which is given to a different process. Partitioning of the domain can be done:

  1. in the statistically homogeneous x and z directions (both wall-parallel);
  2. in the wall-normal direction y. The number of subdivisions in the x/z directions is stored in variable npxz; the number of subdivisions in the wall-normal direction y is instead stored in npy. The total number of processes is thus:
number_of_proc = npxz*npy

where npy is specified in, whereas npxz is automatically calculated from the number of processes. The number of processes is specified when the program is called. See input files and running.

The main program channel must be run with mpi, in the following fashion:

mpirun -np number_of_proc /path/to/channel

where number_of_proc is indeed the number of processes used for parallel execution and must be specified by the user. The user thus specifies npy and number_of_proc; the program thus calculates npxz (see parallelisation for more on npxz and npy). The total number of processes must be chosen so that npxz is a divisor of nx+1 and nzd; nzd is printed out at the beginning of execution.

Hint: nzd is always a power of 2 multiplied by 3; no other prime factors appear.

The user starts the program channel in a generic directory; we will refer to this directory as CWD (current working directory). This program stores all output files in CWD. These files are:

  • the Runtimedata file
  • a series of Dati.cart.ii.out files
  • additional files, depending on conditional formatting (missing doc; for instance, immersed boundaries or body-forcing terms)
  • a new version of Dati.cart.out which overwrites the one used to start the simulation; keep in mind that this is actually an input file. The new Dati.cart.out contains the last instant of time of the simulation, and gets written only if maximum time (t_max) or maximum iterations (n_max) are reached. Also read this.

Runtimedata is an ASCII file that gets written at each timestep; every line corresponds to an instant of time. Every column contains instead a different physical quantity. The column can be summarised as:

 time, dudy_bottom, dudy_top, dwdy_bottom, dwdy_top, fr_x, dpdx, fr_z, dpdz, XXX, deltat

Here we separated names by commas, but values in Runtimedata are actually only separated by spaces/tabs.

  • time quite obviously is the simulation time; units inferred from
  • dudy_xxx and dwdy_xxx refer to the wall-normal gradients of the stream-wise (u) or span-wise (w) velocity components respectively; top and bottom correspond to the two different walls. Notice that data at the top wall is here changed in sign (so, at the top wall, -dudy is being written on Runtimedata).
  • fr_xxx refers to the flow rate in the stream- (x) or span-wise direction.
  • dpdx and dpdz are the pressure gradients in the stream- and span-wise directions respectively.
  • XXX I don't know what this is, seriously. FIXME
  • deltat is the difference between the next time (the time of the next line) and the current one.

Dati.cart.out and all the Dati.cart.ii.out files are binary. They contain a header and a velocity field.

The header consists in 3 integers (nx, ny, nz) and seven double-precision floating point numbers (alfa0, beta0, ni, a, ymin, ymax, time). All of the variables dumped in the velocity-field-file are the same as, except for time, which indicates the simulation time of the velocity field being saved. Double-precision floating point numbers occupy 8 bytes each on disk; as for the integers, they usually take 4 bytes each. However, the size in bytes of an integer is not standardised, so it should be verified by the user for each machine/compiler. If indeed each integer takes 4 bytes on a given machine, the total length of the header is 68 bytes.

As for the velocity field, it is a 4-dimensional array of double-precision complex numbers. Each complex number thus occupies 16 bytes on disk. Please check section domain for info about the velocity field.

The simulation domain is three-dimensional; however, one dimension (the y-direction, wall-normal) refers to physical space, whereas the other two (x and z) refer to a Fourier domain. In other words, this code is spectral, as the unknowns of the simulation are Fourier-transformed in the stream- (x) and span-wise (z) directions. Consider for instance the velocity field; this is a four-dimensional array with indices:

V(iy,iz,ix,ic) ! FORTRAN order or column-major order 

The above is meant as FORTRAN ordering of the indices, meaning that iy is the index that changes the fastest in memory. BE CAREFUL: if you are using C, or any other language that uses row-major order of the indices, the order of indices must be reversed, namely V(ic,ix,iz,iy). The iy index refers to the wall-normal (y) position in physical space, ix, iz refer to the stream- (x) and span-wise (z) Fourier modes.

  1. Index ix has dimension nx+1 and bounds (0,nx); bounds are inclusive. Let kx be the wavenumber ("Fourier variable") in the x direction; then, kx=alfa0*ix. For alfa0, see the
  2. Index iz has dimension 2*nz + 1 and bounds (-nz,nz); bounds are inclusive. Let kz be the wavenumber ("Fourier variable") in the z direction; then, kz=beta0*iz. For beta0, see the
  3. Index iy has dimension ny+3 and bounds (-1,ny+1); bounds are inclusive. Points iy=-1 and iy=ny+1 correspond to ghost cells, whereas iy=0 and iy=ny are the two walls of the channel, located at positions ymin and ymax respectively. In general, if y is the wall-normal spatial coordinate, it holds:
y(iy) = ymin + 0.5*(ymax-ymin)*(tanh(a*(2*iy/ny-1)) / tanh(a) + 1)

where ymin, ymax, a are defined in

Bounds of indeces are custom-defined in this program. This means, that indeces of arrays do not always start from 1, as it is normal in FORTRAN; sometimes, they are redefined, so that indeces start from 0 or some negative integer.
Re-defining index bounds is not always possible; for instance, if you are writing a Python script (or a C program) that reads output from this program, always remember that indices start from zero. Practically speaking, if you consider index iz, index iz=-nz in FORTRAN will be iz=0 in C/Python; index iz=nz in FORTRAN will correspond to index iz=2*nx in C/Python.


The following rules/guidelines apply to all postprocessing tools (at least, the ones written in FORTRAN).

  • When running the postprocessing tool, the current working directory (CWD) should be a subfolder of the directory containing the simulation. That is, the parent folder of CWD needs to contain the, the Dati.cart.*.out files and Runtimedata.
  • The above mentioned sub-folder contains output and inputs that are specific to the postprocessing executable (eg., a settings file that is only used by the postprocessing executable).
  • Instructions on how to run the executable can be accessed by running it with a flag -h.
  • All inputs and arguments must be written to a .nfo file.
  • At the end of execution, a string "EXECUTION COMPLETED ON ..." is appended to the .nfo file.
  • The executable should check presence of input file, and abort if some is missing.
  • The executable can be compiled from the Makefile in the root channel folder.



Dr. Davide Gatti
davide.gatti [at]
msc.davide.gatti [at]

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Kaiserstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe